Not Getting Contrarian Income

Report every month?

Here’s what you’ve missed:

  • Massive dividends up to 14% from our portfolio recommendations.
  • A life-changing 183% return from an 11.8%-yielding oil play.
  • A fast 53% win from a bank yielding nearly triple the typical S&P 500 stock.

There are more big winners on the horizon, and I don’t want you to miss them, so I’m giving you a special invitation to rejoin for $60.00 off the regular rate!

Dear Reader,

I know you’re feeling squeezed these days. We all are.

Even though it’s come down some lately, inflation is still running hot—especially for the things we count on every day, like fuel, groceries and healthcare.

It’s infuriating because it’s stealing thousands of dollars from average Americans every year—even those that are scrimping, saving and doing everything right!

No wonder more folks are finding it harder to enter (or stay in!) retirement these days.

I want to help you escape this mess. So I’m inviting you to restart your Contrarian Income Report subscription right now for a mere $39. That’s a full $60.00 off our regular renewal rate of $99.00!

This special “Welcome Back” offer gives you access to ALL the huge dividends in the CIR portfolio—with yields up to 14%—for just $39. That works out to just $3.25 a month.

We normally reserve this $39 rate for first-time members as a way of introducing them to the service. But I’m giving you one more year of CIR at this special price.

It’s something we rarely do at CIR. But given the threats we face from high inflation and a possible recession, it’s 100% necessary if we’re going to protect as many investors as possible.

Best of all, nearly half of our portfolio picks pay dividends monthly, so you could very well recoup your subscription cost in just the first month or two, with a modest investment in just one of these buys!

This “Insider” Move Bagged Us a

Fast 53% Return (and a 5% Dividend!)

Over the last several tough months, our members have banked some very satisfying price gains to go with their massive dividends. I expect the stocks and funds we’ll buy in the coming months to do even better, thanks to the bargains still available to us from the 2022 selloff.

I don’t want you to miss out.

We’ve nailed down these double- (and triple-) digit returns by picking up on hidden signals the headline-driven crowd ALWAYS misses.

Like we did with Comerica (CMA), a trade we closed in May 2022 for a 53% return (including a 5% dividend) in just 18 months. The bank profited Jay Powell kept his money printer rolling and short-term rates glued to the floor. This kept borrowing costs cheap.

CMA Roars as Powell Creates Cash Out of Thin Air

Meanwhile, lending rates rose, and the bank’s profit margins boomed. Borrowing short and lending long was a gravy train.

But alas, Jay overdid things and inflation returned for the first time in 40 years. Short-term rates rose and compressed profit margins—and we took that as our cue to exit, taking a 53% return with us—just before the 2022 market mess got very, um, messy, taking CMA down with it.

We Called the Oil Rally—and Turned It

Into a 183% Return

Comerica was just one of the winning picks we’ve made in the last few wild years. A little over a year earlier, in April 2020, we bought pipeline operator ONEOK (OKE) when everyone was dumping oil stocks, and oil prices even went negative. Companies were literally paying to have their oil hauled away!

But we contrarians weren’t fussed. We used history as our guide—particularly the 2008/’09 crash—and instead tapped into the “crash ’n’ rally” pattern oil ALWAYS shows in a crisis.

Bottom line: the crash is quick, while the ensuing rally lasts for years. So we ignored the headlines and followed our contrarian instincts, buying pipeline operator ONEOK at the depths of the crash—in April 2020, when it was yielding an astonishing 11.8%. By the time we sold in September 2023, we booked a 183% total return!

ONEOK: Buy for the 11.8% Dividend, Stay for the 183% Returns!

Contrarian moves like these are critical now, with high, safe dividends still thin on the ground.

That’s why a subscription to Contrarian Income Report is absolutely essential. And now that you can get back in for just $39 ($60.00 off our regular renewal rate), there’s simply no reason not to.

And of course, your subscription gives you access to all the perks of CIR membership, including our full library of new and updated FREE special reports, including:

5 “All-Weather” Dividends Paying Up to 10.8%

As the title says, this report contains my favorite high-yield stocks to sustain and grow your income (and nest egg) through anything the economy throws at us: inflation, deflation, you name it.

They include:

  • A totally overlooked pipeline operator yielding 6.5% that’s set to gain as producers continue to bring reserves online to meet rising demand amid very tight supply …
  • One of the smartest REIT operators out there. The stock pays 10.8% today and management has also made so many brilliant strategic moves over the last 10 years that it has been able to raise its payout by 231%
  • A special vehicle that invests outside the United States, has zero currency risk, pays 8% a year, and has returned 400% in the last 20 years …
  • Plus, one of the best bond funds I’ve ever come across. It’s run by a manager so savvy he’s known as the Bond God. This one dishes a rock-steady 10% dividend right now!

