This REIT Is an MVP That Yields Nearly 3X the Competition

Jeff Reeves, Senior Investment Analyst
Updated: February 3, 2023

It’s a new year, and that means a lot of suggestions for new approaches to investing.

But here at Contrarian Outlook, we’re not interested in change as the illusion of progress. We’re only interested in one thing – long-term investments that allow us to retire worry-free!

So don’t worry, friends… no gimmicks for you today! Just another case-study in our proven investing strategy.

As I have outlined in previous analysis, my go-to income investments are what I like to call “MVP” stocks. Those are companies that have strong Management, an attractive current Valuation for shares, and generous and sustainable Payouts to provide reliable income.… Read more

CEF Return of Capital Explained (Hint: It’s a Benefit, Not a Flaw)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 2, 2023

We’ve been getting a number of questions from CEF investors in the last few weeks about return of capital, or ROC.

This is a measure that shows up regularly with CEF dividends—and it makes many folks wonder if their funds are simply handing back the money they’ve invested as part of their payout.

(Note that much of what we’re going to discuss below is tax related. I’m not a licensed tax professional, so I can’t give you tax advice. You should consult a tax professional for details on your own personal situation.)

First, let’s be clear that all CEFs that are publicly traded on US exchanges are actively investing in something, with funds specializing in municipal bonds, real estate, stocks, preferred shares, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and other assets.… Read more

This Fund Pays 13% and We Dumped It. Why?

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: February 1, 2023

A few weeks back, bond giant PIMCO trimmed a bunch of payouts from its closed-end funds (CEFs). Which was no bueno for income investors, who buy CEFs solely for their dividends.

We don’t own any PIMCO funds in our premium portfolios currently. But readers, who rightfully recognize me as a PIMCO fanboy, have written in to ask what’s up.

“Any thoughts on PIMCO recent slashing of dividends? Do you think they will also cut PDI’s dividend?”John S 

John, you know me well. Maybe too well! Here’s a live look at my nightstand which boasts a copy of The Bond King: How One Man Made a Market, Built an Empire, and Lost It All.… Read more

Our 3-Part Strategy for 20%+ Dividend Growth in 2023

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 31, 2023

If 2022 taught us anything, it’s that we need to swing our portfolios away from this:

We’re Fading “Cardiac” Share-Price Action Like This … 

That’s the chart of “America’s ticker”—the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)—last year. I call SPY “America’s ticker” because it’s by far the most popular way to track the S&P 500.

But its popularity does not translate into safety. Just holding this simple index fund last year meant taking a 20% haircut—with plenty of heart palpitations along the way! That’s why we want to shift our portfolio returns toward the smooth and steady growth of dividends:

… And Toward the Serene Upward Drift of Dividend Growth

That’s more like it!… Read more

3 Reasons Why 19%+ Dividends Are Dangerous for Your Retirement

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: January 30, 2023

Imagine what you could do with a 19% dividend.

To be clear, any dividend that high simply isn’t sustainable. So if you do see one, I don’t recommend buying.

Still, the thought’s nice. With a 19% yield, financial independence becomes easy. Want to live on $60,000 per year? Well, conventional wisdom says you’ll need at least $1.5 million to generate that kind of income, and some advisors will tell you to save $2 million, just to be safe.

But a 19% dividend? Suddenly it only takes $316,000 in savings to secure $60,000 in yearly income. That cuts down how long one needs to work and save by decades.… Read more

2 Cheap 11.2% Dividend Stocks and 1 Paying “Just” 9.5%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 27, 2023

Today we’ll discuss a duo of cheap dividend stocks paying 11.2%. And, for good measure, we’ll throw in another bargain even though it “only” yields 9.5%.

I jest because I love. Dividends, that is. And bear markets don’t usually last much longer than this. So, it is double-digit yield shopping we go.

These are serious yields we’re looking at—the kind we need to retire on dividends alone. They’re hard to find among over-followed, over-analyzed and over-owned blue-chip stocks. But they’re abundant in BDCland (populated by business development companies (BDCs), of course).

Like real estate investment trusts (REITs), business development companies are a creation of Congress.… Read more

Why This “RAVEN” 10%+ Dividend Strategy Will Win in 2023

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: January 26, 2023

These days, it seems like every investor is chasing that one big thing that will make them rich—the newest stock, technology, fad or whatever.

We contrarian dividend investors know these folks well—you probably have a friend or family member who chased down gains in crypto, NFTs, profitless tech or heaven knows what else over the last few years.

Heck, they may have even taken a poke or two at you about your “boring” dividend stocks and closed-end funds (CEFs)!

Then 2022 came along. And while everything got hit last year, we CEF investors had the last laugh, as we could use our funds’ 7%+ dividends to pay the bills.… Read more

This Stock Pays Us 12%+, Everyone Else 5.6%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 25, 2023

“You had me at VIP,” my buddy Nick texted back to me.

Our babysitter canceled due to a last-minute illness. My wife took one for the team and kindly sent me to the Sacramento Kings game solo—which meant I had a seat to fill on 35 minutes notice.

No problem for my man, a fellow dad and fan. (I’ll let you decide the order!) Nick flipped the game off at home, kissed his own wife and kids goodbye and beelined from his house to our seats.

He only missed a few minutes of gametime because, as I alluded to at the open, we got him in through the VIP entrance.… Read more

Our 2023 Gameplan (and 2 Dividends to Buy – but Not All at Once)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 24, 2023

Look, we’re probably going to see a recession in 2023. And if you’re like most folks, you’re wondering how to respond.

Here’s the good news: overall I see a much better year ahead than the mess we lived through in 2022. But we could see a pullback—and a recession—before the market bottoms and bounces.

That leaves us contrarian dividend seekers in a tricky spot. It’s why we’ve held a lot of cash in my Contrarian Income Report service over the last 12 months.

But I also hear from a lot of folks who want stocks they can hold no matter what, to keep their payouts rolling in.… Read more

Why 2023 Will Be Better Than 2022 (and the Cheap 6% Dividends We’re Watching Now)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: January 23, 2023

As I write this, stocks are in the process of giving back some of their “New Year’s bounce”—and I’m hearing from folks who are worried that 2023 will be another 2022.

I get it—it’s only natural to feel that way after the S&P 500 fell some 20% in a year. And those who limited themselves to the tech-focused NASDAQ took it particularly hard—off some 30%+ in ’22.

But just because the market is off to an uncertain start does not mean we’re headed for another mess like last year. In fact, the odds of that are very low.

For one, it’s rare to get two bad years in a row.… Read more