Author Archive: Michael Foster

Investment Strategist

My Advice? Buy These 11.8% Dividends. Retire Early

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: March 6, 2023

Do you know how much money you need to retire?

If you’re like most folks, you might think the answer is “too much,” and for good reason. It seems like every day we hear another study or pundit saying we need millions to do so comfortably.

That’s why I was surprised to see a new study out from NetCredit, an online money lender, saying most people would need less than a million dollars to retire. In fact, the company said it’s possible to clock out on just $702,330 in the US as a whole, and in some states even less—like about $470,000 in Mississippi.… Read more

These Amazing Funds “Magnify” Your Portfolio’s Growth (With 7%+ Dividends)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: March 2, 2023

Not many people know this, but you can actually “magnify” the return of a regular stock—just by holding it through a closed-end fund (CEF)!

That’s in addition to getting a much bigger dividend than the typical S&P 500 stock dribbles out: 7%+ payouts are, of course, common in the CEF space.

So how does our CEF “gain magnifier” work?

It comes down to what at first blush seems to be a rather obscure fact: CEFs (which trade on the market, just like stocks or ETFs), generally have a fixed number of shares for the entirety of their lives. That means their market price can be different from their per-share net asset values (NAV, or the value of the stocks they hold in their portfolios).… Read more

This 3-Fund “Instant” Portfolio Could Pay You $70,784 in Dividends

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 27, 2023

Today we’re going to click our way to a dividend stream that matches the average household income stream in America—$70,784 per year—and we’re not going to do it on a much smaller nest egg than most people think is possible.

This is important now, because the financial media continues to pump out ridiculous answers to the question of how much most folks need to retire. A recent Bloomberg story, for example, said we’d need $3 million saved to clock out comfortably!

Luckily for us that number is way off. Consider this chart:

Source: CEF Insider

Here you see four different scenarios for getting that $70,784 in yearly dividend income, including two Trinity University studies showing risky and conservative estimates, based on 3% and 4% withdrawal rates.… Read more

Make This Easy Mistake and You’ll Miss the Best 7%+ Dividends

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 23, 2023

When it comes to closed-end funds (or any investment, for that matter), it pays to look for things most people misunderstand. Because these (seemingly) tiny investor oversights and errors can give us keen-eyed contrarians our best buying opportunities.

And when it comes to CEFs, there’s one all-too-common mistake I see folks make time and time again, particularly those who are new to these high-yielding funds. To see what I’m getting at, let’s zero in on a CEF called the Columbia Seligman Premium Technology Growth Fund (STK).

STK Romps to a Triple-Digit Return

STK’s portfolio mainly consists of large-cap tech stocks: Apple (AAPL), chipmaker Broadcom (AVGO) and Microsoft (MSFT) are among its top holdings.… Read more

These 9%+ Dividends Could Set You “Financially Free” Tomorrow

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 20, 2023

When I was a kid, I thought everyone on TV was rich. I know better now, of course, but it still strikes me when I hear stories of celebrities going broke, struggling to earn a living or taking on projects just because they desperately need to pay off some kind of debt.

It just goes to show that being famous isn’t enough to have true financial freedom.

That’s why I was intrigued by a recent interview with That ’70s Show star Ashton Kutcher, who has built a name for himself in the VC world by investing in tech startups. Kutcher’s string of successes is impressive: he was an early investor in Uber, Airbnb and Spotify, for example.… Read more

Why I’m Calling for Double-Digit Gains (and 9%+ Dividends) From CEFs This Year

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 16, 2023

From what I can see, this year is setting up to be another 2016—and that’s likely to hand us a buying opportunity in our favorite high-yield investments: closed-end funds (CEFs).

Here’s what I mean: after the market’s fast run higher in January, things have stalled out a bit. After the year we put in last year, this means we’re still left with some decent discounts to net asset value (NAV) on CEFs, as well as high yields (as CEF veterans know, payouts of 7% and up are common in the space, and most CEFs pay dividends monthly, too).

Right now, for example, our CEF Insider portfolio boasts a number of double-digit yields, reaching up to 12.3%.… Read more

This Fund Profits From China Fears (and Yields 9.5%)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 13, 2023

Recent headlines have spurred some readers to write in about China—specifically what rising tensions between Beijing and Washington (no thanks to the former’s ham-fisted spy-balloon fiasco) might mean for their portfolios.

First up, we always need to bear in mind that stocks—and in particular my favorite way to hold stocks (through a high-yielding closed-end fund, or CEF)—really are a long-term investment. I know that sounds obvious, but it can be easy to forget when alarming headlines—a war or a pandemic, say—flash across our screens.

In other words, global chaos is really nothing new for stocks. The difference today is that we’re more connected than ever, so every move made by one of America’s adversaries is emphasized all the more.… Read more

This Is the Market’s Biggest Risk Now (and This 7.3% Dividend Will Profit)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 9, 2023

With the markets off to a hot start so far this year, it’s only natural to think things just might be getting a little toppy.

I get it—and the truth is, this market is not without the risk of a short-term pullback.

Here’s the good news: if this possibility has you worried, there are a few closed-end funds (CEFs) out there that are perfectly designed for this risk. And they’re trading at attractive valuations, while paying big dividends, too. We’ll delve into one particular ticker a little further on. It’s a “goldilocks” fund that yields a steady 7.3% and charts a steady course through any volatility we might hit in the near term.… Read more

Buying This Fund Is Like Buying Apple With a 12.1% Dividend

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 6, 2023

We’ve seen a big bounce (and 12%+ dividends!) in one particular type of closed-end fund (CEF) this year—and all of my buy indicators suggest this profitable play is still in its early stages.

Specifically, I’m talking about tech-focused CEFs—which we’re getting a nice second chance to buy thanks to last week’s earnings whiffs from the likes of Apple (AAPL) and Alphabet (GOOGL).

Buying a tech CEF is like buying an ETF that focuses on technology, but with two key differences:

  • Big dividends: the CEF we’re going to analyze today yields 12.1%—and it pays dividends monthly, too. You and I know that both of these things are unheard of in the world of “regular” stocks and funds.
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CEF Return of Capital Explained (Hint: It’s a Benefit, Not a Flaw)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 2, 2023

We’ve been getting a number of questions from CEF investors in the last few weeks about return of capital, or ROC.

This is a measure that shows up regularly with CEF dividends—and it makes many folks wonder if their funds are simply handing back the money they’ve invested as part of their payout.

(Note that much of what we’re going to discuss below is tax related. I’m not a licensed tax professional, so I can’t give you tax advice. You should consult a tax professional for details on your own personal situation.)

First, let’s be clear that all CEFs that are publicly traded on US exchanges are actively investing in something, with funds specializing in municipal bonds, real estate, stocks, preferred shares, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and other assets.… Read more