Have We Hit Bottom? Here’s My Take (and 2 Funds Yielding 9%+)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 2, 2020

These days, we’re hearing a lot of pundits pontificating about which way the markets will go. But let me suggest something none of them are talking about:

What if stocks trade more or less flat for the next while?

It’s a contrarian call, to be sure, but there’s reason to think markets may be, well, kind of quiet in the coming days or weeks. And there’s a way we can squeeze a big 9.2% income stream out of just that kind of market.

The Flat-Market Theory

I know what you’re thinking: how on earth could stocks just hold their breath while America is on lockdown, possibly for a long time to come?… Read more

Our Rebound Shopping List: Dividends Over Stocks

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 1, 2020

I hope you are taking care of yourself, and your family. This is a good time to hunker down, both in life and in our investing strategy. Brighter days are ahead—let’s make sure we get there with ourselves and our portfolios relatively intact.

On the other side of this pandemic and shutdown, we may eventually be presented with a “March 2009” type of buying opportunity. Big yields for dimes on the dollar. When the time is right, we’ll load up our income portfolios with these bargains and resume our usual light banter in this weekly missive.

Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re on the other side of this just yet.… Read more

Crisis Gives Us a Shot at 300%+ Dividend Growth. Here’s How.

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: March 31, 2020

In recent weeks, we’ve discussed proven strategies for protecting and growing our nest egg (and dividends) in this crisis. These are the times when fortunes are made and big income streams are built. However, we must be extra careful about our purchases, with plenty of “payout landmines” suddenly spread around the market.

In last Tuesday’s article, for example, we covered the most powerful indicator of dividend safety: the payout ratio, specifically dividends as a percentage of free cash flow (FCF). Unlike net income, which can be manipulated, FCF is the clearest picture of the cash a firm is generating.

That makes the FCF payout ratio the perfect one-step test to run on your holdings.… Read more

Your One-Time Chance to Get a 12.4% Dividend From Apple

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: March 30, 2020

There’s no doubt portfolios everywhere are whipsawing due to the selloff.

But I’ve got good news for you: going by the historical record, this pullback will likely be shorter than most people think, and if you buy now—particularly if you target a select group of high-yield stocks and closed-end funds (CEFs)—you’ll outperform your fearful friends when the bounce-back comes.

Meantime, you’ll open up a nice new income stream to meet your cash-flow needs today. It literally is the best of both worlds!

Let’s dive into what the facts say about this bear market’s duration. Then I’ll name two funds worthy of your attention now.… Read more

Is Your Next Dividend Hike on Track? 39 Payers Yielding Up to 48%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: March 27, 2020

These 39 stocks are supposed to hike their dividends soon. How many of these raises are still going to happen?

The first-quarter earnings season is approaching, and that typically means a weekly flow of companies announcing upgrades to their regular payouts. Indeed, I’m about to show you 39 stocks, yielding up to 47.9%, that are on the schedule and expected to deliver dividend raises over the next couple of months.

However the sudden bear market has thrown a gigantic monkey wrench into this quarter’s dividend routine. Dividends are dropping like flies.

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Your Crisis Safety Plan: Dump These Unsafe Dividends Now

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: March 26, 2020

There’s one investment you simply must not hold in this market crash—a highly speculative, high-yielding instrument called an exchange traded note (ETN).

Does the name sound familiar? That’s probably because it sounds like “exchange-traded fund,” or ETF. But an ETN isn’t like an ETF at all—and that’s a distinction many people fail to make.

So what’s an ETN, then?

It’s a highly leveraged, speculative instrument that lets investors access particular asset classes. In good times, ETNs can skyrocket. These, however are, er, more interesting times.

ETNs: Guaranteed Losses in the Coronavirus Crisis

As a result of the coronavirus selloff, ETNs aren’t just going to rack up big losses—they’re going to go to zero.Read more

How to Rebalance a “No Withdrawal” Portfolio

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: March 25, 2020

1929, 2008 and, now, 2020.

We’ve only seen this level of “selling pressure” three times since 1900. A limited sample size, sure, but we’re in ominous company. Anything and everything has been dumped in a panic liquidation to raise cash.

We saw a similar “global margin call” in late 2008. A year’s worth of selling crescendoed into a financial crisis grand finale that would eventually conclude in March 2009.

The good news then? If you held tight or, better yet, bought through the panic, you eventually did quite well. Let’s take the worst day of that year. On October 15, 2008, the S&P 500 slid 9% in one day.… Read more

Warning: These 4 Popular Dividends (up to 10.1%) Are About to Be Slashed

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: March 24, 2020

Nearly every retirement portfolio on the planet is reeling from the coronavirus fallout. Recoveries are going to vary widely, however, depending on the safety of the dividends in each basket.

If your income stream is safe, then you’re well ahead of the game. When stock prices recover (and they will, as every bear market eventually gives way to a new bull), your portfolio is going to bounce right back. Assuming the payouts didn’t miss a beat, then you can rest assured you’ve got an uninterrupted income stream between now and then.

The bad news, however, is that cuts to dividend payouts have already started, with Ford (F) suspending its payout last Thursday.… Read more

This “Earnings Disconnect” Could Hand You 10.9% Dividends (with upside)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: March 23, 2020

Markets have freaked out over the coronavirus—but there’s good reason to believe they have overreacted—I gave you a few of these reasons in my March 19 article.

There’s another reason we need to talk about today: corporate earnings.

While it’s true that earnings expectations have fallen since the outbreak began, they haven’t fallen as much as you’d think. At the start of the quarter, analysts expected 4.4% earnings growth from S&P 500 companies. Now they’re expecting a 0.1% earnings decline.

That’s basically flat, and it’s better than the earnings declines we saw at the start of 2019, when stocks were rallying, so this news shouldn’t scare investors away.… Read more

These Reliable Monthly Dividend Payers Have Never Been Cheaper

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: March 20, 2020

A trio of reliable monthly dividend payers has been swept up in the pandemic panic. They could be the dirt-cheap buys that have dividend investors kicking themselves this time next year for not “backing up the truck” and buying every monthly paying share in sight.

These closed-end funds (CEFs) as a whole are far smaller than their mutual and exchange-traded brethren, and they’re about as sexy as a doorstop, so they go completely ignored by traditional financial media. But a couple dozen of these have exhibited some downright admirable performance while the rest of the market is tanking around them.

Better still?… Read more