Warning: Trump 2.0 Is Set to Split the Market

How fortunes will be made — and retirements will be lost — in the next 4 years. Here’s how to be on the winning side

Dear Reader,

Look, I’ll cut right to the chase here.

Trump 2.0 will be bullish for stocks on the whole. But the disparity between winners and losers will be extreme.

If you’re on the right side of the shift that’s headed our way, you could stand to make a fortune.

But find yourself on the wrong side and you could be risking huge losses.

Which is why I’m writing to you today.

Truth is, I’ve been planning for a Trump election win for months, fine tuning our strategy and preparing our dividend shopping list.

The “Divided” Trump Market Is Already Here

Before I go further, let me say one thing: We’re NOT talking about politics.

I don’t care if you’re left, right, center, libertarian — whatever.

The serious risks — and the incredible contrarian opportunity — we’re going to discuss in this briefing are all based on cold, hard data.

I think you’ll agree that when it comes to stocks, an overwhelming number of people in America simply buy and hold an index fund like the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) and call it a day.

And if regular folks do manage their own portfolios, they’re mostly buy-and-hold types.

You may have heard the slang term for these folks: “Diamond hands.”

They hang on to a loser no matter what — even when the company is rotting from the inside out!

That’s not some kind of bravery on their part, by the way. They’re mostly just not paying attention.

Both of these types of investors — our “Diamond hands” folks and our SPY holders — could be in serious trouble as Trump 2.0 plays out.

Because in the next four years, the gap between losing stocks and the (small) group of big winners is going to grow wider than ever.

And one by one, the “sacred cows” of years past are going to crumble, dragging down the index and making even the most “diamond-handed” folks think twice.

Think I’m exaggerating? I would be skeptical too.

But here’s the thing: It’s already happening.

Consider, for example, when Trump announced potential new tariffs on Mexico and Canada, to be rolled out on his first day in office.

Ford Motor Co. (F) dropped nearly 3% immediately. General Motors (GM) was even worse, shedding a full 9% of its value in a single day.

Nine percent!

New Era for “Old School” GM Stock

It’s been obvious for years now that these two would be among the biggest victims of any trade war.

But if you were holding SPY, you had zero ability to move out beforehand. Both GM and Ford are SPY holdings, and they have to be — the algo-driven fund has to represent the S&P 500 at all times.

And there are countless other stocks that are sitting in the index, or maybe in your own portfolio, that are likely to be the next Fords and GMs.

Hands up if you have stocks in your portfolio that have been around for so long that you barely even notice them anymore.

Most of us have a few. It’s only natural. Our portfolios tend to collect junk like our kitchen drawers do.

But holding on to these laggards — especially now — could be a serious mistake.

Own toy maker Hasbro Inc (HAS)? Did you know it gets 65% of its product from China?

Or General Mills (GIS)? It’s a long-time portfolio mainstay for millions of folks. But its sugary, processed foods put it right in the tracks of an HHS department that will likely be run by RFK Jr.

Look, I’m not trying to worry you here. It’s just that these tickers are all telling us the same thing: We’ve entered a new era. And the old ways no longer work.

Buy-and-hold is out.

This is a stock picker’s market.

Nimble trading — especially nimble trading of stocks that pay dividends — is in.

I’ll show you, in detail, how we’ll set ourselves up for fast double-digit upside in a moment.

(We’re talking gains of 43.7%, 15.5% and 17.9% in months (and even just a couple of weeks) that work great on their own, or as a complement to our Hidden Yields and Contrarian Income Report services.)

But before I do, there’s something else we need to talk about as we move into this new era of investing…

Inflation Is Far From Over

Jay Powell has been preaching that inflation is back under control, but I’m guessing the Fed chief doesn’t buy his own groceries.

If he did, he might realize that the food on his local grocer’s shelves has seen its price rise an eye-popping 25.8% on average from November 2020 to March 2024.

Then there’s rent, which has skyrocketed about 30% on average since early 2020.

It’s pretty cold comfort to hear that those prices are still rising — just a bit slower than they were before!

I could go on and on about the mess inflation has caused.

But I know I’d be preaching to the choir here. We’ve all felt the pain of soaring prices for years now.

Even so, the Fed and Wall Street continue to give the “all clear.”

And the truth is, the suits have been pretty successful at convincing everyday investors that it’s true — and that their own eyes are deceiving them.

You only have to look as far as the stock market, which soared in 2023 and 2024, to see the proof.

Inflation “Illusion” Lit Up Stocks in ’23 and ’24

Stocks soared because millions have bought into the line that inflation is heading lower as the Fed continues to cut rates.

But lately, a crack has started to form in this story.

You see, the Fed only controls the “short” end of the yield curve.

The bond market controls the “long” end, which sets the tone for the lines of credit, mortgages and other loans consumers take out.

Think of the bond market as the unruly teenager the Fed would love to control but can’t.

And it has other ideas.

Even as Jay cuts, the long end of the yield curve — set by the yield on the 10-year Treasury note — has been climbing. It’s up around 4.6% as I write this.

And just look at what happened in the last three months of 2024:

“Long” Rates Soar, Defying the Fed

Wait, so the Fed is cutting but rates are actually rising?

Yes, it’s a troubling setup we’re only seeing because, even as Jay cuts, the bond market is screaming at him that the job on inflation is not done.

Finally, it seems like Jay is starting to listen. Even though he cut rates a quarter-point in December, the Fed reduced its guidance from four rate cuts in 2025 to two.

The market dropped 1,000 points on the news. And then it started climbing again.

So everything is back on track, right? That’s clearly what most people think.

