Author Archive: Michael Foster

Investment Strategist

This 8.9% Dividend Soared 178% (and It’s STILL Cheap)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 6, 2024

You may have noticed that since the pandemic, there’s been a somewhat perverse desire to make the economy look worse than it is.

Whether it’s concerns about a looming recession—the so-called “vibecession” we talked about last week—or worries that life is getting too expensive because of inflation, there’s a growing bias toward doom-and-gloom.

Plus, pessimistic people tend to sound serious—and for many pundits, parroting these arguments is easier than actually analyzing data.

At CEF Insider, we remain 100% data-driven, for the simple reason that it’s profitable. After all, the doom-and-gloom was at a fever pitch in late 2022, and we all know how stocks have done since.… Read more

The Economist Just Changed the Game for These 7.8% Dividends

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 3, 2024

I’ve been covering CEFs for about a decade, and I’ve never seen them get as much attention as they are right now.

And it’s only the beginning.

We talked about the much-brighter spotlight on our favorite income plays in the November issue of my CEF Insider service. Back then, we noted that big institutional investors (including the particularly aggressive folks at Saba Capital Management) were starting to pressure CEFs to change or shut down.

Shuttering a fund may sound dramatic, but the key thing to bear in mind here is that doing so can result in an immediate gain for investors.… Read more

The “Vibecession” Is Back: How to Profit With 9.7% Dividends

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 30, 2024

The word “vibecession”—basically the idea that people are measuring the economy by feeling rather than by data—is back in the news. That’s because most Americans apparently think we’re in a recession, even though we aren’t.

It is, frankly, annoying to those of us who make our decisions on the data alone. But, as they say, it is what it is. So we’re going to go ahead and profit from it! Our tool of choice is a closed-end fund (CEF) that does something no ETF or regular stock could ever do: It “translates” our gains on US stocks into dividends.

The dangerous thing about a “vibecession” is that it’s easy to make mistakes as the media pushes a fear-based narrative.… Read more

The 1 Dividend Secret That Lets You Build a $1.3-Million Retirement

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 27, 2024

If you’re like me, you read (or watch) a lot of personal-finance gurus. And nearly all of them make one critical error when giving advice to folks hoping to save for retirement (or stay retired, if they’re already there).

They put a lot of emphasis on cutting costs—we hear quite a bit about how we should limit small things like your streaming services, for example! Of course, most retirees (save for the very wealthy ones) will tell you that keeping costs reasonable is important.

But what I don’t hear enough from these “gurus” is how to find the high-quality income investments we need to get into retirement faster—and stay there once we arrive.… Read more

These 8% Dividends Are Cutting Fees (Now They Really Wallop ETFs)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 24, 2024

It’s finally happening: Management fees on our favorite 8%+ paying assets—closed-end funds (CEFs)—are falling. And some are sending their already soaring dividends even higher, too.

Those are key reasons to invest in these high-yield plays now. We’ll get into all the details below. But before we do, it’s important that we take a second to put CEF fees in perspective. That’s because many (most?) investors have a totally incorrect idea about them. And it’s caused them to miss out on the income (and growth) CEFs offer.

Ignore the Wall Street Line: CEF Fees Are Sometimes Worth Paying

When I ask investors if they’ve ever considered CEFs, those who say no often mention high fees as a reason.… Read more

This Huge Tech Dividend Is 16% Off (But Is It a Buy?)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 20, 2024

Every now and then here at Contrarian Outlook, we have a “big-dividend shootout”—we pit two big payers against each other and see which one wins out.

It’s a great way for us to accomplish two things as investors: 1) Grab the safest high dividends with the most upside, and 2) Sharpen our portfolio-building skills.

My beat is closed-end funds (CEFs), which are known for huge (and often monthly paid) dividends. These actively managed funds are a bit of a unique challenge to analyze because they each hold a lot of assets—often numbering in the hundreds.

Luckily there are a few indicators we can use to single out the best ones.… Read more

This Huge “Dividend Shift” Dropped May 3 (You Can Still Get In)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 16, 2024

A couple weeks ago, on May 3, BlackRock, the world’s largest investment firm, did something that will send a shockwave through our favorite high-yield investments: closed-end funds (CEFs).

The result is likely to be higher prices for CEF investors in the future—and even steadier dividends, too. Most folks missed this change, but it’s only a matter of time until it makes itself known. We’re already seeing it kick in with some of these high-paying funds.

Before we go further, let’s be clear on what we’re talking about: The $400-billion universe of CEFs currently yields an eye-popping 8.2% on average.

How is that possible?… Read more

This 5.5% Tax-Advantaged Dividend Soared Overnight (How It Could Happen Again)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 13, 2024

Every now and then in income investing, we get a sweet setup where a “boring” high yielder absolutely soars—practically overnight.

I recently saw such a scenario play out with a closed-end fund (CEF) called the BlackRock Municipal Income Fund (MUI). I bring it up now because what happened with MUI has a lot to teach us about how we can get stock-like gains from a so-called “boring” income play like this.

Despite its sleepy-sounding name, MUI is what I consider a “triple threat” investment because it can pay us in three different ways:

  1. Its dividend, which yields a high 5.5% and has been remarkably stable, even throughout the low-rate 2010s.
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Forget Wall Street’s “401 (k) Products.” Buy This Simple 9.2% Payer Instead

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 9, 2024

One of the biggest retirement-investment mistakes you can make is to make things more complicated than they need to be.

Funny thing is, Wall Street actually makes it easy to fall into this trap! Case in point: A new “financial product” from a group of companies, including BlackRock, that combines target-date funds and annuities.

We’ll get into why this isn’t a strong retirement option for those still working in a second. Then we’ll stack it up against a “straight down the middle” 9.2%-paying closed-end fund (CEF) that gives you the dividends, liquidity and growth necessary to fund a more comfortable retirement—maybe a lot sooner than you think.… Read more

Tech Investors: This 9.3% Payout Is Cheap (and Growing Fast)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 6, 2024

An unusual trend has hit Silicon Valley that’s running far below the radar: a big shift toward paying dividends.

We’re going to take full advantage by grabbing something unheard-of, even for die-hard tech investors: A 9.3% dividend that grows. 

That’s a real eye-opener for tech, to be sure. Because while more tech stocks are paying dividends these days—even long-time holdouts Meta Platforms (META) and Alphabet (GOOGL) now offer payouts—most of these are still tiny. (Meta and Alphabet both yield just 0.5%).

Of course, there are tech-dividend stalwarts that pay at least a bit more and offer long histories of payout growth, too, like Microsoft (MSFT) and Cisco Systems (CSCO), which yield 0.7% and 3.3%, respectively.… Read more