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Look for your first issue soon.

In the meantime, enjoy your free special report below.


Yours in payout profits,

Brett Owens Signature

Brett Owens
Chief Investment Strategist
Contrarian Income Report

Your Early Retirement Portfolio: Huge Dividends—Every Month—Practically Forever

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the endless media reports that say you need a million bucks to retire.

I’m tired of it because seemingly insurmountable figures like that are actively discouraging people from ever leaving the workforce: in April 2024, one in four Americans polled said they didn’t plan to retire at all.

But I have good news for you: the $1-million figure these so-called “experts” are throwing around is pulled straight out of thin air. It’s just another example of the lazy thinking that often plagues Wall Street.

The truth is, even after all we’ve been through in the few years, you can still get the retirement you deserve—and on a lot less than the talking heads say you need.

How much less, you ask?

I’m talking about a fully paid-for retirement, with an income stream that outstrips the average wage of the typical working American, on just a $600K stake—and possibly as little as $455K.

And get this: You’ll get paid every single month, too.

Best of all, when you buy into the two high-yield corners of the market I’ll reveal in this report (and check out the 4 specific names I’ll reveal, yielding up to 8.3% now), you could live on dividends alone—without selling a single stock to generate cash.

Imagine that: with a secure income stream, you can forget about the market’s gyrations. With your capital intact, you could even leave a nice legacy for your kids, grandkids, a charity of your choice—it’s up to you!

About That Monthly Income Stream …

Before I go further, I need to tell you something.

This approach isn’t for folks who want to stick with the plain-vanilla stocks most people are content to invest in.

It’s for savvy investors who are willing to invest just a little differently …

… who don’t mind stepping a little outside their comfort zone to bag the steady 7%, 8% (and higher) dividends we need to get the retirement I just described.

So if you want to turn back here and continue “grinding it out” with the sub-2% dividends of the S&P 500, I can’t blame you. After all, it’s easy to invest in the familiar.

But those lame payouts mean you’ll have to consistently sell down your portfolio for extra cash in retirement. And it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be forced to do so straight into a downturn, just like many folks were forced to do in the coronavirus crisis and during the 2022 mess.

A smooth income stream? Forget about it.

Almost all S&P 500 stocks pay quarterly instead of monthly.

Sure, you could stagger them so your portfolio pays you every month. But that forces you to pick stocks based mainly on their payout schedules—a one-way ticket to investment disaster if there ever was one. Worse, your monthly cash stream would still vary widely from month to month!

If you want to go beyond a chaotic cash stream and bank the outsized dividends you need for a “no-withdrawal” retirement (plus some nice price gains, too), read on.

Monthly Dividend Play No. 1: Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) With High, Steady Payouts

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are a natural draw for income-seekers because they usually pay much bigger dividends than the typical stock.

There’s a good reason for those higher payouts: the IRS hands REITs a “get out of jail free card” when it comes to taxes. These firms pay zero corporate tax so long as they hand out 90% of their profits as dividends!

It is true that some REITs were hit hard in the COVID-19 crisis, particularly those that own shopping malls. They’ve rebounded since, though some are still below their pre-pandemic highs, as ongoing worries about the uncertain direction of interest rates and inflation weigh on consumer spending.

But not all REITs have been as badly affected, and some stand to gain in the long run, like the two monthly payers we’ll dive into now.

REIT No. 1: STAG Industrial (STAG)

Warehouse owner STAG Industrial is perfectly positioned to profit from two powerful megatrends: online shopping (which I know we’ve been talking about for years, but it still continues to grow!) and “onshoring,” or the return of US manufacturing to its home country from basket cases like China.

STAG’s top-10 tenants include e-commerce beneficiaries Kenco Logistics, FedEx (FDX) and (AMZN) itself, which is the REIT’s biggest tenant.

It also rents out a significant amount of space to automobile-related firms, positioning it to benefit from rising demand for cars (including electric cars and hybrids).

Source: STAG Industrial Q1 earnings supplemental

The other thing that stands out about STAG is its broad diversification: through its 570 properties (113 million square feet), the REIT has exposure to more than 45 different sectors, and its largest tenant, Amazon, accounts for just under 3% of annualized base rent.

Now let’s talk dividends: as I write, STAG yields 4.2%, and it hikes its monthly payout on the regular, so we can count on its forward dividend yield being a little higher than that:

STAG’s Growing Monthly Payout

The bottom line? STAG boasts one of the steadiest REIT dividends out there. If you’re looking for a reliable monthly income stream, the trust should be high on your list.

REIT No. 2: LTC Properties (LTC)

LTC Properties invests in 195 senior-care facilities across America. About 50% are seniors’ housing (which help seniors live independently for as long as possible) and 50% are skilled nursing (for more frequent care).