Well, here’s the truth:

There’s never been a more dangerous time to follow the mainstream crowd than right now.

Because make no mistake, Jay still insists on cutting rates, even with the bond market sounding the alarm. And even though inflation jumped the most in seven months in November!

Following the Herd… Straight to the Slaughterhouse

The bubble we’re in now calls to mind the wise words of Howard Marks, chair of Oaktree Capital Management.

Marks is the most successful value investor you’ve probably never heard of.

His writing has won acclaim from legendary peers such as Joel Greenblatt, Jeremy Grantham and Seth Klarman. Even Warren Buffett counts himself a fan.

Marks doesn’t make a lot of predictions, but when he does, he’s usually right. He successfully called the early-2000s dot-com bubble, for example, as well as the 2008/2009 financial crisis.

He also encouraged investors to buy after COVID tanked the market in March 2020.

His monthly “Oaktree Memos” are well worth a read. And in his insightful book, The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor, Marks wrote:

“What’s clear to the broad consensus of investors is almost always wrong.”

Marks’ observation worries me these days, because most folks are blinded by recency bias—or the tendency to assume the future will look a lot like the past.

Consider that for a moment. This unconscious “tic” goes to the core of how most people think.

We think our favorite sports team will win this year, just because they did last year.

We think this winter will be mild, just because the last one was.

Or that we’re likely to get stuck in traffic the next time we head downtown, because that’s what happened last time.

And on it goes.

In most parts of life, this line of thinking doesn’t have major consequences, beyond maybe wasting a bit of our time.

But in investing, it can be devastating.

As I write this, millions of investors have bought into the idea that rates will continue to move lower in the longer run, inflating the stock market as they do.

Because, well, that’s what’s always happened in the past.

And that’s where the danger lies — a “Marks moment,” if you will.

Because the reality on the ground is about to catch up with the “all-is-well” fantasy that Wall Street is pitching.

When it does, volatility will be the order of the day.

And millions of American investors, sitting in low-yielding index funds, are positioned exactly the wrong way for it.

Like passengers on the Titanic who scrambled for long-gone lifeboats when they finally realized the danger they were in, these folks will scramble to pivot their portfolios.

By then it will be too late.

But those of us in the know can not only survive but profit from this coming shift.

It all comes back to Jay Powell and the Fed.

And those sky-high prices we continue to see every time we leave the house.

You see, in a normal rate-hike cycle, the central bank gooses rates higher not only until it brings inflation down, but until it breaks something, too.

Remember the 1970s?

Back then, inflation rose, the Fed hiked rates (purple line in the chart below), then cut too soon, prompting an inflation rebound (orange line).

It happened over and over again.

The Fed’s 1970s “Rate Rollercoaster”

That is, until Paul Volcker was sworn in as Fed chair in August of 1979.

He decided he’d seen enough. He was going to break inflation’s back no matter what.

Volcker relentlessly hiked rates until the effective Fed funds rate topped out at 22% in July of 1981.

Twenty-two percent!

You probably remember your parents or family members paying mortgage rates in the high teens back then. Or maybe you did.

The Fed “Broke Something” in the Early ’80s—and
Sent Inflation Packing

The result: America slipped into a recession that drove unemployment up to 11%. In certain sectors, like the auto industry, joblessness was much higher, hitting a peak of 24%.

But Volcker stuck to his guns. And he brought inflation to heel.

It stayed tame (in its usual up-and-down pattern) for decades afterward, until Jay Powell fired up his printing press during the pandemic.

Jay Powell Blinked

I’m not just rambling here, giving you a history lesson for no reason.

The Volcker years are important to remember because they provide a stark contrast to what we’ve seen since 2021.

You might be thinking “Sure, Jay hiked rates, but he sure didn’t break anything!”

Well, except for in March 2023, when Silicon Valley Bank and a handful of others collapsed.

But it was pretty clear then (and remains so now) that these lenders were circling the drain anyway.

All the Fed’s rate hikes (and quantitative easing, or QE) did was move up their demise.

Nonetheless, the SVB collapse was more than enough to spook our man Jay.

And boy, did he blink!

He pumped billions of dollars’ worth of liquidity into the system through the back door.

You can see it clear as day in the chart of bank reserves below.

Jay stared into the abyss and decided he was not willing to risk another financial crisis.

Liquidity would go no lower.

Volcker would NOT have been amused!

So even while he talked tough on rates, Jay was quietly firing up his printing press again.

And if you don’t believe me, consider what we talked about off the top: Stocks and bonds — heck even obscure cryptos — have gone through the roof since then.

This is NOT something that happens when the Fed is truly tightening!

Now, there’s just one more harbinger we need to discuss: Uncle Sam.

Deficit Spending Gone Wild

Safe to say the government’s deficit spending is completely out of control. And neither candidate said anything really serious about cutting the deficit during the election.

And we even saw the Trump-administration-in-waiting try to remove the debt ceiling!

It is possible, perhaps even probable, that the government will overwhelm anything Jay Powell does.

For fiscal 2024, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects a $1.9 trillion deficit on $4.9 trillion in tax receipts.

And yes, this is the CBO that paints its projections with rose-colored ink.

So we have nearly $5 trillion in revenues and almost $7 trillion in expenditures.

A 40% overshoot.

The result of all this stimulus — stealth or otherwise — is monetary inflation, which may soon flow back into consumer price inflation numbers.

Especially if the economy keeps rolling, which it may very well do thanks to an extra $2 trillion being injected into it!

Think about it for a moment: Thanks to all that printed government cash, more people can afford to buy the goods and services the economy puts out. That extra buying power will only juice prices higher.

It’s Econ 101!

