Income Plays That Will

Thrive in Up, Down

or Sideways Markets

Restart Your Contrarian Income Report

Membership for $39 – 60% OFF

the Regular Price!

Limited-time offer gives you access to double-digit

income (up to 14%) and massive upside potential

Dear Reader,

While many investors are worried about a tough year ahead for the markets, I see plenty of safe opportunities to reel in outsized income with enormous total returns.

Look, investors have a right to be nervous…

Sentiment, a contrarian indicator, is leaning into extreme greed. Stock market valuations are expensive. Recession risks still exist. Savings from pandemic stimulus handouts have fizzled. And multiple military conflicts are ongoing.

But there are reasons to be optimistic, too…

Inflation has cooled. The Fed is making a “dovish” pivot. The labor market is strong. Stock and bond markets have positive momentum. And trillions of dollars are sitting on the sidelines (cash waiting to be deployed).

It’s early in the year and tough to know which way things will head.

And I don’t have a crystal ball. (Neither does anyone else – no matter what they tell you!)

If there’s one thing for certain, the market is full of uncertainties.

Which is why, each year, I search every nook and cranny of the investment universe for ideas. My goal is to uncover the safest and strongest income plays that can perform well no matter which way the markets turn.

And due to all the market uncertainty, I’m finding lots of fantastic opportunities. Many of which pay extra rich yields right now at value prices.

It’s critical to move quickly so you can pull the trigger on my current – and upcoming – recommendations in order to get in for maximum upside.

This is why I’m inviting you to restart your Contrarian Income Report subscription right now for only $39. That’s a full $60 off our regular renewal rate of $99!

My exclusive “Welcome Back” offer gives you access to ALL the huge dividends in the CIR portfolio – with yields as high as 14% – for just $39. That works out to just $3.25 a month.

Now, we normally reserve the $39 rate for first-time members, as a way of introducing them to the service. But I’m giving you the opportunity to get CIR for one more year at this special price.

It’s something we rarely do at CIR. But given the current opportunities, I don’t want anyone to be left out.

Click the button below to capitalize on this time-sensitive offer…

Best of all, nearly half the picks in our portfolio pay dividends monthly. So, you could easily recoup your subscription cost in just the first month or two, with a modest investment in just one of my portfolio recommendations!

Booking 183%, 143%, and 111% Gains – While

Getting Paid 11.8%, 6.7% and 6% Dividends

In the last 18 months, our members have banked some huge gains to go along with their colossal dividends.

Take natural gas play ONEOK (OKE). This trade we closed September 2023 for a 183% return – collecting an 11.8% at the time of our original buy recommendation.

OKE Skyrocketed 183% in 41 months…

And regional bank Synovus Financial (SNV). We recorded a 143% profit on this position in May 2022 – benefiting from a 6.7% dividend when we added it to the live portfolio.

SNV Returned 143% in 25 Months…

And even oil giant Exxon Mobil (XOM). We booked a 111% gain in December 2022 – raking in a 6% dividend since we added it to the portfolio.

XOM Handed Us a 111% Return in 20 months…

Now, those positions have all been closed out.

But the present and future recommendations for CIR are bright, as well…

Potential Bigger Gains Ahead…

We’re also sitting on some big winners in the portfolio right now:

  • Williams Companies (WMB) has returned 103% so far,
  • DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (DSL) 61%, and
  • Rithm Capital Corp (RITM) is just getting started with a 37% return!

I’m holding on to these winners because there’s more upside ahead. (They’re also paying us an average 8% dividend while we wait!)

And don’t worry, most of my 20+ picks are still in the buy zone. Over 75% of my portfolio holdings are buyable at today’s prices.

To be truthful, not every recommendation has shot up double or triple digits. Some are up a little. Some are flat. And some are even down a bit.

This presents an opportunity for you to jump in and snatch up some of my plays on the cheap!