The REIT’s operators were hard-hit in 2020, due to the fact that seniors in congregate settings are among the worst affected by COVID-19. However, as LTC rents out, rather than directly operates, its facilities, it was able to navigate the crisis more easily. And longer term, the thesis behind investing in LTC remains intact: the trust is in the path of a wave of retiring baby boomers, a demographic trend that will continue for years to come.

The REIT also did a good job of maintaining its dividend throughout the crisis, and the payout should find increased stability now that the pandemic has passed and demand for space in its properties allows it to acquire more buildings and increase its rents.

LTC Kept Its Monthly Payout High Throughout the Crisis

Throw in a high 6.8% yield and we’ve got a “megatrend-powered” payout that can bankroll our retirement by profiting from the wave of retirements washing across the country. Perfect.

Monthly Dividend Play No. 2: Closed-End Funds (CEFs) Yielding Up to 8.3%

Now that we’ve covered off our monthly REIT dividends, let’s move on to another favorite income play of mine—closed-end funds (CEFs), where big yields also abound. In fact, the average dividend yield of all 500 or so CEFs out there clocks in around 8% as I write this.

Even better, CEFs give us one-click diversification, thanks to their broad portfolios of corporate bonds, US stocks, REITs and a wide range of other holdings.

We also benefit from their active managers, who have the backing of some of the world’s largest fund companies, like BlackRock. That helps CEFs regularly beat their indexes, particularly in areas like bonds and preferred shares.

I’ve got two CEFs for you to take a look at now. Both offer sky-high dividends:

CEF No. 1: BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)

Let’s start with blue chip stocks, where this fund, from BlackRock, the world’s biggest investment firm, plies its trade. CII takes a portfolio of large cap stocks that’s about as, well, large as they come—and then adds its “secret sauce” to hand us a 6.1% dividend that grows (and, of course, is paid monthly).

CII’s (Very) Blue Chip Portfolio

Source: BlackRock

The one problem with this portfolio is that it’s stacked with low (and no-) dividend payers. So how does it generate the cash it needs to support its dividend?

By selling call options on these holdings. These options give the buyer the right (but not the obligation) to buy stocks in CII’s portfolio at a fixed price and a fixed point in the future. If the stock hits that price, the buyer may purchase it (in which case it’s “called away,” in option-speak). If not, CII keeps the shares. No matter what happens, CII keeps the cash it collects for selling these options.

That fee is the key to the fund’s dividend, which has grown 20% in the last five years.

Finally, we have the opportunity to purchase this one at a 7% discount to net asset value (NAV, or the value of the underlying portfolio). That ’s more than enough to cover CII’s modest (for a CEF) fees of 0.89% of assets, so we’re essentially getting BlackRock’s world-class management for free here.

CEF No. 2: Reaves Utility Income Fund (UTG)

Everyone knows utilities are a rock in unsteady times. But the main snag with investing in utilities now is that individual utilities’ dividends are fairly ho-hum, with the benchmark Utilities Select Sector ETF (XLU) yielding just over 3% today. That’s a lot better than the 1.2% you’d get from the typical S&P 500 stock, but we can do much better still with a smartly managed utility CEF.

Moreover, utilities often serve as bond proxies for many folks, so their prices have moved lower as bond yields have risen, setting up some nice bargains in the space.

Enter the 8.3%-yielding Reaves Utility Income Fund (UTG). The fund holds rock-steady utilities like Duke Energy (NEE), Alliant Energy (LNT) and BCE Inc. (BCE), Canada’s leading telecom provider.

And the management team at Reaves, an investment firm with 60 years of history, has delivered upside most investors can only dream of, delivering an outstanding 464% return since inception in 2004 (with dividends included—and little drama).

Best of all, much of that return has been in cash, thanks to UTG’s massive dividend. And you’ve got a lot of reassurance that the fund’s share price will hold its own while you’re collecting that payout in the future: it currently sports a five-year beta rating of 0.83, which means it’s historically been 17% less volatile than the S&P 500.

Putting It All Together

So where does this leave us? With the four picks above, you’d pull in an average yield of about 6.4%, plus you’d get wide diversification, with exposure to warehouses, healthcare, blue chip stocks and utility stocks.

So if you were to invest, say, $635,000—a full $375,000 less than the suits say you need for a healthy retirement—you’d generate $40,000 in income.

That’s enough to retire on for some folks (or at least let them achieve financial independence by using their dividends to supplement other income sources). Plus you’re positioning yourself to nicely grow your nest egg, too, thanks to all five of our picks’ upside potential.

Forget $635,000: Let’s Kickstart Your $40,000 a Year on a LOT Less

I think you’ll agree that a $40,000 income stream on a $600K nest egg is a pretty sweet deal. And the four stocks and funds above are one way to get there.

But they’re just a small taste of what’s possible: because my favorite monthly paying buys will get you that same $40,000 a year on a much smaller stake—possibly just a $455K nest egg.