Together, these investments give your retirement portfolio tremendous diversification, upside and the type of ongoing income that will withstand any future inflation or other economic mayhem we might see.

But of course, simply picking the right dividends isn’t enough—you also have to avoid the losers. Which is what your next report is designed to do.

The Dirty Dozen: 12 Dividend

Stocks to Sell Now

Inside this newly revised and updated Special Report, you’ll discover 12 ticking time bombs lurking in the stock market.

These are popular dividend plays that seem like great investments but are highly likely to blow up and lose as much as 20% of their value as a result of the Fed’s rate hikes or inept decisions by their own management teams.

If you hold any of these stocks, I urge you to dump them and move your cash into our high-yielding CIR picks instead. And you’ll need to do so NOW, before these losers have any chance of crushing your retirement dreams.

Best of Both Worlds: 3 High Income

Funds That Beat Stocks

This exclusive report—again, newly revised and updated for the back half of 2023—gives you my 3 favorite funds for investing in fixed income, including their management profiles and investing strategies.

These funds pay average dividends of 9% today, and they’re my top picks to leave the market in the dust in the years ahead.

Plus, these funds are run by some of the smartest minds on Wall Street—meaning they have what it takes to keep their fat payouts rolling out, no matter what the Fed does.

But that’s not all, because…

8%+ “Inflation-Fighting” Dividends

Are Just the Start

All of these reports come your way when you take advantage of this special “Welcome Back” invitation. Plus you also get all the other perks of CIR membership you know well, including:

  • Full portfolio access. You’ll have immediate access to every pick I make, including my exact buy and sell recommendations and “buy-under” prices.
  • New income investing ideas and analysis of major market events delivered straight to your inbox every week.
  • Flash Alerts—with breaking news on our portfolio stocks. I’ll have an eye on all of them 24/7.
  • Monthly research bulletins—On the first Friday of each month, you’ll receive my latest research, including new portfolio additions, updates on existing positions and an overview of trends and events that may affect our holdings.
  • Members-only website—You’ll get access to a password-protected website where you can access all of our resources: current and past issues, the full portfolio and special bonus reports. Whenever you want to check on our recommendations, everything is there for you, day or night.
  • Quarterly Webinars—About every three months you can join me for a live, members-only webinar. We’ll run through what’s going on with our holdings and I’ll personally answer your questions.
  • VIP Customer Service—If you ever have questions about your subscription, you can email our team anytime, or call our New York office during regular business hours and receive a prompt reply.

And all of this comes your way at the $39 introductory price, which I’m making available to you today on a special one-time-only basis through my exclusive “Welcome Back” offer. That’s $60.00 less than regular subscribers must pay to renew their CIR membership.

Our No-Risk “Welcome Back”

60-Day Guarantee

There’s one more piece to this offer you may be wondering about. When you first took your Contrarian Income Report subscription, you may recall that you did so on a 60-day no-risk trial basis.

Well, that ironclad guarantee absolutely applies this time around, too. That means you have nearly 2 full months to invest in my latest recommendations, track their progress and get reacquainted with our full suite of CIR investment tools.

If at any time within that span, you don’t feel CIR is working for you, no problem: just contact my team and they’ll refund every cent you paid. No hard feelings. No questions asked.

That’s it.

All the bonus reports will be yours to keep. It’s just my way of saying thanks for taking me up on this special “Welcome Back” offer.

So one last time …

Here’s everything you get when you take advantage of this special “Welcome Back” offer to Contrarian Income Report today:

  • 12 monthly research bulletins
  • The full portfolio, with dividends up to 14%
  • Flash alerts
  • A 24/7 members-only website
  • Your full library of new and updated Special Reports, including:
    • Report #1: Monthly Dividend Superstars: Yields Up to 11% With Double-Digit Upside
    • Report #2: 5 “All-Weather” Dividends Paying Up to 10.8%
    • Report #3: The Dirty Dozen: 12 Dividend Stocks to Sell Now
    • Report #4: Best of Both Worlds: 3 High Income Funds That Beat Stocks

So you get a $60.00 membership discount, our full library of investment reports, weekly email updates and alerts and a 100% money-back guarantee.

Click the button below to secure all of this for just $39.

In the coming months, many investors will be hamstrung by inflation or more nonsense out of Washington (or from beyond America’s borders), wondering when these threats will trigger the next selloff.

But Contrarian Income Report readers and I will rest easy, snapping up safe, steady 8%+ dividends when the time is right.

Are you going to join us?

Yours in profits,

Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

Contrarian Income Report

P.S. Remember, this “Welcome Back” offer lets you restart your subscription for $60 less than other subscribers must pay. AND you get full access to our complete Contrarian Income Report portfolio (with inflation-busting yields up to 14%), the full library of Special Reports and your 60-day no-risk money-back guarantee.

This is by far the most generous offer you’ll find, and it won’t last long. Click here to restart your Contrarian Income Report membership now!





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