And going forward, I expect some of the stocks and funds on my watchlist – that we’ll buy in 2024 – will do even better than our biggest winners of the past.


Many investors are unsure what to do this year. So, they’re camping out in cash earning 1% to 5%. Unfortunately, they’re missing out on much higher, but still safe, yields in other contrarian areas of the markets.

I’m talking about scoring yields that are 3x to 10x higher than what you get from the S&P 500, traditional bonds, or money market funds.

A subscription to Contrarian Income Report is absolutely essential to capture these juicy yields in this type of environment.

And now that you can get back in for just $39 ($60 off our regular renewal rate), it’s a clear no-brainer.

Of course, your subscription provides all the perks of CIR membership, including our full library of new and updated Special Reports, including:

Ride the Bond Bull: 3 CEFs with Yields up to 12% and Massive Upside Potential

Inside I’ll introduce you to three incredible income plays most people don’t know about – because they’re closed-end funds (CEFs).

They’re among my favorite investments to keep your nest egg safe while delivering steady, massive yields, including:

  • A Bond God’s fund that’s perfectly set up for today’s rate environment and has a towering 9% yield.
  • The brainchild of one of the top fund managers on the planet that’s throwing off a monster 12% yield.
  • And a rock-steady 8% dividend whose stellar management team has guided it to an astonishing 1,470% total return since inception.

And because these big dividends each pay monthly, you get your money faster or you can reinvest it for quicker compounding to turbocharge your net worth.

Instead of the S&P 500’s 1.4% yield, you’ll get more than 7 TIMES that…

You can collect an average 10% yield, with massive upside potential.

Plus, two of three funds can be bought at a discount to their NAV. One is teetering between a small premium and small discount, so maybe it’s all three – depending on when you place your buy orders.

On top of all that, these funds are managed by the crème de la crème of the bond universe.

The Perfect Income Portfolio: Safely 5X Your Income Today

In this guide, you’ll get all the details of what I call the “Perfect Income Portfolio.”

Step-by-step, I’ll show you exactly how to set up your portfolio for maximum income without taking on additional unnecessary risk.

And, if you follow the simple steps laid out, I’m confident you’ll be able to enjoy an income stream that far exceeds what most folks who buy the typical S&P 500 stock earn.

The three plays in this report provide diversified exposure to three different asset classes: fixed income, real estate and commodities.

These investments have all passed my strict due-diligence process.

In fact, one is managed by one of the smartest REIT operators I’ve ever come across. It pays a whopping 12% today. And its stellar management has made so many brilliant strategic moves over the last decade that it’s raised its payout by 231%!

I’ll walk you through each recommendation, giving you a clear, concise and easy-to-understand breakdown of why I see these as “perfect” income plays.

Then, once you’ve lined your portfolio with these superstars, I want to help you clean out any toxic assets that can derail your dreams.

I’ve seen it over and over …

Yield chasers hold onto what they think is a darling dividend payer, only to have it turn around and bite them hard.

Which is why I’ve compiled another special report for you called …

The Dirty Dozen: 12 Dividend Stocks to Sell Now

Inside this newly-updated Special Report, you’ll discover 12 ticking time bombs lurking in the stock market.

These are popular dividend plays…

  • One has been a Dow Jones Industrial Average constituent for 20+ years.
  • Another is a Dividend Aristocrat with a 65-year streak of raising its dividend.
  • And yet another is a member of the S&P 500 and one of the largest REITs in the US.

They might seem like great investments on the surface. But on the inside, they’re dividends are in trouble, and they could lose as much as 20% of their value at the drop of a hat.

If you hold any of these stocks, I urge you to dump them and move your cash into our high-yielding CIR picks instead.

And you’ll want to do so IMMEDIATELY, before these losers have any chance of crushing your retirement dreams.

An 8%+ Income Stream is Just the Beginning

All of these reports come your way when you take advantage of this special “Welcome Back” invitation.

