Author Archive: Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

Safe Tax-Free Bonds Paying 5%+ to Buy and Hold Forever

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: August 8, 2018

If you’re looking for tax-free yields, municipal (“muni”) bonds can provide you with 5%+ distributions that Uncle Sam won’t touch. With rates rising, it is a bit tricky to make savvy buying decisions at the moment. But income investors buying smartly today are banking 5%+ yields – and paying as little as 88 cents on the dollar!

For quick profits, it’s best to buy munis after mini-panics. They seem to happen every year or two, presenting us levelheaded contrarians with safe yields for cheap. (Most recently, readers who followed my advice and bought munis after an irrational “tax plan panic” enjoyed total returns up to 16.7% in just 12 months!)… Read more

3 Unloved High-Yielders That Will Rise With Rates (and pay up to 7% in cash!)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: August 7, 2018

Once again, almost everyone has gotten sucked in by a tired investor slogan that’s dead wrong—and it’s costing them big gains (and income).

But that’s good news for contrarians like us, because we can bank some easy profits thanks to this all-too-predictable reflex.

That’s especially true now that the Federal Reserve has sent out a blaringly obvious signal that it’s stuck to its rate-hike track, calling the economy “strong” after its latest meeting last week.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Before I go further, the shopworn myth I’m talking about is that REITs nosedive when interest rates rise.

Many folks just can’t be talked out of it, despite all evidence to the contrary, including the fact that REITs skyrocketed during the last sustained rising-rate cycle, in 2004–06.… Read more

13 Sky-High Yields of 7%-Plus: 4 Bombs, 9 Buys

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: August 4, 2018

What do most exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and many blue-chip stocks have in common?

They’re big, they’re popular with Wall Street pundits … and they don’t deliver nearly as much income as investors need to retire.

Not even close.

I want to share some ugly and eye-opening numbers with you about the skinflint ETF industry. I recently dug into the 100 most popular funds by assets under management, and here’s what I found:

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How to Bank $7,050 in Cash Payouts in 4 Weeks

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: August 2, 2018

I was not supposed to be sharing my favorite income strategy (for weekly payouts) with you today. But I convinced my publisher to make an exception – so please take advantage of his rare act of leniency and read this carefully today.

As you probably know I’m the rare “income guy” who thinks that these “elevated” Treasury yields are still a joke. As I write, the 10-year IOU from Uncle Sam is rallying back towards 3%. Is anyone who is not already rich retiring off of these yields?

A 3% yield on a $1 million portfolio generates just $30,000 per year before taxes.… Read more

How to Make $5,310 a Month Without Buying Stocks

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: August 2, 2018

Today I’m going to show you a proven way to collect $5,310 in cash, on average, every month—without buying a single stock, bond or fund.

In fact, you won’t have to buy anything at all. (I’ll show you precisely how this works in a moment.)

That amounts to a nice $63,720-a-year income stream, easily enough for you to retire on pretty well anywhere in America. And if you pick one of the cheapest corners of the country (like Indianapolis, say, where the cost of living is 16% below the national average), it’s a fortune!

Beyond the Obvious

This breakthrough strategy is certainly way better than trying to squeak by on the pathetic 1.75% your typical S&P 500 stock pays.… Read more

4 Under-the-Radar Yields of Up to 8%: 2 Losers, 2 Lunkers

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 28, 2018

Have real estate investment trusts (REITs) finally “decoupled” from rising interest rates? In other words, has the popular (but untrue) “rates up, REITs down” reasoning been busted (again)?

For those of us who have been waiting for the stock market’s landlords to carve out a bottom before buying anything new, we may be back in business:

REITs Finally Rising with Rates?

Regular readers know that the best REITs do just fine as rates rise. That’s been the case historically, and they’ll rally again this time around.

Why? Because elite landlords simply keep raising their rents.  These higher cash flows translate to higher dividends, and higher stock prices, regardless of what the Fed is up to.… Read more

A Crash-Proof Way to Bank $63,720 in the Next 12 Months

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: August 2, 2018

Market gyrations don’t matter when you can generate $63,720 over the next 12 months on a capital base as modest as $350,000. The secret? Monthly cash flow that adds up to 20% average annual returns regardless of what stocks do.

It’s an income investors’ dream – banking regular payments without having to worry about a pullback for the pricey (and increasingly wobbly) stock market.

“Buy and hope” investors are, understandably, terrified today. They’ve bought their shares – and now all they can do is hope the aging bull market keeps climbing higher.

We income investors prefer to calculate rather than gamble.… Read more

Your Passport to Underappreciated 7% Yields

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 25, 2018

Subscribers to my Contrarian Income Report have enjoyed safe yields of 7% or more over time – and enjoyed long-term price stability – thanks to two simple principles:

  1. Buy stocks and funds when they’re out of favor. That way, prices are lower and yields are higher when we make our purchase.
  2. Rely on dividends alone for income. That way, ups and downs in the stock price won’t cripple their usefulness to a retirement portfolio. In fact, we use them in our favor.

2018 hasn’t exactly been up to snuff. Most market experts expected the Trump tax cuts, breakneck economic growth and fat corporate earnings to shoot the market to the moon.… Read more

Revealed: A Massive 7.4% Dividend From … Bank Stocks!?

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 21, 2018

If you’ve held off on bank stocks for the last few months, I have good and bad news for you.

The good? You’ve still got time to get in before the banks take off on their next surge.

The bad? After the big profits this hated sector has posted in the last couple weeks, your window is closing fast!

So today we’re going to look at why 5 of the 6 biggest US banks look strong now … but being the dividend hounds we are, we’re not going to buy “regular” bank stocks, with their pathetic sub-2% dividend yields.

No way.… Read more

A Cheap Cash Cow with 51% Upside

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 18, 2018

The credit card business naturally lends itself to good investor returns over most time periods.  But we can bank 50% to 100% gains per year by purchasing when dividend growth is high but a stock is cheap due to headline worries.

And today, we have the perfect news story to set us up for 51% profits over the next twelve months. After a decade of runaway gains, there is actually but one cheap credit card stock to buy for income and upside. And it’s not one of these popular horses:

Plastic Always Pays (Investors): 223% to 770% Returns

The “Big 5” enjoyed total returns up to 770% over the last decade thanks to incredible dividend growth in recent years:

Nothing Plastic About These Payout Curves

Investors have caught on to the fact that Visa (V) and Mastercard (MA) – which returned 770% and 758% over the last decade, and increased their dividends more than ten-fold – are excellent businesses.… Read more