Thus, a no-landing scenario is possible. In fact, it’s already starting to take shape.

Meantime, while inflation has come down from the eye-watering 8% level we saw in mid-2022, it refuses to cover that “last mile” to the Fed’s 2% goal.

Which brings us full circle, all the way back to President Trump.

No matter where you stand politically, the truth is, tariffs are likely to rise and immigration will drop under the new administration.

Those two factors alone will drive up costs, including for labor. And that’s before we factor in the effect of mass deportations.

And tax cuts he’s been talking about? I mean, who doesn’t love a break here, right?

But lower taxes do mean more money chasing the same number of goods and services. That’s another booster for higher prices.

In a setup like that, those who simply sit in an index fund could be wiped out.

But those of us who see this coming could “lock in” a fortune.

How We’ve Timed Big Changes Like This in the Past
for Quick Gains

I’m saying this because we’ve followed our contrarian inclinations to take advantage of many shifts like these — both in the economy as a whole or in individual stocks.

Like when I recommended Fastenal (FAST) in June 2024. FAST is a “boring” maker of — as the name says — fasteners, including bolts, screws and pins.

The company had hiked its payout an incredible 212% in the preceding decade and was wrongly beaten down 18% below its March 2024 highs. The drop was so overdone that even if the construction industry just muddled along, the stock stood to gain.

But in reality? Construction, and by extension Fastenal, did much better than that as GDP continued to march higher over the summer.

By the time we sold in October, we were sitting on a tidy 11% gain, or 34% annualized—in just 4 months!

Fast Gains From FAST

That was just the warm-up act for our summer of sweet short-term dividend trades.

Next was Norfolk Southern Co. (NSC), which we bought on June 18, 2024 — just days after our Fastenal buy — and unloaded less than three months later, booking a quick 14.5% return (67% annualized) along the way:

14.5% on NSC in Under 3 Months

Our summer of fast gains wasn’t done: On August 1, 2024, we picked up Houston-based utility NRG Energy (NRG), a “bond proxy” that tends to move up as rates fall.

Just two weeks later — two weeks! — we sold NRG, taking a nice 12.6% profit, or 344% annualized, with us.

And We Traded NRG For A 12.6% Return in Just 2 Weeks!

I’m not pointing out these individual picks to boast, and not all of our trades work out like this. Truth is, all investing comes with a degree of risk, including the risk of losing money.

I’m showing you these gains because we’ve booked all of them using a proprietary trading system that I’ve spent years developing.

It was designed specifically with the goal of 20%+ returns per year without taking on any unnecessary risk.

It doesn’t involve trading options, betting big on obscure cryptos, swinging for the fences with penny stocks or any other moves you can’t tell your spouse about.

We’ll get into all the details in just a moment. For now, I’ll just say that when you hear someone tell you it’s impossible to time the market, don’t believe them.

What they really mean is they’re terrible at it!

Most people are bad market timers. They fall prey to emotion — buying stocks when they’re high and selling when they’re low.

Like a herd of sheep, they blindly follow the crowd, just like the folks who’ve been piling into SPY these last few years.

But in the inflection point to come, this is going to be exactly the wrong strategy. Timely moves into — and out of — individual stocks could be one of the best ways to grow (and protect) your profits.

The key to it all is something far too few regular investors take seriously: Dividends.

The Dividend-Powered Trading secret you’re about to discover is the most powerful investing strategy I’ve EVER developed

The “payout-powered” system we’re going to dive into today is, hands-down, the fastest way to double — even triple — your retirement savings and income.

But before I pull back the curtain on this breakthrough system, I want to tell you a bit more about myself and how I developed it …

Hi, I’m Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist at Contrarian Outlook.

You probably know me from my Contrarian Income Report service, where we buy stocks and funds with the high yields we need to fund our retirement right now — without having to worry about the market’s daily zig zags.

I’ve also appeared on CNBC, Yahoo Finance or NASDAQ sharing my methodology for collecting consistent, predictable and reliable income.

You see, I take a uniquely contrarian approach to investing.

Over the past several years, I’ve helped thousands of readers grow their monthly income and savings. I do this by obsessively focusing on uncovering those “perfect” stocks other gurus and investors miss.

Contrarian investments that fly under the radar yet have ever-growing dividends, great upside potential, rock-solid foundations and recession-proof fundamentals.

I already showed you some of the sweet short-term moves my system has turned up for folks, including that NRG trade, which tacked on an easy 12.6% return in just two weeks.

Here are some other quick “dividend-powered” returns my readers and I have enjoyed in the last few months.

In April 2024, we bought Ventas (VTR), a real estate investment trust (REIT) that owns the “beachfront properties” of healthcare real estate: senior housing, medical buildings and research centers in major cities across the country.

REITs like Ventas are essentially plays on long-term interest rates, since they compete with Treasuries for income investors’ attention. They also tend to borrow heavily, so long rates have an outsized effect on their profits via their borrowing costs.

At the time, the stock was down 13% on the year as long rates rose. But with rates topping, it was time to buy in, so we did so.

When we took our money off the table a little over seven weeks later, we did so with a sweet 11.1% total return (or 74% annualized):

We Banked a Quick 11.1% Total Return From VTR

That, by the way, smoked the S&P 500, which returned just 2.5% in that time.

Funny thing is, that double-digit return in seven weeks was actually a bit slow compared to our buy of Altria (MO) on October 23, 2024, after the cigarette- (and vape-) maker shot into oversold territory on an 8.6% decline.

By November 27, just over a month later, we were up 15.8% (or a tidy 164% annualized).

