Author Archive: Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

Safe Dividend Funds Up to 9.4% in the “Banking Fear” Bargain Bin

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 28, 2023

Select bank stocks may be cheap, but why settle for 2% to 3% yields?

Let’s really bang on the bargain bin and for dividends between 8.3% and 9.4%. These yields are available thanks to the current banking fears.

Fortunately, these payouts are more secure than vanilla investors appreciate. Hence, the dividend deal.

A Better Way to Play Banks

I wrote a few weeks ago about how mainstream investors are trying to time a bottom in banks.

Fair enough. Banks are extremely cheap right now by a well-known measure of long-term value: CAPE (cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings), which is the price divided not by the past year of earnings, but the past 10 years.… Read more

Beware This 13.8% and 14.8% Dividend Disaster Duo!

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 26, 2023

We’re heading towards the most telegraphed recession of all time. At least in recent memory.

So should we sell everything? Not exactly. Granted, recessions are usually bad for stocks. Vanilla investors who own nothing-but-ETFs are in a tough spot.

But since you’re reading this, I assume:

  1. You pick stocks better than a robotic ETF.
  2. You’re not scared of a stinkin’ recession. You’re here looking for high-yield exceptions to the “sell everything” rule.

I appreciate that about you, my fellow contrarian. If I thought rules applied to me, I would have made it past age 26 in Corporate America! This is why we get along so well.… Read more

Sell These 2 Popular Dividends “on the Rip” Buy These 2 Instead

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 25, 2023

I’m not going to lie to you: this market is headed for a fall. And if you’re caught holding the wrong dividend payers, you could be in for some serious losses indeed.

How serious? Well, the worst of the four stocks we’re going to delve into below—Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (CBRL)—plunged 26% last year, much further than the S&P 500. If you hold this one, or the other dangerous dividend we’ll discuss below, it’s time to cut your losses and get out now.

Cracker Barrel Plunged in ’22—a Sign of Things to Come?

But we’re not only going to sell today—we’re going on offense, too.… Read more

A “Private Equity” Mini-Portfolio That Yields 10%-Plus

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 21, 2023

Private equity (PE) is a rich guy and gal favorite. PE firms find deals and deliver outsized dividends.

They don’t like dealing with common folk. So, PE shops typically set a minimum of a few hundred thousand dollars or so to invest.

But we contrarians have a better way! By tapping BDCs—or business development companies—we can toss as little as $20 into a PE payer.

Better yet, we can secure yields between 8.5% and 13.1%. We’ll discuss three examples today. Including one that is trading below book value!

If you’ve never heard of business development companies (BDCs), you’re not alone. There are only a few dozen publicly traded BDCs, and even the largest one would be a minnow in the S&P 500.… Read more

This 4.8% “Toll Bridge” Dividend Has Big Upside

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 19, 2023

Worried about a recession? Two thoughts:

  1. I don’t blame you.
  2. Consider this recession-resistant REIT (real estate investment trust), poised to rally on an economic slump.

Why rally? Well, interest rates and REITs tend to seesaw. When rates rise, REITs fall. At least that’s the conventional wisdom.

In recessions, interest rates fall. Normally bullish for REITs—consider them a  “second-level” bet on a bond bounce.

REITs, after all, are the bond proxies of the stock world. Investors buy them for their yields. That’s why we like them here at Contrarian Outlook.

It’s part of the REIT special sauce. As long as they dish most of their profits (90%+) as dividends, they pay no corporate taxes.… Read more

This Unknown “Dividend Magnet” Is Growing Payouts 211%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 18, 2023

There are plenty of stocks out there, right now, with payouts growing fast—heck, some of them give shareholders a “raise” every three months.

You won’t find these “Dividend Accelerators” among the big names of the Dow.

Many are real estate investment trusts (REITs)—“landlords” of everything from apartments to warehouses. And they’re not just dividend-growth machines; most throw off higher current yields than the typical S&P stock, too.

And I mean much higher: right now, the REIT benchmark Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ) yields 4.1%. The typical S&P 500 name? A sorry 1.6%.

You can thank the Feds for that: they give REITs a pass on corporate taxes as long as they pay 90% of their income as dividends.… Read more

“Natty” Is Down Big. What Comes Next Is More Exciting.

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 14, 2023

We contrarians, we’re not ashamed to admit, make our big money dumpster diving for discarded dividends.

When vanilla investors toss trash, it is often our treasure!

I have a hunch this is unfolding in the natural gas market. Prices literally can’t go much lower, which means that eventually they must go higher. Check out this chart—prices are down by 80% in one year!

Nat Gas is Dirt Cheap 

“Natty” prices have fallen from roughly $9 per million British thermal units (MMBtus) to a little more than $2, flattened by unseasonably warm weather and months of dogged supply surplus. Reuters reported in February that “depletion so far this heating season has been around half the seasonal average for the last 10 years.”… Read more

The Best Muni Bonds for 2023 Trade at 14% Discounts

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 12, 2023

As we head towards the most telegraphed recession in recent memory, US Treasuries are receiving a lot of attention. And rightfully so.

In recessions, interest rates go down. This boosts bond prices (which trade opposite rates).

But not all bonds are created equal—especially during recessions. Slowdowns tend to make the safest bonds the most attractive.

After all, it can be a slippery slope from slowdown to meltdown, so many investors prefer the safety of Treasuries. In 2008, for example, the S&P 500 sank 38% but US Treasuries rallied sharply. The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) delivered a 28% gain for the year:

In 2008, T-Bonds Did Great 

I don’t think we’re in for a repeat of ’08, but this “buy Treasuries before a recession” trade has worked superbly since we called it in November.… Read more

Repel a Recession With 25%-56% Dividend Growth

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 11, 2023

Worried the economy is teetering on the brink? I don’t blame you.

Rather than running for the hills, let’s focus on recession-resistant dividend stocks. Big payout growers. We’re talking 25% to 56% dividend growth (yes, that’s no typo).

The safest dividend is the one growing the fastest. Take UnitedHealth Group (UNH), the largest health insurance carrier in the US. Its business is beautifully recession resistant. As a result, UNH is one of the most consistent growth stocks out there. Mark it down for 10%+ gains, per year, every year.

Gains in what? Every metric that matters. UNH’s sales soared 13% year-over-year.… Read more

A 2-Step Plan for Dividends That Double (Then Double Again!)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: April 7, 2023

We’re all about the dividends here at Contrarian Outlook. Often we take it for granted that we’re not looking to lose 17% in just a few weeks while we collect income!

BAC Reaches (and Reaches!) for a Bottom …

The share-price chart for Bank of America (BAC) may appeal to dividend dumpster divers. And heck, it may work, as BAC stands to gain as more people pull their savings from regional banks and plunk them into “too big to fail.”

Why deal with this nonsense? This is exactly why we’re fading “cardiac” price charts like BAC’s and shifting toward the smooth and steady growth of dividends:

… While We Climb the “Dividend Staircase”

That’s more like it!… Read more