Here’s a “No-Withdrawal” Strategy for $45,000 in Dividend Income
Michael Foster, Investment StrategistUpdated: September 24, 2020
You’ve probably heard of the “4% rule.” It refers to the amount you can safely take out of a portfolio without running out of money in retirement. It even comes with a catchy acronym: SWR, or “safe withdrawal rate.”
This “wisdom” is gospel for many advisors, but it’s completely wrong! Blindly following it could mean staying in the workforce for years, even decades, longer than you have to.
Here are three reasons why you should ignore this myth. Further on, we’ll look at a better option that will hand you rich 7% dividends and price upside, too.
Reason #1: It’s not really 4% anymore
The first reason is that the 4% rule has even been disavowed by its author.… Read more