15.8% From MO in 1 Month

In September 2022, we grabbed refiner Chevron (CVX) just as interest rates spiked and the “inflation forever” scare was everywhere!

We didn’t believe the hype, and once again our contrarian approach paid off.

15.5% From CVX in 2 Months

I want to stop here for a moment because by now there’s one thing I think you’ll notice about these winners: They’re NOT the huge 500%, 1,000%, or 5,000% overnight windfalls you hear other “gurus” claiming they can get you.

But — as you’ve probably guessed — most of these expert promises are over-hyped, specifically designed to separate YOU from your money.

Well, I don’t promise something I can’t deliver.

And we don’t chase overhyped stocks, either.

When it comes to investing, safety is my highest priority.

We’ll always take “singles” and “doubles” over the occasional home run if it means avoiding heart-stopping risks with our hard-earned money.

When I say this, I speak from experience. I know firsthand how devastating that reckless, “swing for the fences” advice can be.

You see, my first investing experience was brutal.

It was 2003, I’d recently graduated from Cornell University and was designing computer systems for Fortune 500 companies.

For the first time in my life, I was making money. So I decided to hire a broker to help grow my savings.

This guy had countless credentials, years of experience, and he talked a great game.

Without hesitation, I hired him.

The result?

Just one year later, this so-called expert had literally lost ALL my money.


Years of careful savings were gone, thanks to one guy’s disastrous investments.

As you can imagine, I was livid.

I also found myself up a creek without a paddle.

Yet it’s thanks to this financially devastating experience that I’m here today.

You see, after this crook burned all my money, the truth hit me like a ton of bricks: I realized that nobody is ever going to care about my money, my future, my retirement and my family as much as I do.

And I finally understood one simple fact: If I wanted to retire early and rich, I needed to take control of my own money.

So I decided to learn everything I could about investing.

I was absolutely relentless.

And boy did it pay off!

Starting with a paltry $2,000 I transformed it into $154,000 in just 48 months.

Obviously, this sort of performance doesn’t go unnoticed …

Shortly afterward, I was invited to join a famous financial publication as an editor.

At first it was great. We helped our readers take home huge profits, exponentially grow their portfolios and finally create the financial freedom they’d been chasing their whole life.

However, as time passed, things started to change …

Instead of focusing on secure, safe stocks with huge upside, they started recommending all sorts of highly speculative, high-risk “investments” like obscure cryptocurrencies, volatile penny stocks and many other questionable opportunities.

Anyway, this didn’t sit well with me.

I believe financial analysts like me have an ethical and moral duty to help our readers safely grow their money—not recklessly gamble it away on some pie-in-the-sky idea.

Which is why I decided to set up my own research firm—Contrarian Outlook.

Since then, I’ve helped tens of thousands of readers of my Contrarian Income Report and Hidden Yields services pursue their dream retirement with the little-known, often “boring” investments that predictably grow year after year and pay you a great income whether we’re in a bull or bear market.

All without making any highly speculative bets that keep you up at night. And without taking unnecessary risks.

The system I’m going to show you is at the heart of my approach. As I said earlier, it aims at 20%+ returns every single year, no matter which way the economy swings.

That’s a retirement-making $100k on a $500,000 stake.

Or a life-changing $200,000 per year on a $1-million portfolio.

Got more? Great! This strategy was also designed to scale much higher.

Here’s how it works:

Start With a “Dividend Down Payment” …

As we discussed earlier, the return of inflation I see ahead will wipe out many investors. That’s because they are positioned for a continued drop in interest rates — and think an across-the-board gain in stocks is on the way.

It’s what I call “buy and hope” investing.

These folks are buying an index fund like SPY and hoping for gains. But they only have one source of returns working for them: here-today, gone-tomorrow paper gains.

My system builds in an extra margin of safety by focusing only on dividend payers — and usually stocks kicking out high dividends upwards of 5% or more.

By doing so, we tilt the odds in our favor because we’re “spotting” ourselves 5% in cash, nearly FIVE TIMES what our index-fund investors get.

And we’re targeting payouts that GROW, too.

That’s one key to that 20% yearly return figure I told you about earlier. Here’s the recipe so far:

  • 5% cash-in-hand from predictable dividend income.
  • 15% stock price appreciation — whether it’s a bull or bear market.

That’s where my dividend-focused trading system starts.

With 5% in “banked” gains, we move on to the next element: something most people (wrongly) think is impossible — a technically proven way to time the market.

… Then Buy and Sell Opposite the “Dumb Money”

We talked earlier about why most investors make meager returns. They let emotion cloud their judgment: buying high and selling at the bottom to preserve whatever capital they have left.

That’s exactly the wrong time to dump a stock: It’s usually right before it takes off on its next leg up.

So it follows that by tracking what the majority of the mindless masses are doing, we can identify what NOT to do.

For example, check out this “Money Confidence Index” below from SentimenTrader going back to early 2024.

Notice how the “Dumb Money Confidence” (red line) rises and falls with the S&P 500 (black), while the “Smart Money Confidence” (mostly institutional players—in blue) moves in a roughly inverse pattern:

Simply put, when the dumb money is frightened, it’s a good time to buy. And when it’s confident, it’s a good time to take some money off the table.

It’s a simple, straightforward and, frankly, powerful market indicator I use all the time.

But it’s far from the only one.

Another? Market breadth.

It’s another way of saying that when we buy, we want to do so into a market that’s seeing strength across sectors.

That, by the way, is what we saw in the back half of 2024, as the S&P 500 shifted from being mainly driven by the so-called ”Magnificent 7” tech stocks to a more broad-based rally.

