Author Archive: Michael Foster

Investment Strategist

How to Retire on $300,000 (and bag 12% gains every year)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: September 3, 2018

Today I’m going to show you how to get a livable income stream from a $300,000 nest egg—while growing your savings at the same time.

Sounds impossible, right?


What’s more, we’re going to pull it off using just 6 funds. When we’re done, we’ll end up with a simple, diversified portfolio that throws off a nice, steady 7.9% dividend yield—more than 4 times the S&P 500 average!

And if you’re worried that this outsized yield could come at the cost of a weak total return, don’t be, because these funds have delivered 12% per year over the past decade.

Before I get into these 6 funds, let me show you what numbers like these can mean for you: if we start with an upfront investment of $305,000 in this portfolio and leave it alone for 10 years, we can expect our capital to explode to nearly $1 million in a decade.… Read more

If Your CEF Is Doing This, Sell Yesterday

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 30, 2018

We’re always looking for reader feedback at my CEF Insider service, so we recently sent out a survey to our members (if you are one, you likely got it) asking for the topics they’d most like to see us cover.

One of the most common answers: how to know when it’s time to sell a closed-end fund (CEF).

So now I want to tackle that question (with more articles to come in the next few weeks answering other questions from our survey).

Sell Signs Not Always Easy to Spot

First off, it’s easier to know when to buy than when to sell.… Read more

Revealed: 4 Fast Buys to Give You $48,000 in Retirement Income

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 27, 2018

On average, an American retiree spends about $4,000 per month. But few of those retirees are getting $4,000 from their nest egg—which is partly why bankruptcy rates among retirees have been soaring for years.

But there is a way to get $4,000 a month (or $48,000 a year) from your savings—even if you aren’t filthy rich.

And that’s the problem with today’s low-yielding stock market. To get $48,000 per year from the S&P 500, you’d need $2.76 million to put in the market. That’s because the S&P 500’s dividend yield is a crummy 1.7%—far lower than US Treasuries and way below its long-term average!… Read more

This 9.4% Dividend Is a Trap Ready to Spring. Sell Now!

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 23, 2018

A little over two months ago, in an article for Contrarian Outlook, I spotlighted a nice short-term buying opportunity in the PIMCO Global StocksPlus & Income Fund (PGP).

PGP, with its 9.4% current dividend yield, is one of the most popular PIMCO funds, but it is one with a checkered past. And by checkered, I mean this:

Not for the Faint of Heart!

With up and down swings of 20% and more in a matter of months, PGP is a really volatile fund. And note those big dips in mid-2016 and mid-2017. There’s only one reason why huge drops like those appear for a closed-end fund (CEF) like PGP: dividend cuts.… Read more

2 Top Dividend Funds (8%+ Yields!) to Buy Now

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 20, 2018

Pity the poor landlord, stuck with a boatload of hassles: late rent payments, missed payments, tenants who disappear, tenants who trash the place before they leave.

The list of risks with owning rental property goes on and on! All just to (hopefully) collect a rent check at the end of the month.

But there’s a much easier way to rake in steady income from real estate without the hassle of dealing with tenants and other risks of owning property outright.

The best part?

You’ll get an 8% return on your money in cash every single year. And we’re going to do it straight from our brokerage accounts, just as if we’re buying shares of a company like Apple (AAPL)—but without the pathetic 1.4% dividend Tim Cook’s firm pays.… Read more

A Shocking Market Crash; Here’s What to Do

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 18, 2018

If you noticed American stocks selling off last week and you’re confused as to why, it’s because of an obscure corner of financial markets that might become one of the biggest stories of 2018: the Turkish lira.

Turkey’s Money Implodes

Where a dollar would get you less than four lira at the start of the year, it now gets you more than six lira—in other words, Turkey’s currency has lost nearly half of its value in 2018 alone!

This is something some investors need to fear a lot. And today I’m going to show you how to avoid being on the losing end of this crisis (including 11 funds you need to sell or avoid now, before they get crushed).… Read more

3 Quick Buys for Dividends Up to 6% (and 112% Upside)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 13, 2018

There’s been a massive discount building in a pocket of the market where you can get big dividends that are entirely tax-free.

And I’m going to show you three “1-click” ways to tap this income investor’s wonderland today.

I know that tax-free anything these days sounds impossible, but in this case, I assure you it’s not. The key is investing in municipal bonds, which give you a passive income stream that is entirely tax exempt at the federal level. Plus it’s also exempt from state taxes in many situations, too.

That means a 4%-yielding municipal bond, or “muni,” is more like a 5.3%-yielding dividend stock for a family earning $100,000 per year—and that’s before we factor in state taxes.… Read more

2 Cheap Energy Funds to Buy Before They Rip Higher

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 9, 2018

What a year it’s been for oil!

Oil Takes Off

With a 43.5% climb in just a year, oil prices have blown by several technical levels to breach $70, and $80 is on the table by the end of the year.

This is the highest price since 2014, and it’s a very good sign for stocks—which is why you should consider buying 2 funds paying massive dividends and boasting top-notch energy-sector exposure.

(And if you prefer to invest in oil through individual stocks, rather than funds, check out this recent article by my colleague David Peltier.)

Before I show you my 2 energy funds, though, let’s talk a bit about what isn’t happening with oil.… Read more

How to Buy Your Favorite Stocks at 14% Off (with yields up to 7%)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 6, 2018

If you’ve read the headlines about tech’s woeful slump in the past couple weeks, you might think stocks are out of favor.

You’d be wrong—and this chart proves it:

Forget the Headlines: Stocks Are Rolling

After February’s gut-wrenching plunge, the S&P 500 has more than recovered and is up 6.2% year to date. If this trend continues, we’re looking at a 12.4% return on the year.

But look at the orange line above—that’s the tech-benchmark Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ), which is up 13.2% year to date, even after this latest correction in tech. That adds up to a monstrous 26.4% return for 2018 if that trend continues.… Read more

The Best Way to Play the Facebook Panic (it’s not Facebook stock)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 2, 2018

120 billion dollars.

That’s how much market cap Facebook (FB) dumped over the side in a single day when the company crushed Wall Street’s hopes with a soft second-quarter earnings report last week.

This was the biggest single-day loss in US stock-market history—and the stock has plunged more since, to a loss of over 20%.

“Facebook Fright” Spreads Like Wildfire

The panic has spread to FAANG land, with Amazon (AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Netflix (NFLX) and Alphabet (GOOG) all showing losses right after Facebook’s report, even though many of these companies have very different business models than Facebook. And the one that’s closest, Alphabet, recently reported a blowout quarter.… Read more