2 Massive Dividends (Up to 13.7%!) About to Collapse
Michael Foster, Investment StrategistUpdated: May 23, 2019
Right now, there are two closed-end funds (CEFs) you need to sell immediately—or steer clear of if you don’t already own them.
Before I reveal them, I want to explain the unmistakable sell signal both are showing as I write this. You can easily use it to “crash-test” the CEFs in your own portfolio, or spot CEF bargains.
A Built-in CEF “Sell Alert”
I’m talking about the difference between the fund’s market price and per-share net asset value, or NAV (which is just another way of saying the value of the CEF’s holdings).
CEFs usually trade at a discount to NAV, and if you’re a subscriber to my CEF Insider service, you know we’ve banked some impressive returns by waiting for those discounts to get ridiculously wide, buying, then holding on as the discount reverts to normal, pushing the share price higher as it does.… Read more