We’ve used both of these indicators in the run-up we saw over the last couple of years, buying when market breadth is at its worst (which is usually when stocks are near a bottom), then selling high when breadth improves and the Dumb Money is all swagger!

As I hinted at a second ago, these are just two of many indicators my system uses — and there are many more. I’ve been trading stocks, bonds, commodities and even foreign currencies successfully for almost two decades, so I’ve got dozens of tricks up my sleeve to successfully “swing” from one big payer to another.

This dividend-focused, short-term trading system is perfect for today’s markets.

And remember that we’re not just watching for pullbacks in the market as a whole here, but in individual stocks, too.

Case in point: Our buy of NRG Energy (NRG), which I mentioned earlier. The stock reached an all-time high on May 24, 2024, as markets climbed out of the drop they’d experienced in mid-April.

That’s when I put the company on my watch list. We never “chase” stocks on a run — instead, we wait for the crowd to give up before making our move.

Then something interesting happened: NRG broke hard from the market’s direction, falling 15% in the next few weeks.

“Dumb Money” Gives Up on NRG

That was the contrarian buy window we were looking for.

Beyond the pullback, the bullish case was simple: The stock is a “bond proxy” that benefits directly from falling rates. Rates had already dropped, but NRG was mired in its pullback.

The Texas market is a growth driver for Austin-based NRG, the preferred destination of Silicon Valley “tech bros,” chief among them Elon Musk, who’d recently moved the HQs of both Tesla (TSLA) and SpaceX there.

No matter what you think of Musk, it’s clear that every move he makes — involving thousands of people and big, energy-hungry operations — means dollars for NRG.

We didn’t have to wait long. Over the next two weeks, the stock popped 12.6%. Those gains annualized to 344%, again courtesy of our two-step formula:

  1. Buy high-quality dividend-paying utility NRG after a 15% pullback.
  2. Sell it two weeks later at a 12.6% gain to secure our 344% annualized returns.

If this sounds fun, that’s because it is!

And as I said a second ago, today’s market, with its steady upward climb and occasional pullbacks, is perfect for my system.

Finally, Throw in a “Dividend Magnet” for Extra Confidence

Remember earlier, when we talked about a “dividend down payment,” which essentially gives us a head start on our gains?

Well, we can give ourselves an even better chance at gains (and hedge our downside) if we add dividend growth to the mix.

Think about it for a moment: When you look at the dividend growers you own, or those you’re considering buying, their dividend yields rarely move much.

Take Microsoft (MSFT), for example. It always pays around 1% when you look it up on a stock screener.

Or how about fellow popular kid Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)? Same, usually just above or below the 3% mark.

Why is that?

Well, it has to do with those dividend hikes.

You see, when a company hikes its dividend, it increases its current yield (because you calculate yield by dividing the annual dividend by the current share price).

Investors spot that higher yield and buy.

This drives the stock price up, and the yield back down.

We can actually chart these moves and use them to our advantage.

Texas Instruments (TXN) is my favorite example of a Dividend Magnet in action.

It’s a stock we held in my Hidden Yields dividend-growth advisory, where we bagged 130% in price gains and 148% total returns over a five-year period, simply by riding the stock’s majestic Dividend Magnet.

Check out how the stock price follows the dividend higher, puppy-dog like:

Dividend “Updraft” Sends TXN’s Price Soaring — Hike for Hike

This is the secret behind “Dividend Magnet” plays…

Yes, they might experience a short-term pullback, but if you’ve picked the correct stocks, they’ll almost always shoot right back up.

Plus, even when they’re pulling back, they’ll still pay you a healthy dividend profit.

That’s a bit of upside (and downside protection) we can use to our advantage in our shorter-term “Dividend Swing Trades.”

When we combine a strong “Dividend Magnet” with other indicators my system relies on, we can use it as a “springboard” to bounce to the next income play with double-digit upside potential.

Simply put, when we’ve sucked the maximum profits out of an individual stock, we’re going to “swing” to another stock with greater upside potential in the short-term — and a healthy dividend payout, too.

By doing so, we can stack up yearly returns of 20%+ — without day trading and without touching any high-risk options.

It’s what we did with NRG and all the examples I’ve shown you so far.

I’m sure you can see the opportunity here — by “swinging” in and out of these reliable payers, we can build up a collection of “singles” and “doubles,” working our profits higher and higher as we do.

Better still, unlike our “buy and hopers” we don’t have to give back these gains in a pullback.

Instead, when things start to get toppy, we “swing out” and go to cash — and wait for our next opportunity to buy back cheap!

Again, if this sounds like fun, it’s because it is!

And when you string together multiple trades like these, we’re targeting a life-changing 20% every year.

That’s $100k on a $500,000 investment.

Or a life-changing $200,000 per year on a $1-million portfolio.

Real money — not just paper gains — you can use to fund your dream retirement, spoil your loved ones, take luxury vacations or just keep reinvesting to snowball your returns into a small fortune.

Of course, no strategy is correct 100% of the time.

There’s always a degree of risk involved when investing.

That said, I believe this shorter-term dividend-trading system is the fastest, most reliable way I’ve developed to multiply wealth and income.

And if you want to achieve true financial independence, it could be a path that works for you.

No need to buy risky options, use margin or day trade.

No gambling on any speculative plays like crypto, meme stocks or worse.

We simply make timely moves into, and out of, dividend stocks with long histories of paying — and growing — their dividends.

Designed for Any Kind of “Landing”

As we discussed earlier, the “no-landing” setup — where the economy hums along and inflation comes back — is my base case for the months ahead.

Trump 2.0 only backs that up further, with tariffs, deportations and a big slowdown in immigration only adding to price pressures.

