Author Archive: Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

60 Dividend Payouts Per Year with This 5-Click Group, Yields Up to 8.6%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 26, 2024

Let’s talk about monthly dividend payers today because, well, why waste our valuable time with stocks that only pay quarterly?

I selected five for our review. We’re talking sixty dividend payments per year from this group. The most generous stock dishes an elite 8.6% annually. (The “laggard” yields a respectable 6.5%.)

Why don’t more companies pay monthly? The answer is predictable and disappointing.

Wall Street runs on a quarterly system. US-listed companies are required by the SEC to provide quarterly financial updates. So, most management teams pay their dividends quarterly as part of this process.

Hence, we salute the suits in shining armor who make the extra effort to pay us every single month.… Read more

Yields 14.4%, Sure, But It’s Comically Overpriced

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 25, 2024

Who is paying a 27% premium for Guggenheim Strategic Opportunity Fund (GOF)?

Don’t get me wrong. GOF is a fine fund, delivering 9.8% yearly returns on its net asset value (NAV) since inception. But we are talking nosebleed valuation territory for GOF. It’s a dangerous purchase at these levels.

Bandwagoners buying today are unlikely to see 9.8% returns. Or anything close. Plus, they are exposing themselves to 27% downside risk because, as we’ll discuss in a minute, GOF eventually finds its way back to par.

How can a premium like this exist? GOF is a closed-end fund (CEF) with a fixed pool of shares.… Read more

This Growing 7.4% Dividend Is on a “Summer Sale.” It Won’t Last

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 23, 2024

There’s a clear pattern natural gas prices repeat time and time again. We’re going to pounce on it now—and grab ourselves a growing 7.4% payout as we do.

I’m talking about the “natty’s” $2 price floor. Every time it drops to that level (or below) it takes off. Check it out:

Natural Gas’s $2 “Trampoline Act”

It just goes to prove that the cure for low prices is low prices! To play this pattern, we want to buy after gas bottoms. Now is that time.

Think about it: We’re moving toward winter in North America (where temps are expected to be below those of last year’s “non-winter”).… Read more

5 “Inaugural Dividends” Paying Up to 10%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 19, 2024

Which dividend is most likely to be hiked?

Usually, the brand-new payout.

Chief Financial Officers are a conservative bunch. A CFO will only agree to pay a dividend if they know they can:

  1. Make the payment comfortably.
  2. Hike the dividend repeatedly for years to come—with said comfort.

The hike part is important because rising dividends drive stock gains. I’m talking about hundreds or even thousands of percentage points in potential gains.

Let’s consider Apple (AAPL) and its inaugural dividend moment. In March 2012, the tech giant initiated a regular dividend of $2.65 per share. The payout was a catalyst for 12 subsequent years of moonshot performance.… Read more

I SPY a Laggard: 5 Divvies Up to 9.2% to Buy Instead

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 17, 2024

Be honest. I won’t be mad, but just admit it.

You’ve got some SPY in your portfolio. So much in fact you’re probably trying to quickly change the subject from the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY).

I’m not mad. (I’m just disappointed—ha!) We refer to SPY as “America’s ticker for a reason.” It is everywhere.

And it’s OK. Really it is. Holding SPY has worked out this year. But we’re now at an inflection point—which is why we are having this conversation.

Only three stocks account for 21% of the S&P 500. Apple (AAPL), Nvidia (NVDA) and Microsoft (MSFT) determine the entire market’s moves!… Read more

This “Stealth” Dividend Strategy Can Crush ETFs, Deliver 379%+ Payout Growth

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 16, 2024

Look, I know pretty well everyone loves ETFs—mainly for the cheap management fees.

But here’s the thing: ETFs—especially dividend-growth ETFs—are almost always a raw deal. You’re better to go with carefully chosen individual stocks instead.

Today I’m going to prove it, with two popular ETFs whose lousy performance is costing investors thousands in lost gains. So we’re going to “swap” these losers for two terrific stocks whose payouts have exploded 379%+ in the last decade.

Their secret? An eye-opening “Dividend Magnet” pattern no one’s talking about (but as you’ll see in a moment, they should be).

Let’s start with the laggards, then move on to the Dividend Magnet—and these two overlooked individual stock buys.… Read more

In a Nosebleed Market These Cheap Dividends Dish Up to 14%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 12, 2024

With the market at nosebleed valuations, where can we look for value and yield?

Let’s turn to our favorite three-letter acronym. C-E-Fs.

As usual we have a handful of closed-end funds (CEFs) getting no love from Wall Street. This is perfect for us as we’re talking about dividends up to 14% and discounts between 10% and 15%.

In other words, these fat payers are trading for 85 to 90 cents on the dollar. Let’s discuss.

Gabelli Dividend & Income Trust (GDV)
Distribution Rate: 5.8%
Discount to NAV: 15.0%

We begin with Gabelli Dividend & Income Trust (GDV), a top-rate closed-end fund whose management team includes legendary value investor Mario Gabelli.… Read more

Tech Update: Best Dividend Tracking Tool Now Even Better

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 10, 2024

I have a pop payout quiz for you, my contrarian friend. Can you tell me how much dividend income you earned last week?

And if so, can you tell me how much you earned each day?

These details are now available in Income Calendar, the dividend tracking tool that we created in-house here at Contrarian Outlook. IC’s ability to project divvies down to the day tells us that:

  • We collected $1,844.75 last Monday.
  • Another $264.80 in divvies followed on Wednesday.
  • And our holiday week was capped off with $340.55 in income on Friday.

The tool took my newsletter portfolio as input—with tickers and sample share counts—and did the rest of the work.… Read more

These “19th-Century” Dividends Will Roll in 2025 (and Beyond)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 9, 2024

Railroad stocks are set to roll and we’re going to climb aboard with two stocks—including one that’s hiked payouts by 50% in five years—we’ll delve into in a sec.

What’s driving this opportunity? Our usual contrarian mix of overlooked growth and stocks that have been tossed overboard, of course!

Since the days of the Wild West, railroads have been the backbone of the US economy, so when economic growth gets out of sync with railroad stocks’ prices—as is happening right now—we need to take notice.

As I write this, the US economy is still in growth mode and shoppers are still spending.… Read more

Let’s Front Run These 5 Upcoming Dividend Hikes

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: July 5, 2024

Five growth companies are about to hike their dividends. Let’s front run these payout moves.

Many vanilla income investors miss these stocks because their current yields are modest. These armchair analysts are missing a critical point. These stock prices climb with each and every hike thanks to a phenomenon known as the “dividend magnet.”

Consider tech giant Microsoft (MSFT). Sure, Microsoft’s 18-year-old payout isn’t exactly old compared to fellow Dow components like Coca-Cola (KO) and Procter & Gamble (PG), which have been writing dividend checks since the 1800s, but it’s awfully long in the tooth for a member of the technology sector.… Read more