Author Archive: Michael Foster

Investment Strategist

This Unusual “Index Boomerang Effect” Can Generate 95% Gains in CEFs

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 10, 2021

Most people don’t realize this, but there’s a simple, two-step way to grab serious gains in high-yield closed-end funds (CEFs).

I call it the Index Boomerang Effect. And when I say it’s simple, I’m not kidding around.

It goes like this: over time, we can expect a CEF in a particular asset class to perform around as well as the index that represents it (though to be honest, the best CEFs tend to beat their indexes handily, which makes our strategy even more powerful).

But even the best CEFs do lag their indexes from time to time. The key is to spot those times and buy—then ride your CEF to strong gains as the index “pulls” its share price higher.… Read more

Here’s a “DIY” Plan for 6.1% Dividends, Yearly 11% Returns

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 7, 2021

If you’re on the lookout for an expert to help you build your nest egg—and bulk up your dividend stream to, say, a 6%+ yield—you have two main choices: a professional wealth manager or an investment advisory service (or a newsletter, as they’re more commonly known).

Which is for you? Let’s break down both options. Then we’ll dive into the kind of three-fund portfolio a newsletter might tip you off to, with a healthy 6.1% income stream and a history of double-digit yearly returns, too.

Wealth Managers Charge More, But They’re a Help in a Crisis

With active wealth management, the main concern most people have is fees.… Read more

These 2 Unusual CEF Moves Can Boost (or Slash!) Your Profits

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 3, 2021

There’s an obvious reason why we love closed-end funds (CEFs): the dividends!

CEFs’ payouts average around 7% as I write this, and there are plenty paying well into the double digits. One fund we’ll touch on below, for example, yields more than 16%. A payout like that gets you $2,000 a month in dividends on just $150,000 invested.

But, as we often discuss in my CEF Insider service, when picking CEFs, we always need to look past those big yields.

We also need to examine the discount to net asset value (NAV, or the value of the fund’s portfolio) because buying a CEF at an unusually wide discount can net us strong price upside as that discount bounces back to normal, pulling the price up with it.… Read more

What the AT&T Dividend Cut Really Means (and 3 Huge Dividends to Buy Instead)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 31, 2021

The once unthinkable has happened: AT&T (T), a Dividend Aristocrat that increased payouts for 30 years, said it will cut its payout nearly in half.

The move is especially infuriating because, as recently as April, we were hearing a lot about why the company would likely hike its payout in 2021, and management had stood by the dividend.

That’s now out the window—and the market’s not happy.

Dividend Cut Sends AT&T on a Wild Ride

It just goes to show you that even companies among the vaunted Dividend Aristocrats fall from grace from time to time. We all remember back in 2017, when another sacred cow, General Electric (GE), slashed its payout in half, as well.… Read more

This New Fund Could Upend the CEF World. Here’s What You Need to Know

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 27, 2021

There’s a new closed-end fund (CEF) on the market, and it comes from one of the biggest CEF issuers in the space: BlackRock.

It’s big—with $4.5 billion in assets under management. You can tell that straight from the ticker symbol: BIGZ. The fund’s full name: the BlackRock Innovation and Growth Trust (BIGZ).

So we know it’s got heft—and it’s got BlackRock’s deep bench of talent behind it (remember that BlackRock is the world’s biggest investment firm, with $7 trillion under management). But does BIGZ have a place in your portfolio? That’s the question we’re going to tackle today.

BIGZ got its start in March, and it’s currently trading flat from its inception and trailing the tech-heavy NASDAQ, which is the best benchmark for the tech-heavy BIGZ.… Read more

My Latest Read on Inflation (and a 5.3% Dividend Ripe for Buying)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 24, 2021

Manufacturing is as cyclical a business as there is, and it’s about to take off, driven by two vastly misunderstood factors:

  1. An uptick in inflation, and
  2. A big jump in stimulus spending

What most people don’t get is that these two trends are inextricably linked. And sitting right where they meet is a closed-end fund (CEF) trading for 88 cents on the dollar and just waiting to pay us a fat 5.3% dividend.

Let’s start by taking these trends one at a time.

Inflation: Likely Not as Hot as Most People Think

Let me start by saying that the breathless media coverage of inflation is focused entirely on how it will crimp stock market returns.… Read more

Fall for This Trap and You’ll Miss a Safe 5.8% Dividend

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 20, 2021

Plenty of people blindly buy into the line that market volatility is a bad thing.

It’s easy to see why, after last year’s crash dented retirement savings around the world. Contrarians like us, of course, fight against the emotional pull to retreat when volatility stirs—and buy into a pullback instead.

The last year’s market run is proof this approach works. And it’s nothing new: we’re simply following the old Warren Buffett adage and buying when others are fearful. But it’s what we plan to buy now that separates us from the crowd, as I’ll show you in a moment.

It’s Not You—the Market Is More Skittish Than Before

One thing we can be clear on is that, yes, the market is more volatile these days.… Read more

CEF Investing for High Yields and Big Gains

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 20, 2021

Let’s be honest: there are a ton of ways to collect passive income out there. But there’s only one that’s easy to get into (no matter how much money you have!), generates yearly cash payouts of 8% or more and is used by billionaire investment gurus on the regular.

I’m talking about an often-overlooked investment called a closed end fund (CEF). And today I want to show you how to invest in CEFs in just three simple steps.

CEFs are like mutual funds or ETFs in that they pool together money from investors, which the fund’s managers then use to buy a basket of stocks, bonds, real estate investment trusts (REITs) or other investments, depending on the CEF’s mandate.… Read more

3 Ways to Safeguard (and Grow) Your Dividends as Inflation Ticks Higher

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 17, 2021

Inflation worries are everywhere, so let’s dive into what’s behind them—and what we contrarian income-seekers should do right now. The three steps I’m about to show you could hand you a lot of fresh dividend income and price upside, too—even in this (still) overstretched market.

First up—is inflation a real fear right now? Let’s look at the numbers.

Inflation Rises Sharply …

That chart—and shortages of everything from microchips to ketchup—sure seem to indicate that a continued rise in prices is on the way.

But there’s a caveat: this chart compares today’s inflation rate to that of the crushed economy of last year, not to mention those supply-chain issues, which are likely to get ironed out as more of the economy reopens.… Read more

This Contrarian Tech Trend Is Ripe for Buying (for Big Dividends and Gains)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 13, 2021

We need to talk about SPACs, the popular kids of the investment world over the last year, because they could play a bigger role in our portfolios—and even our dividend income—in the future.

Few people associate SPACs (or special purpose acquisition companies) with dividends. That’s because these so-called “blank check” firms are all about growth: they’re set up and pushed through an IPO simply as a pile of money that’s been pooled by investors. Then, post-IPO, their managers purchase an existing private company (with many SPACs focusing on the tech space). By doing so, the newly acquired firm immediately becomes public, since the SPAC is already a public entity.… Read more