Meanwhile, tax cuts will help the economy stay on a growth track, at the cost of even more price pressures.

For those in the know, it could be the biggest opportunity for gains (and dividends) we’ve seen in years.

And yesterday’s “buy and hold” strategies — or worse, buy SPY and hope — could lead to HUGE losses as the many losers in this “no-landing” economy hit the skids.

Because there WILL be more losers than winners in the years ahead. That’s just the truth. As we’ve seen today, this “split” in the market is already starting to happen.

As it does, the gainers in funds like SPY won’t be nearly enough to offset the losses.

Same goes for the portfolios of our “diamond-handed” friends and family members, packed as they are with yesterday’s blue chip go-tos.

But we DON’T have to follow the same path.

Because this kind of environment, with the increased volatility it brings, is perfect for our dividend “swing trades.”

With higher volatility comes more buying opportunities—and, as seasoned investors know, bigger, faster gains on the ensuing bounce.

But Brett, you’re probably wondering: What if you’re wrong? What if the Fed really has nailed that “soft landing” everyone’s talking about?

Well, that’s okay, too.

We’ll simply stretch out our holding periods and ride our winners a little longer as falling rates, and falling inflation, goose stocks higher.

And because these are all dividend-paying (and often dividend-growing) stocks, we’re just fine with that. We’ll collect these rich payouts as our prices move up.

And if things go sideways, we’ll do what we did in January 2022 and “slim down” our portfolio to just a few core holdings, then ride out the pullback until our next buying opportunity arrives.

(Though to be honest, Jay’s “backdoor” liquidity moves when SVB imploded show he’ll backstop the market if he needs to. That’s something we did NOT have on our side in ’22.)

I think the record clearly shows that no matter what scenario plays out, my system is the perfect tool to profit.

And the small group of members who’ve been following this trading service, which you may have guessed by now I call Dividend Swing Trader, agree. Here’s what they’ve had to say:

“I started with Hidden Yields a couple of years back… When I read about Dividend Swing Trader I immediately got on the waiting list. Been here for about a year now.”

“Very good. You have definitely earned my trust… I love your in depth analysis and feel like you are really trying to help me the little guy instead of profit off of me. Love the sense of humor too.”

— Scott D. from Florida

“Thank you Brett. I have several investing services. You are always my go to guy. Your analysis has proven to be succinct and spot on. I greatly appreciate your delivery and expertise.”

—Jeff D. from Texas

“I’m spending more time generating income from my principal but part of my port is still about building more principal. DST fits nicely into that space.”

— Peter B. from New Hampshire

Now, I can’t guarantee you’ll see the same results as Scott, Jeff, Peter or any of the countless others who’ve shared their incredible experiences.

And please remember, all investing comes with a degree of risk.

But l want you to bear in mind that the examples I’ve shown you so far are only some of the most recent trades we’ve sent out to Dividend Swing Trader members.

Truth is, I’ve been running this system for a select group of investors for years, through the COVID collapse and the 2022 mess, and we’ve “timed” plenty of winners perfectly in those rough periods.

Like the 43.7% return we booked on refiner Valero Energy (VLO) in a little over two months, in May 2022, as inflation took its toll on other investors:

43.7% From VLO in a Little Over 2 Months

Or the 10.2% gain we saw on Honeywell International (HON) in only 10 weeks near the end of 2023:

10.2% on HON in Only 10 Weeks

And how’s this for fast profits: We picked up Easterly Government Properties (DEA), a sleepy landlord that mainly rents space to the government — and grabbed a 10.5% return in just 6 days.

That quick gain came, again, at the height of the COVID mess, from March 25 until April 1, 2020.

And We Traded DEA For A 10.5% Return in Just 6 Days!

But enough about the past.

Conditions are ripe right now for Dividend Swing Trader to issue its next set of trades. And I want to show you exactly how to find trades just like them.

That’s what I want to give you my 3 simple keys to quick, double-digit dividend gains, too.

Each of these keys can unlock an average 5% in real, secure income while seeing a potential 15% surge in price, for a combined 20%-per-year return.

You’ll find full details on all three of these keys in the Special Report I want to send you FREE today …

3 Keys to Quick Double-Digit Dividend Gains

Inside this exclusive report, you’ll get…

  • The 3 simple strategies to unlock fast gains from income stocks and funds

    You’ll be able to uncover names and ticker symbols, along with…

  • My private insights on each trade strategy

    After reading this, you’ll know exactly how these trades are so potentially profitable, why they’re perfect plays for our coming “no-landing” economy — and how you can uncover similar opportunities over and over.

  • A Full Breakdown of My System

    What you discovered today just scratches the surface of how this system works. In this free report, you’ll get a detailed dissection, including all the key timing indicators and much, much more.

Simply put, what’s in this report could be worth thousands to you.

If you uncover just ONE “Dividend Swing Trade” that plays out as I expect, it could hand you $2,000 annualized for every $10,000 invested.

This report is yours for FREE.

To claim your FREE copy of 3 Keys to Quick Double-Digit Dividend Gains, all you’ve got to do is accept an invitation to test-drive my private trading service…

Dividend Swing Trader

I don’t often mention this system in my regular writings and posts.

When I first opened it, the demand was so overwhelming we sold out every available seat within days and had to close the door on new applications. We are once again accepting new members, but I do want to ensure I can serve each member with the high level of service they deserve.

This means we may have to stop accepting new members, depending on how things progress from here. When we do, it’ll likely be sudden, and I don’t want you to miss out.

As an insider, you’ll be one of the only folks on Earth getting my most profitable trades.

Because Dividend Swing Trader was specifically designed to deliver 20% per year — every year — through a combination of stock-price appreciation AND income.