I’ve put everything you need in 2 special reports—and I want to give them to you, right now, FREE, starting with…

Monthly Dividend Superstars: Yields Up to 10.5% With Double-Digit Upside

In this in-depth special report, I’ll reveal three incredible income plays most people don’t even know about.

They’re my absolute favorite investments to keep your nest egg safe while still paying a generous dividend every single month. They include:

  • A bond fund that’s perfectly positioned as interest rates decline. It dishes an outsized 10.5% dividend,
  • The brainchild of one of the world’s top fund managers that’s throwing off an amazing 9% yield,
  • And a rock-steady 7.3% dividend whose managers have guided it to an astonishing 1,200% total return since inception.

And these three monthly cash machines are just the start. Because I’ve compiled another FREE special report for you called…

Best of Both Worlds: 3 High-Income Funds That Beat Stocks

This report reveals three of my favorite high-income funds.

These three funds pay an average yield of 8.8%, but their best quality may be their lack of correlation with the stock market, giving your portfolio even more ballast in a market storm.

Plus, these funds are run by some of the smartest minds on Wall Street, which means they have what it takes to keep their fat payouts rolling out, no matter what the broader market does.

Now, the total value of all these reports I just went over is right around $200 (each is a $99 value on its own). I mean, just think about how these recommendations, which yield 8.8% on average between them, could secure income totaling $40,000 a year (or $3,300 on a monthly basis ) for the rest of your life.

And that’s on just a $455,000 investment!

Now that I put it that way, they’re probably worth 10X that amount! But none of that matters because…

I want you to have my entire 8%+ Monthly Payer Portfolio for FREE.

Think of these reports as your jump-start resource. They’ll point you in the right direction.

But I want to be your guide to make sure you have all the research you need to safely collect huge—and steady—monthly dividends not just this year but every year from here on out.

That’s why I’m also throwing in a 100% risk-free trial to my research service, Contrarian Income Report.

I’ve spent years scouring all corners of the market uncovering high-yielding investments that are safe enough to retire on.

Each month, I’ll deliver a streamlined intelligence report straight to your inbox. I’ll give you my candid take on what the mainstream crowd is talking about.

And I’ll also tell you about the newest high-yield opportunities I come across.

As I write, our Contrarian Income Report boasts a diverse portfolio of dividends paying 8.1%, on average, with a number of holdings yielding 10% and up.

Beats the heck out of the Dividend Aristocrats.

Beats the heck out of Treasuries and CDs.

And it sure beats the heck out of the S&P 500 and its pathetic sub-2% yield.

Imagine putting these high-yielders to work for you. All of a sudden, the monthly checks start rolling in and you can finally sit back and enjoy life instead of stressing about your portfolio 24/7.

But don’t just take my word for it. I have letters piling up on my desk from happy subscribers. Let me share a few with you…

Of course not everyone follows my recommendations at the exact same time or in the same way. Each member’s personal financial situation is different, so your experience may also be different… but I’m thrilled to say there are dozens more stories just like these.

Now let’s talk about what you get with Contrarian Income Report.

  • Monthly research bulletins: You’ll get my latest high-yield opportunities delivered to your inbox, plus updates on current picks.
  • Flash alerts: Any time there’s a change in our position, or general market malarkey happening, you’ll get a flash alert so you know how to respond.
  • 24/7 members-only website: You’ll get access to a password-protected website where you can access current and past issues, special bonus reports and all of our current portfolio recommendations.
  • Quarterly webinars: About every three months, I hold a private, members-only webinar to answer all your questions, live and unfiltered.
  • A dedicated customer-support team: If you ever have questions about your subscription, you can call or email our customer-service team in New York and they’ll be happy to take care of you.

Normally Contrarian Income Report costs $99 a year. In return you’re getting picks that can deliver you thousands of dollars each month in a handbasket.

Still, I know I need to earn your trust and show you just how valuable Contrarian Income Report can be. That’s why I’m willing to offer you an extraordinary deal: you can enjoy an entire year of Contrarian Income Report for just $39. That’s 60% off the published price!

Oh yeah, one more thing…

I’m also going to give you a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. That means you have nearly two full months to invest in my picks and try all the tools and resources.

If at any time you don’t feel like my research service is right for you, just contact my team and they’ll refund every cent you paid. No hard feelings. No questions asked.

And the bonus reports will be yours to keep. Just my way of saying thanks for trying my service and giving me the chance to serve you.

So if you’re ready for payouts north of 9% (paid monthly, no less) and double-digit capital gains potential, simply click here to get started right now.
Yours in payout profits,

Brett Owens Signature
Brett Owens
Chief Investment Strategist
Contrarian Income Report

P.S. Since my recommendations run contrary to popular belief, they tend to jump as soon as the mainstream herd catches on. Get started now to make sure you get in at a good price!



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