How to Play the Post-Election Bounce for 7.2% Dividends (and Upside)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: November 12, 2020

If there’s one thing you can be sure of in investing, it’s this: alarmists—whether they’re bulls or bears—almost never get it right. And playing the contrarian angle is a great way to grab big gains and 7%+ dividends.

Think back to the days before the election: brokerages were warning of unprecedented volatility following the big day. I heard from some investors who sold most of their holdings right before voters went to the polls, terrified that uncertainty over the results would cause a crash.

Then something weird happened. The election ended, the result was close—and stocks surged.

Close Race = Big Gains

Why did everyone get it wrong?… Read more

The Best Dividend Stocks for Biden, a Vaccine and Gridlock

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 11, 2020

Since we last connected last Wednesday, we’ve had a few notable events happen (to say the least!)

First, former vice president Joe Biden became president-elect Joe Biden. Depending on your perspective, this may or may not be a “done deal” as far as you are concerned. That’s fair. However, it is mostly a done deal as far as the prediction markets are concerned.

Leading website PredictIt is giving Biden a 90% chance of winning this never-ending November election. I like PredictIt better than any poll because punters are betting “real money” on the website. Heading into the election, the prediction marketplace correctly foresaw a close election, outperforming any pollster I’m aware of.… Read more

2 Cheap Dividends (Up to 6.6%) to Buy Post-Election

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 10, 2020

Make no mistake: now is the time to buy dividend stocks. That’s because stocks tend to rally from Election Day to the end of the year—no matter which party wins.

The important thing is that the election, and the uncertainty it brings, is over.

The post-election surge is already on, with the S&P 500 jumping 6% since the market close on November 2. Plus we’ve got a nice seasonal effect working in our favor, as stocks tend to gain from October to May.

A Second Chance to Buy Cheap

But don’t worry—if you haven’t used this opportunity to set yourself up for some strong upside (and growing dividend payouts) you’re not too late.Read more

This Lets You Buy Apple at October’s Prices (With an 8.2% Dividend)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: November 9, 2020

I sure hope you didn’t listen to the nervous Nellies who told you to pull your cash out of stocks ahead of the election. Since October 30, the S&P 500 has jumped more than 5%, as of this writing.

And remember tech stocks, the sector everyone seemed to be leaving for dead a few days ago? They’re up nearly 7%, going by the tech benchmark Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ).

2020 Pulls a Fast One on Panic Sellers (Again!)

This is particularly painful if you’re a dividend investor. If you sold just a few days ago, you’re now forced to buy back in at higher prices—and lower yields!… Read more

5 Safe “Gridlock-Friendly” Dividend Stocks for 2021

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 6, 2020

Many investors believe that financial markets react to the news. But it’s a bit more nuanced than that. Asset prices move with respect to their expectation of the news, versus the actual events that play out.

It’s a cliché, but true: Markets don’t like uncertainty. As I write, it appears that we will (eventually) have a clear winner to the 2020 election. Social unrest also appears to be less than feared. Plus, the likelihood of Congressional gridlock increases the chances that taxes will not rise.

All-in-all, a “slam dunk” for Mr. and Ms. Market, who went to bed Tuesday night fearing worse.… Read more

This 7% (Monthly) Dividend, With Upside, Is “2020-Proof”

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: November 5, 2020

Tech has taken a punch in the face this past few weeks—prompting many readers to wonder if it’s time to sell after booking some big gains in the sector this year.

No way. We’re dividend investors first and contrarians second, so we’re going to take the other side of that bet and buy this tech “mini-dip.” We’ll do it with closed-end funds (CEFs) yielding 7% (and more) that also give us a unique “double discount” to hedge any downside we might see in the coming months (this is 2020, after all) and a good shot at outperforming tech and the broader market, too.… Read more

Post-Election Payouts: Winners and Losers

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 5, 2020

If you woke up this morning and thought to yourself:

“Well, at least that’s over with!”

You’re not alone. Historically speaking, financial markets in the US don’t seem to care which side wins on Election Night (or, in the drawn-out days and weeks that will follow). The important thing for the markets is that the election uncertainty is largely over.

As the political carnival fades into our rearview mirror, we’re left with some dividends that made out better than others. Let’s review these winners and losers now.

Winner: Financial Markets

Since March 2009, the long-term (multi-year) trend of the stock market has been up.… Read more

3 Contrarian Buys for 10% Upside, 8.8% Dividends

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: November 5, 2020

I sure hope you haven’t listened to the bleating pundits begging us to sell everything ahead of Election Day. These talking heads don’t realize that, historically speaking, cash has already turned to trash.

It’s at times like these—when everyone is panicking and another big selloff seems right around the corner—that fortunes are made. And they’re not made by being out of stocks for the six months when they tend to rally (November 1 to May 1).

I know this sounds strange, but hear me out. Because we’ve got a shot at big gains (and dividends!) setting up our portfolios before E-Day comes and goes.… Read more

This 5.3% Dividend Is Really 8.4%. Here’s How.

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: November 2, 2020

They’re here again: more articles warning us of the “dangers” of municipal bonds. Don’t take the bait, because these wrongheaded articles will steer you away from some of the safest (and highest) dividends out there.

One claim you’ll read in many of these pieces is that states are losing tax revenue, which could mean they’re gong to default on their debt or go bankrupt. In reality, municipal-bond bankruptcies are really rare.

And I mean really rare: since 1970, the municipal-bond default rate has been 0.0043%, according to Moody’s Investor Services. To put that in perspective, the CDC says your chance of getting hit by lightning is 0.0002%.… Read more

5 Monster Tech Dividends (Up to 10.8%)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 30, 2020

Why choose between dividends and growth when we can have both?

Thanks to popular payout programs from the likes of Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT), investors can buy a growthy tech stock and even enjoy a little income on the side.

“63% of the (information technology) sector constituents paid a regular dividend,” says Todd Rosenbluth, Head of ETF & Mutual Fund Research for CFRA. In other words: While tinier tech stocks might have to plow everything into M&A, larger tech stocks that have already reached scale generate lots of cash—which they can shower shareholders with.

But there’s just one catch with these tech dividends.… Read more