7 New “Must See” Dividend

Tracking Features

Must-Have “AI-Like” Tool for Income Investors

“This tool went from good to great!”

My Fellow Contrarian,

Move over ChatGPT, Gemini and Perplexity. Income Calendar is here, and take note, these are our 7 NEW must-have features for income investors.

Income Calendar is as smart as any AI tool but, to be honest, more relevant for you and me. We created the tool in-house here at Contrarian Outlook. We scoured the market for dividend projection tools and didn’t quite love (or like much!) any that we evaluated.

So, we did the natural “software developer” thing. We created our own income tracking tool exactly how we want it!

Since launch we have continued to improve the product based on feedback from income investors like yourself. Here are 7 new features we recently launched. Please review carefully–one of these features may make your life a lot easier.

The less time you spend on minutiae like dividend projections down to the penny, the more time you’ll have available to spend on income investment research. Or with your kids and grandkids. Or drinking a beer and watching sports (hey, we don’t judge, we just try to save you time!)

New “Must-Have” Feature #1: Monthly

Income Summary

Do you know how many dividends you are set to receive in the month of September?

If not, why not?

This million-dollar portfolio pays $6,891.33 this September. Income Calendar now has every single payment visible by position, by day:

September 2024 Income Summary

New “Must-Have” Feature #2: Dividends

Down to the Day

The calendar view now tracks dividends down to the day. And down to the penny!

Dividends by Day and Down to the Penny

Perhaps we need an electronic version of this to hang on our walls? If that isn’t the ultimate power play when entertaining friends who think they “invest”—ha!

New “Must-Have” Feature #3: Yield on Cost

We also added a “yield on cost” calculation. Toggle between the current yield and yield on cost view.

If you have Income Calendar connected with your brokerage, no need to enter your cost basis. We can pull that info and compute the yield on cost automatically for you:

New “Must-Have” Feature #4: Connect

to Brokerage

That’s right, I said connect to brokerage. Even Fidelity!

For most brokers we connect to IC via Plaid, a service that safely and securely links up to your brokerage account and imports all your tickers and share counts—so you don’t have to do any inputting at all.

When the guys asked me to test out the new integration, I was blown away with how easy it was. I had my Charles Schwab account connected to Income Calendar with just a few clicks.

It was really easy to import the tickers and share counts of my current holdings into IC. You’ll have this tool setup in no time, too.

Fidelity is no longer a holdout, either. IC can now sync tickers and share counts with Fidelity using secure third-party gateway Snaptrade.

New “Must-Have” Feature #5: Real-Time

Email Alerts, Too

Each time we collect a dividend, IC can send us an email heads up. For example, Williams Companies (WMB) recently declared our quarterly dividend on July 30. So I received this email heads up from IC:

Dividend “Heads Up” Email via IC

I can also see that WMB’s implied annualized yield is 4.4%.

I’ve got the ex date and the actual payment date. Everything I need to know about WMB’s dividend in one concise email.

New “Must-Have” Feature #6: “Week Ahead” Summary

“Week Ahead” summaries from IC are my favorite way to kick off the week. We see how much we are getting paid, and when! In this summary, we have two “pay dates” and two “projected pay dates” for this portfolio. Nice.

“Week Ahead” Income Summary

New “Must-Have” Feature #7: “Year Ahead” Summary

Here’s how we retire on dividends like pros. We budget based on actual dividend projections for the 12 months ahead:

“Year Ahead” Income Summary

If you’re nodding your head thinking: Did you guys build this tool just for me?

Well yeah, we really did. And others, of course. It’s a tool designed by income investors, for income investors.

This is a lot of information to keep track of! How does Income Calendar manage it all? Let’s talk about the smartest system this side of ChatGPT…

Why Income Calendar is So “Smart”

While Income Calendar can’t exactly predict the future, it can infer likely dividend outcomes quite well. IC’s secret is some pretty serious horsepower that we have under the hood of this incredible tool.

Through an exclusive partnership with our sister company, TickerTech, we’ve developed a proprietary algorithm that’s constantly crunching current & past dividends for the entire universe of US and Canadian stocks. It scours every press release that comes out from every publicly traded company (including preferreds stocks) and records new dividends as they’re announced.

From there, Income Calendar annualizes the most recent payouts for forward assumptions, with estimated payout dates based on historical trends.

In other words, we’re hoovering up as much data as almost anyone can on every ticker available, then we overlay the most recent dividend payments on historical payment timeframes.

But explaining “how” Income Calendar works doesn’t really do it justice until you “see” for yourself.

So let’s talk about how you can take it out for a test drive —100% risk-free — with no obligation whatsoever…

How to Get Income Calendar

Let’s get you going with IC now! To activate and personalize your own Income Calendar simply click the button below:

Income Calendar is only $79 for the first year. And as with all of our products, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If the tool isn’t right for you, for whatever reason, we’ll happily and quickly refund you.

But I’m sure you’ll love IC as much as I do. Again, please click here to get rolling with Income Calendar.

Video Demo: Income Calendar

Please check out this video where I review how I set up and use Income Calendar. I’ll be producing “how to” walk throughs like these from time to time to help you get ramped up with IC.





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