
These 11.1% Payers Crush Stocks (in Dividends Alone)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 19, 2023

Forget the latest blather from the Fed: folks just trying to get a decent income stream are still getting a raw deal these days. Treasuries pay 3.7%. Stocks? Just 1.6%.

Too bad inflation is at 4%, so our real returns are negative on both!

Sure, stocks do give us price upside, but we have to sell to get a decent income stream, shriveling our portfolio and our dividends as we do.

We can do better with high-yielding closed-end funds (CEFs). These days, plenty of CEFs yield 10%+. The three we’ll cover below do even better, yielding 11.1% on average. That means these CEFs are beating the S&P 500’s historical return in dividends alone.Read more

Insiders Are Eating Up These 7%+ Yields. Should We?

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 16, 2023

We contrarians like to follow the insiders. Those “in the know” who buy and sell their own stocks based on value.

These “smart money” types fade sentiment. Insiders tend to buy low and sell high.

And, to be honest, we really don’t care when they sell. Maybe they were short of cash for a new yacht! Or a vacation home. Or a private jet. You get the idea.

More importantly, these insiders only buy for one reason, and one reason alone:

They believe their stocks are going to go up.

On that note, let’s discuss a few dividends yielding up to 11.9%—because the people who know the companies best are putting their money where their mouths are.… Read more

These “Wall Street Titans” Pay 10%, and They’re Ready for a Big Bull Run

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 15, 2023

Bill Gross is one of the great characters in the investment world: flamboyant, bold—and generally disliked by those who worked for him.

But his PIMCO Total Return Fund saw over 9% annualized returns in its first decade, despite being a supposedly “boring” bond fund.

Those gains made Gross one of the most powerful people on Wall Street—so much so that during the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007 to 2009, the government called on PIMCO to help take care of the toxic assets that had sparked the worst recession in a century.

PIMCO’s Contrarian Subprime Play Paid Off Big

Gross, for his part, did help, thereby helping investors earn even more money.… Read more

It’s Like ChatGPT, but Better, for Income Investors

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 14, 2023

I hear that robots are standing by to run the world.

Fine—just have them send us a nice, neat report on our dividends. Preferably daily. Thanks.

Seriously, my fellow contrarian, enough with the hype. I tried, albeit briefly, to use ChatGPT as a research assistant for this column. Really it was a softball that I knew the answer to:

Hello ChatGPT, how much did iShares 20+ Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) drop in 2022?

The answer, of course, was 31%, but the robot hadn’t been fed the info so didn’t know. I lost interest and carried on as usual, “manually” verifying my numbers.… Read more

300% Dividend Growth, 15% Yields From These “Anti-AI” Stocks

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 13, 2023

All the “basic” investors out there are busy chasing this AI-driven rally. It’s like the crypto and meme-stock messes of 2021 all over again!

We’re not following them. Instead, we’re zeroing in on three dividend growers (including one that’s grown payouts 300% in a decade and another that’s yielding 15% for long-term holders) that have been unfairly left behind.

Before we talk tickers, let me say that it’s hard to overstate just how much of this rally is tied to AI. Check out the gains in AI darlings Microsoft (MSFT), Alphabet (GOOGL) and especially NVIDIA (NVDA) in less than six months.… Read more

This AI-Powered Dividend Yields 10% (and Pays Monthly)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 12, 2023

Few folks know it, but there’s a way to tap the surging AI trend for a growing 10% dividend. Better still, this monster “AI-powered payout” comes our way monthly.

That’s a far sight better than what most folks are doing these days: focusing on a handful of dividend paying blue chip tech stocks like Microsoft (MSFT).

There’s nothing wrong with Microsoft, of course. But it does yield just 0.8%, or about half what the typical S&P 500 stock pays. It makes up for some of that with a dividend that’s growing like a weed—up just shy of 200% in the last decade—but what if you want a decent yield now?… Read more

Analysts Hate These Massive Dividends Up to 18%. Should We?

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 9, 2023

We contrarians profit on analyst dislike.

Note that I did not say like. Dislike is where the dividend money is at!

Analyst ratings are a wonderful buy signal. Vanilla investors purchase payers that are widely liked—and wonder why every downgrade dents their pocketbook.

We don’t care about popularity. Heck, we prefer stocks that are far from being in analyst good graces.

Give us the disgraces. And we’ll collect our dividends while we sit back and wait for the analyst upgrades to follow.

It’s not easy to find the “uncool kids” on Wall Street. The school of S&P 500 is a joke.… Read more

Recession? No Recession? This 8.2% Dividend Doesn’t Care

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 8, 2023

The recession everyone’s been worrying about is still a mirage—and there’s a good chance it won’t become reality for a long time yet. That’s given us a nice momentum play in one closed-end fund (CEF) throwing off an outsized 8.2% dividend.

Here’s what I mean by “momentum” play: the stock market is only now waking up to the fact that the recession appears to be on ice for the foreseeable. Yet at the same time, those recession fears have left us with some terrific discounts in CEFs.

These “delayed reaction” buys—including the ticker we’ll discuss below—won’t last.

I say that because the signs are all there for continued market gains—even if the media is working overtime to tell us otherwise.… Read more

Safe Dividend Stock Pops 5% in 5 Days Thanks to Analyst Dislike

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 7, 2023

Thoughtful reader Terry K. asks for my favorite utility dividend—specifically why I prefer NextEra Energy Partners (NEP) to Clearway Energy (CWEN):

Would like your thoughts on CWEN vs. NEP. I’ve looked at both and based on numbers CWEN looks to be the better option.


It has just raised its dividend.


Plus, it is better liked by other analysts.

Analyst ratings are a wonderful contrarian indicator. Thank you for writing in; I bet many of our fellow contrarians are asking the same thing! This is a great opportunity for all of us because it has been too long since we have lauded buying dividends that analysts dislike.… Read more

The Best 10% Dividend From the “Titans of the Bond World”

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 6, 2023

Our favorite high-yield bonds just hit a critical buying level. It’s time to make our move, and we’re going to give ourselves an edge by “cherry-picking” 10%+ yielding picks from the top bond minds on the planet.

And we’re going to pay nothing to do so!

The Titans of the Bond World Give Us Their Best Picks—for Free

I hate to hear people say the bond world is boring. If you’ve read about it, you know it’s packed with wild characters who’ve racked up massive fortunes.

You can’t talk about bonds without mentioning Bill Gross, the so-called “Bond King,” who basically invented the idea of trading bonds in the ’70s.… Read more