Author Archive: Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

This Fund Pays 12.8%, Will Dish 13 Dividends in 2023

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: December 7, 2022

Last week in these pages we sang the praises of bond god Jeffrey Gundlach. His DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (DSL) looked poised to pop:

DSL investors have three ways to win here. First, the fund pays an electric 11.5% yield. Next, its NAV is likely to rise as both short and long rates decline. And finally, the fund trades today at a 4% discount, which means we are getting paid to ride shotgun with Gundlach.

DSL: 3 Ways to Win (Last Week’s View)

We also discussed that DSL dishes its dividend monthly. Which is almost 1% every 30 days! Unheard of.… Read more

The China Crisis Could Send These Dividends Soaring 300%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: December 6, 2022

China’s over-the-top COVID lockdowns are setting up a surprising “all-American” dividend opportunity for us contrarians.

The pushback, which President Xi (shockingly) didn’t see coming, has shuttered plants left and right. Last Monday alone, Honda, Yamaha and Volkswagen closed factories in China, as did Nissan, Mazda and Mitsubishi.

And Apple (AAPL) has likely lost out on six million high-margin iPhone 14 Pros as protests shut down a factory in Zhengzhou run by key supplier Foxconn. The stock responded instantly:

Apple: Still a Little Too Multinational for Wall Street

How, you may wonder, is all this bad news setting up a dividend opportunity for us?… Read more

Treasuries Now Yield 3%-4%. These Bonds Offer 2x-3x That.

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: December 3, 2022

Bonds are finally an intriguing place for retirement income.

Safe Treasuries still pay a respectable (by their standards, at least) 3.7%. But we contrarians can do better.

Today we’re going to discuss three bond funds ready to rally. They pay 8.6%, 9.1% and—get this—9.6% per year.

Those are not typos. These are fat freaking yields.

Yes, These Bond Yields Are Real. And They Are Spectacular.

And even better still, you can buy these bonds for as low as 90 cents on the dollar! How is that? Well, the cheapest fund trades for just 90% of its net asset value (NAV).… Read more

Tomorrow’s Bond Headlines, Today, Right Here

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 30, 2022

“Get tomorrow’s Bloomberg headline, today, at Contrarian Outlook!”

Our new slogan for 2023? Perhaps. I bring it up because our bond recession trade has already gained steam into an outright bandwagon.

Just three weeks ago, we contrarians shouted alone in the dividend woods. “Buy these safe bonds paying 4.2% before a 2023 recession!”

Our logic was simple. The 10-year Treasury bond hadn’t paid 4% or more in 14 years. With stocks looking shaky (to say the least!), the 4-handle coupon was attracting some whale buyers, including our man the “bond god” Jeffrey Gundlach (more on him in a moment).… Read more

This Savvy Strategy Could Hand You “Serene” 11%+ Dividends

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 29, 2022

Beware of Wall Street “wisdom” now more than ever. Especially when it comes to the most commonly quoted maxim for retirement: it’s based on a rule that was never designed for times like these!

I’m talking about the so-called “4% rule,” which says you should sell 4% of your nest egg every year in retirement.

Sounds simple, right?

Trouble is, it slashes your income stream and caps your upside in one go! It’s especially dangerous advice to follow in a downturn like the 2022 mess.

Let’s say, for example, you own $200,000 worth of Cisco Systems (CSCO) shares. Cisco is one of the most reliable dividend payers in the tech space, hiking its payout for years and continuously growing it (though not spectacularly: Cisco’s annual hikes usually only come in at just one or two cents a share).… Read more

5 Ways to Find the Best Long-Term Dividend Stocks

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 25, 2022

We love dividend stocks because they pay us now. But hey, I’m greedy. And when I research income plays, I want more than just those payouts.

I’m looking for price gains, too. Give me a dividend with a stock that could potentially double, and we’re talking.

These types of stocks are rare, but they’re not impossible to find. They tend to share five key “dividend double” characteristics. Let’s discuss them now.

Dividend Key #1: Annual Dividend Growth

The core trait of an excellent long-term dividend holding is dividend growth, for numerous reasons.

For one, dividend growth is a pretty sure sign that the underlying company has the financial fortitude to pay the bills.… Read more

The Simple, Safe Way to Bank 15% Gains in 2023

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 23, 2022

Why chase the market when we can let 15% per year—every year—come to us?

This is the perfect time to buy what I call “hidden yield” investments. These are stocks that dish out dividends today. But, more notably, they have an important catalyst coming in the year ahead that will help boost their stock prices.

This trigger is so powerful that it sends these stocks sailing by 15% or more per year, every year. Which is truly great when other equities and even bonds are getting buried around us.

We’ll talk about these stocks and their “dividend spark” in a moment.… Read more

This “Diesel-Powered” Dividend Is Up 400% (With a Big Hike Likely in ’23)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 22, 2022

26 days.

That’s how much diesel America has in its collective tank. Imagine that: a fuel that powers the shipment of goods pretty well everywhere. And only 26 days of it left.

It’s a crisis no one is talking about. Except folks in the shipping business. Or those who’ve had to buy home heating oil (a diesel derivative) recently.

Okay, I’ll admit I’m being a tad dramatic, as that 26-day figure is a rolling number: new diesel is added at one end as it’s burned at the other. But even so, the amount of diesel in storage has sunk to its lowest levels in 70 years.Read more

Value-Priced Income Stocks Yielding Up to 9%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 19, 2022

Thank you, bear market. Thanks to a terrible 2022, we have four dirt-cheap dividend payers dishing up to 9%.

These are cash cows I’m talking about. Companies that gush free cash flow and shovel it back to us in the form of big yields.

Earnings are accounting numbers. Cash flow is real life.

And it’s not out of deals, either—in fact, over the past few days, I’ve kept increasingly close watch over a four-pack of cash cows with high yields of up to 9% and deliciously low prices.

But given a still-dangerous market environment, we need to focus on quality.… Read more

SEC Yield Calculation (and Why It’s Better Than TTM Yield)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 16, 2022

“Hey Brett. How’s the weather out there in California?”

My usual reply is “warm and sunny.” Simple. Gives the asker what they expect and keeps the pleasantries moving along.

If I was one for small talk, I would be tempted to mix in a confusing and way-too-detailed response. Like this:

“The weather? Well, Sacramento hit a low of 27 degrees in the early morning hours of February 24. And we cooked at an extreme 116 degrees on September 6. It has been quite the 12 months!”

Twelve months? Who cares about 12 months? Well, bond funds do.

Last week, we highlighted the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT): “It (TLT) boasts a 4.1% yield and has some serious upside potential.”… Read more