Don’t Be a Dividend Fool – Use This Tool

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 23, 2024

“If you own dividend-paying stocks, you’d be a fool to not be using Income Calendar,” my man Mark P. from California writes.

Tell ‘em, Mark!

We are devoted to retiring on dividends here at Contrarian Outlook. But a little bit of work in retirement is OK. As income investors, we should be able to project our income.

Note that I said a little bit of work. Not a lot! I am not interested in fiddling with spreadsheets until the end of time, and neither is my man Mark.

If you’re with us, why not hop onboard the Income Calendar train with Mark and me? I have no doubt that Mark knows his upcoming November income haul. If not off the top of the head, it’s one click away.

IC shows us how each dividend fits within the context of our overall income for the next 12 months:

12 Months of Projected Dividends via Income Calendar

How are we looking for November? We have $3,169.31 in dividends likely to drop into our brokerage account. This is the type of revenue projection that a savvy income investor knows.

November 2024 Dividend Projection: $3,169.31

We have plenty of potential payouts heading our way in this dividend portfolio. All of the details are broken down in our summary for the upcoming month:

November 2024 Income Projection Summary

Biz owner type knowledge, right here.

IC even supports custom income events, such as social security or pay from actual labor. We can add our active wages with our passive dividends in one single tool.

And thanks to a new integration, it’s never been easier to update our dividend tickers in Income Calendar. The tool can import stocks and funds from any premium Contrarian Outlook service. It can even sync up with your brokerage account too!

Dividend projections require a combination of technology and craftmanship. We know what these stocks have paid and we estimate our future payments to the penny.

So long, goofy spreadsheets! We’re doing the heavy dividend lifting for you with Income Calendar.

Plus it’s easy to setup. It will take you five or ten minutes just once and you’re good to go. Then, barely a minute or so when you buy or sell something. (If you buy or sell—again, we’re not judging, we’re just tracking and projecting income here.)

And here’s a hookup that is even easier thanks to a recent major upgrade we made to IC. We’ve integrated it with Plaid, a service that safely and securely links up to your brokerage account and imports all your tickers and shares—so you don’t have to do any inputting at all.

When our lead developer asked me to test out the new integration, I was blown away with how easy it was. I had my Charles Schwab account connected to Income Calendar with just a few clicks. It was really easy to import the tickers and share counts of my current holdings into IC.

I could go on and on but honestly this tool is soooooo easy to use. I set up the Contrarian Outlook Portfolio in a few minutes and my Schwab holdings in a few minutes more. You’ll have this tool humming in no time, too.

I’m so excited for you to profit from it that I pleaded with my publisher to let you enjoy Income Calendar on a 100% risk-free basis.

Act today and we’ll hook you up with a full 60-day test drive of Income Calendar with no obligation whatsoever.

IC is the most accurate tool for tracking and projecting your dividend income. There is nothing like it on the market. In fact, I’ll share some amazing user feedback with you in a moment.

But, before we get sidetracked, please click the link below to claim your 60-day risk-free trial.

I don’t know how long this offer will be live for, so let’s not take any chances! Please click here to try it risk-free for 60 days.