But that’s not all, because…

You also get all the other perks of CIR membership you know well, like:

  • Full portfolio access. You’ll have immediate access to every pick, including my exact buy and sell recommendations and “buy-under” prices.
  • New monthly research bulletins, including fresh picks. Going forward, you’ll get my latest high-yield opportunities delivered straight to your inbox on the first Friday every month. I’ll also update you on open recommendations.
  • Weekly market musings. Every week, I’ll send you my analysis of what’s going on in the markets. These columns will help you better navigate market volatility.
  • Flash alerts. If there’s a change in a portfolio position or a major market event, and you need to take action, you’ll get a flash alert. I keep an eye out 24/7.
  • Quarterly webinars. About every three months, you can join me for a live, members-only webinar. I’ll discuss the markets, review current portfolio recommendations and answer any member questions.
  • Members-only website. You’ll get access to our password-protected website where you can explore all of our resources. This list includes all monthly issues, special reports, the entire portfolio and all closed trades. No matter when you like to monitor your investments, everything is there for you around the clock.
  • VIP customer care. If you ever have questions about your subscription, you can simply call or email our dedicated customer-support team at our New York office. They’ll be happy to promptly answer any of your questions.

And all of this comes your way at the $39 introductory price. I’m extending this invitation to you today on a special one-time-only basis through my exclusive “Welcome Back” offer. That’s $60 less than regular subscribers must pay to renew their CIR membership.

Our RISK-FREE “Welcome Back” 60-Day GUARANTEE

There’s one more part to this offer you might be wondering about…

When you first took a subscription to Contrarian Income Report, you may recall that you did so on a 60-day no-risk trial basis.

Well, that ironclad guarantee absolutely applies this time around, too.

That means you have 2 full months to invest in my recommendations, track their progress and get reacquainted with the full suite of CIR investment resources.

If at any time within that span, you don’t feel CIR is working for you, no problem. Just contact my team and they’ll refund every cent you paid.

No hard feelings. No questions asked. That’s it.

All the bonus reports, monthly issues and other downloads will be yours to keep. It’s just my way of saying thanks for taking me up on this special “Welcome Back” offer.

One last time…

Here’s everything you get when you take advantage of this special “Welcome Back” offer to Contrarian Income Report today:

  • All past issues and reports
  • The full portfolio, with dividends as high as 14%
  • 12 monthly research bulletins
  • Weekly market overviews
  • Flash alerts
  • Quarterly webinars
  • A 24/7 members-only website with first-rate service
  • A full library of new and updated Special Reports, including:
    • Report #1: Ride the Bond Bull: 3 CEFs with Yields up to 12% and Massive Upside Potential
    • Report #2: The Perfect Income Portfolio: Safely 5X Your Income Today
    • Report #3: The Dirty Dozen: 12 Dividend Stocks to Sell Now

The library includes a DOZEN SPECIAL REPORTS in total for you to comb through at your leisure!

To recap, you get a 60% membership discount, our full library of investment reports, weekly email updates, flash alerts and a 100% money-back guarantee.

Click the button below to secure the whole lot for just $39.

In the coming months, many investors will be hamstrung by the Fed’s next move, the upcoming presidential election (or other geopolitical concerns) or daily market gyrations based on the typical noise.

But Contrarian Income Report readers and I will sleep just fine at night, as we scoop up safe, steady 8%+ dividends all year long.

Are you going to join us?

Yours in profits,

Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

Contrarian Income Report

P.S. Remember, this “Welcome Back” offer lets you restart your subscription for $60 less than other subscribers must pay.

AND you get full access to our complete Contrarian Income Report portfolio (with massive yields up to 14%) and the full library of Special Reports. PLUS, a 60-day no-risk money-back guarantee. (The only risk you incur is by not accepting this invitation and depriving yourself of a multitude of contrarian income opportunities!)

This is by far the most generous offer you’ll find, and it won’t last long. Click here to restart your Contrarian Income Report membership now!





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