Take On Wall Street With These Nimble Funds Paying Up to 10%
Michael Foster, Investment StrategistUpdated: December 20, 2021
Think about it for a moment: when was the last time you read anything about closed-end funds (CEFs), a way too often overlooked asset class that throws off 7%+ average dividends?
Never? Maybe once?
It’s a shame that CEFs are rarely discussed outside Wall Street circles, because they’re perfect for anyone who needs income these days. (And who doesn’t!?)
Smaller CEFs Give You Big Payouts And “Baked in” Upside
We’re going to bust through that barrier and look at how we can use CEFs to boost our income streams and our net worth, too.
We can dial ourselves in for even bigger gains when we focus on smaller CEFs, like the ones I emphasize in my CEF Insider service.… Read more