Income Calendar

The Easiest Way to Track and Forecast Your Future Dividend Income

I have one more special offer I want to share with you before we get to your new account…

It’s called Income Calendar and it’s a one-stop shop for all of your dividend tracking and forecasting needs.

And right here — only on this page — is your chance to try it out risk-free at the lowest annual price we’ve ever offered.

It’s time to say goodbye to those spreadsheets once and for all!

Income Calendar is like having a personal assistant tracking each and every dividend payment we’re owed, from declaration to ex date to receipt. Or, in 2024-speak, an “AI assistant” that is here to help you manage your payout collection program.

It’s a dividend dream!

Check out the dividend portfolio I created from a dozen high-paying tickers that we have discussed at Contrarian Outlook in recent months.

12-Month Income Projections… Instantly!

It took me about five minutes to set up and in just a few clicks I can see that it will deliver $42,895.16 in dividend payments over the next 12 months. This is based on a hypothetical $500,000 portfolio. Which of course we can scale down or up as we buy, sell and build more wealth.

Take a look at that 12-pack dividend portfolio I typed in. As you can see it’s easy to add new stocks and funds and to edit share counts:

It’s Easy to Edit an Income Calendar Portfolio

I hit Edit Share Count to change a position size. Or Remove if I sell something.

There’s even a “DRIP mode” that smartly adjusts share counts for reinvested dividends!

Import Entire Portfolios from Contrarian Outlook Services

It’s easy to import an entire portfolio from any of your Contrarian Outlook services, including Contrarian Income Report, Hidden Yields, Dividend Swing Trader and CEF Insider.

Your Income Calendar account will automatically include shortcut links to all of the services you subscribe to. It’s literally one click to pull in the active roster from any of our publications:

But that’s not all. You can even…

Import Directly From Your Brokerage Account!

That’s right, we have  integrated IC with Plaid, a service that safely and securely links up to your brokerage account and imports all your tickers and share counts—so you don’t have to do any inputting at all.

When I first tested the new integration, I was blown away with how easy it was. I had my Charles Schwab account connected to Income Calendar with just a few clicks. It was really easy to import the tickers and share counts of my current holdings into IC.

A Slew of Other Customizable Features

I could go on and on but honestly this tool is really easy to use and it’s loaded with additional features, including…

Real-Time Email Alerts

“Week Ahead” Summary Updates by Email

Projected Dividend Income, by Month…

Calendar View with Color-Coded Events

12-Month Projected Dividend Summary, by Position

This is a lot of information to keep track of! How does Income Calendar manage it all?

Let’s talk about the smartest system this side of ChatGPT…

Why Income Calendar is So “Smart”

While Income Calendar can’t exactly predict the future, it can infer likely dividend outcomes quite well. IC’s secret is some pretty serious horsepower that we have under the hood of this incredible tool.

Through an exclusive partnership with our sister company, TickerTech, we’ve developed a proprietary algorithm that’s constantly crunching current & past dividends for the entire universe of US stocks. It scours every press release that comes out from every publicly traded company (including preferreds stocks) and records new dividends as they’re announced.

From there, Income Calendar annualizes the most recent payouts for forward assumptions, with estimated payout dates based on historical trends.

But explaining “how” Income Calendar works doesn’t really do it justice until you “see” for yourself.

As our newest CIR member, I want you to take it for a test drive —100% risk-free — at the lowest annual rate we’ve ever offered…

The regular price for 1 full year of access to Income Calendar is $129, and we occasionally offer it to new users for as little as $79.

But right here — only on this page — you can try it out for just $59.

That’s a savings of nearly 55% off the regular price!

And as with all of our products, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If it doesn’t meet your needs for any reason whatsoever, we’ll happily and quickly provide you with a full refund.

Your special new-member discount is only available on this page, but I’m sure you’ll love IC as much as I do, and your trial is 100% risk-free. Again, please click here to claim your this one-time special offer.

Yours in profits,

Brett Owens Signature

Brett Owens
Chief Investment Strategist
Contrarian Outlook

P.S. – This offer expires once you leave this page, but your 60-day money back guarantee means you have nothing to lose.

Don’t miss out. Lock in this exclusive membership upgrade right now!