And, let me tell you…

There’s NEVER been a better time to be a Dividend Swing Trader.

The strategies for market timing I touched on today (plus the other “keys” you’ll discover in your free Special Report) are identifying DOZENS of new trades, all of which have the potential for double-digit returns — at the bare minimum.

As a Dividend Swing Trader insider, you’ll get ALL these recommendations served to you on a silver platter.

I’ll do ALL the heavy lifting so you can simply sit back and profit.

I’ll tell you when to get in and get out for the MOST money and the LEAST risk.

With my step-by-step guidance, stock recommendations, and ongoing support you’ll have everything you need, whether we face a hard-, soft- or no-landing economy.

But first, I need to make something crystal clear.

Dividend Swing Trader is NOT for everyone.

If you’re the type of person who likes to take action, move quickly, and take your profits off the table ASAP, I think you’ll love this system.

But if you’re on the fence about this, there are a few factors to consider:

  1. Dividend Swing Trader is NOT a day-trading service.

    Yes, it’s more actively traded than my other services.

    But it’s NOT a day-trading or options-trading service. You don’t need to spend your days glued to your computer. You won’t be moving money around all day. You won’t be studying charts. You simply go about your life and when you get a trade alert, make the move I recommend and that’s it.

  2. You WON’T have to sift through a mountain of research to get to the trade.

    When I identify a new trade, I’ll send it to you straight away with a quick update on what action to take. I’m not going to inundate you with mountains of charts, metrics and reports. My #1 goal is to get you in and out for maximum profits as efficiently as possible.

    So, if you prefer a 20-page backstory detailing each stock, this is NOT for you.

  3. This is NOT traditional buy-and-hold investing.

    This is a trading strategy that aims to return 20% per year — every year.

    As an insider, you’ll always know when to move in and out of our positions as and when the system tells us. We typically hold a stock for around six months before pivoting out, but as the examples I’ve shown you illustrate, it could be much less than this. It all depends on the specific opportunity.

    So if you’re looking to buy and hold a basket of stocks you love forever, Dividend Swing Trader is NOT for you.

  4. I CAN’T promise a set number of trades per month.

    As Dividend Swing Trader is driven by the three factors revealed earlier, I can’t guarantee you one or two recommendations per month like clockwork. There may be times when we go weeks without a recommendation.

    The amount and frequency of the trades will be entirely determined by the system. And, when recommendations do come, they may come in clusters. That said, we typically deliver around two to four trades per month.

    But, if you prefer to receive a guaranteed number of trades per month — regardless of their performance — Dividend Swing Trader is not for you.


Now that’s out of the way…

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside:

Insider Benefit #1 — 12 Months Full Access to Dividend Swing Trader:

You’ll get no-holds-barred access to all my trades for an entire year. I’m expecting to deliver an average of two to four trades per month with a goal of 20% total returns every year — no matter what the broader markets are doing.

Insider Benefit #2 — 3 Keys to Quick Double-Digit Dividend Gains:

Inside this brand-new report, I’ll give you the three keys required to unlock fast double-digit gains from dividend payers. You’ll find the stocks that have just entered my “buy” zone and, if you jump in now, they’re set to pay you 20%. That’s an easy $2,000 on every $10,000 invested.

Insider Benefit #3 — Special “Insider Only” Updates:

Wondering what to buy, sell or hold? As an insider, you’ll be kept up to date on every trade with urgent email alerts. You don’t have to worry about watching the markets every day. Let me do all the hard work for you.

Insider Benefit #4 — Exclusive Q&A Service:

As a member of Dividend Swing Trader, you get priority access to my team and me.

Any questions you have, just email them in and we’ll get you an answer ASAP. Each individual’s financial situation is unique, so I can’t give out personal investment advice, but I’ll answer any questions you have on our recommendations.

All this and more is waiting for you.

To get access, all you’ve got to do is accept today’s risk-free invitation to join Dividend Swing Trader.

In just a moment, I’ll give you all the details of this risk-free invitation.

Before that though, let me show you the TWO FREE bonus gifts I’ve set aside for you.

Each of these bonus gifts was selected to help maximize your profits inside Dividend Swing Trader. Combined, they’re valued at several hundred dollars but they’re all yours for FREE today.

Let me quickly tell you about each of them…

Free Bonus Report #1:

How to Identify Market Tops (and Buy Dividends on the Dip)

Believe it or not, it is simple (though not easy) to time your purchases of steady dividend payers and achieve meaningful price gains, too.

We’re talking about 4%, 5% and even 6%+ payers with the ability to return an ADDITIONAL 15% in price upside per year.

Sometimes we can even turn these trades into 15.5%, 26% and even 37.7% gains — in just a few months.

This report breaks down exactly how we’ll use my timing indicators to target 5%+ income and 20% total returns in the coming year.

Free Bonus Report #2:

The Secret to Banking 20%+ Per Year with CEFs

Closed-end funds are liquidity-driven vehicles that are popular with individual investors. But these “weak hands” tend to sell when the storm clouds roll in, and as a result, CEFs — which have fixed quantities of shares — can actually trade at a discount to their net asset values (NAVs).

Some high-quality CEFs today will sell for just 85% to 90% of their “fair value.” Buying them after a pullback is like slapping a 10%- to 15%-off coupon on top of another coupon.

This is a simple strategy we’ve profited from for years in our more conservative Contrarian Income Report service. But now, thanks to DST’s much smaller audience, we’re able to magnify that success almost exponentially.

This report reveals how we uncover these 20%+ opportunities in CEFs and exactly how we’ll play them in the coming months.

These Bonus Gifts Are Waiting For You

They’re yours for FREE when you accept today’s invitation to join Dividend Swing Trader.

Normally, membership alone would cost you $1,499 per year, which is a steal when you consider the potential we’re talking about.

Not to mention the fact you’re getting several hundred dollars worth of free bonus material.

However, you won’t need to pay the $2,000.00 that Dividend Swing Trader is worth. You won’t even need to pay the $1,499 regular price I charge for the service.

Right now, I’m giving you a HUGE 45% discount to Dividend Swing Trader.

So, instead of investing $1,499.00 you can lock in a $700 savings.

That’s right, your investment today is just $799.

To claim your spot inside Dividend Swing Trader, all you’ve got to do is click here…

You must act fast though as I’m only accepting a limited number of new members inside Dividend Swing Trader.

As I mentioned earlier…

This is a specially designed service, I want to work more closely with you.

As I said earlier, I want to give you the level of service and touchpoints you deserve.

And if too many people enroll, I can’t deliver on this promise. I may have to stop accepting new members at any time. And I want to make sure you get a spot.

This presentation has been released to thousands of readers, which means just a small percentage will be able to profit from all my best trades.

So, to quickly recap, you’ll get:

  • 12 months of full access to Dividend Swing Trader
  • 3 Keys to Quick Double-Digit Dividend Gains
  • Special “Insider Only” Updates
  • Exclusive Q&A Service
  • BONUS #1 — How to Identify Market Tops (and Buy Dividends on the Dip)
  • BONUS #2 — The Secret to Banking 20%+ Per Year with CEFs

A total $2,000.00 value…

All for just ONE payment of $799.

You’ll be taken to an encrypted webpage where you can review everything waiting for you inside Dividend Swing Trader and confirm your spot.

After that, you’ll have immediate access to the private member’s website where you’ll get everything listed above.

Plus, one FINAL bonus which will make your decision today easy…

When you accept today’s invitation to join Dividend Swing Trader, you risk NOTHING.

You’re Protected by My Triple-Promise

100%-Money-Back Guarantee

Guarantee #1 – My Dividend Swing Trader recommendations aim to return 20% per year in dividends and capital appreciation.

Guarantee #2 – My Dividend Swing Trader stocks will all be chosen to help you achieve maximum total returns in as little time as possible with a high margin of safety.

Guarantee #3 – I guarantee if for any reason — or no reason at all — you decide Dividend Swing Trader is not for you in the first 60 days… I will refund 100% of your money.

It doesn’t get more risk-free than this.

You’re not only getting a huge 45% discount ($700.00 in savings). You’re not risking one single cent, either. So, to take advantage of this one-time-only offer, click the button below before it’s too late…

Now, I want to leave you with one final thought…

You’ve seen how my Dividend Swing Trader System aims for 20%+ total returns per year…

You’ve seen how it can deliver predictable returns, no matter what the Fed is up to, Trump 2.0 or runaway government spending.

You’ve seen how it could hand you $200,000 or more every single year, without using options, buying on margin or day trading.

You’ve seen there are live trades waiting for you inside Dividend Swing Trader.

And most importantly, you’ve been invited to secure your seat with a huge 45% discount, backed by our RISK-FREE guarantee.

So, the way I see it, you now have three options…

Option #1: Do nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

If you already have enough to retire and you’re not worried about running out of money during your golden years, then maybe you don’t need this strategy.

But I have to warn you: If you’re planning to go with a “buy-and-hope” strategy in the coming months, while the no-landing scenario I expect plays out, you’re likely to miss out on serious gains — and put your capital at risk, too.

Option #2: Do it yourself.

You can attempt to identify these trades yourself.

Fair warning, though.

You’ll have to analyze hundreds of stocks every day, pore over their financials, anticipate major market moves and live glued to your computer screen.

Truthfully, if you’re willing to work hard, you might be able to pull this off. However, by the time you master this system, you’ll have missed DOZENS of my trade recommendations, which could have paid you tens of thousands.

Not to mention the fact you’ll probably hit a few speed bumps along the way (I know I did) and potentially LOSE a small fortune as you try to reverse-engineer my system.

Option #3: Let me do the heavy lifting for you.

Let me hunt down these trades and serve them to you on a silver platter.

Let me do ALL the heavy lifting, all the research, all the analysis, all the market timing.

Join Dividend Swing Trader today and all you need to do is read my research, place a simple 30-second trade, then sit back and collect your dividends as you wait for my sell call—and our potential 20% returns.

So, of these three options, ask yourself…

What’s Going to Be Easier for You?

The choice is yours, my friend.

Either way, I won’t judge you.

But the fact you’ve read this far tells me you’re one of the smart ones.

One of the few who’s savvy enough to see the wealth-building potential in front of them.

One of the few who’s willing to do what it takes to secure their financial freedom.

One of the members I’m looking for inside Dividend Swing Trader.

If I’m right about you, click the button below right now.

You’ll lock in your one-time-only 45% discount, get instant access to my new report 3 Keys to Quick Double-Digit Dividend Gains, all my upcoming trade recommendations for the next 12 months and several hundred dollars worth of bonus gifts.

I hope to see you inside.

Yours in profits,

Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

Dividend Swing Trader

P.S. As Trump 2.0 takes hold and my growth-with-inflation (a.k.a. “no-landing”) forecast plays out in the next few months, I expect a select few dividend stocks to soar. I’ll unveil each of them when my system tells me the time is right, and I don’t want you to miss out.

P.P.S. The clock is ticking, and the time to act is now, while I still have some spots open for investors like you. Simply click here to get started right away. You have no risk and no obligation whatsoever.





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