Author Archive: Michael Foster

Investment Strategist

My Contrarian Plan for 7.2% Dividends (and upside) in a Soaring Market

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: September 7, 2020

It’s the million-dollar question these days: how can this market be up double digits in an economy like this? And how can we dare hope for even a little more upside from here?

S&P 500 Defies Gravity

The truth is, there are plenty more gains to be made. But to get them, you need to look just a little beyond the big-name stocks most people limit themselves to. One overlooked place where there are still plenty of bargains (and outsized dividend yields!) to be had is in closed-end funds (CEFs). We’ll take a look at a high-yield CEF that offers you the perfect mix for today’s market—upside potential, downside protection and an outsized 7.2% dividend stream—in a bit.… Read more

5 Stocks Set to Roar Into 2021 (and 8 Laggards About to Crash)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: September 3, 2020

Sometimes, picking the best contrarian stocks can be fairly straightforward.

For instance, back in early spring, it seemed obvious to anyone who went a bit deeper than the daily headlines to see that the market wasn’t giving tech stocks their due, given its importance during the lockdown and its potential for big post–COVID-19 growth.

So in April I wrote an article that highlighted the Columbia Seligman Premium Tech Fund (STK), a closed-end fund (CEF) primed to benefit from surging online shopping, rising mobile data use and the fast shift toward working from home. Plus, STK yielded an outsized 9.4%, so you were getting a large part of your profits in dividend cash.… Read more

The “No Drama” 6% Tech Dividend Everyone Has Missed

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 31, 2020

Few people realize it, but there’s a way to get big dividends (I’m talking 6%+ payouts) from popular tech stocks—Facebook (FB), (AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) among them.

I know that when most people hear about tech these days, they immediately think the sector is overvalued. It’s easy to see why: tech is the sole driver of the S&P 500’s gain this year. In fact, when you hear people say the stock market is up in 2020, you might want to correct them and say that, in fact, it’s tech, and not the market as a whole, that’s up.… Read more

This Quick Move Could Pay You $40,000 a Year (Forever)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 27, 2020

I hate to see so many folks buying into the hype and snapping up popular ETFs like the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO).

Not only are they denying themselves a proper dividend (with VOO, you’d need a $3-million nest egg to generate a liveable $40,000 income stream!), they’re missing out on gains, too.

That’s because this is no longer a market you can simply ride with a passive index fund. We’re now entering a new investment world that requires two things:

  1. Active management (because the pandemic has sharply split this market into winners and losers) and …
  2. More income. With the volatility we’ve lived through, I think you’ll agree that a high cash stream, like, say, the 7%+ dividends you get from actively managed closed-end funds (CEFs) provides a lot more safety than here-today, gone-tomorrow paper gains.
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How to Buy Apple, Get a 7% Dividend

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 24, 2020

These days, I’m hearing from a lot of readers who are worried about this market rebound—and wondering whether they should buy high-yield stocks or sit on the sidelines.

They’re right to be worried—the S&P 500’s 19% surge (!) in the last 12 months has only been topped a handful of times in the last 20 years, and none of those 12-month periods saw a pandemic that shuttered the global economy.

Pandemic Strikes … Stocks Soar?

So what the heck is going on here? And how should you respond?

Well, here’s my (admittedly contrarian) take: the stock market should be at record highs, and you should be buying stocks now—especially high-yield stocks—as long as you choose the right ones, of course.… Read more

Must Read: These 5% Dividends Are Really 6.9% Payouts in Disguise

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 20, 2020

Have you read the latest? The media says municipal bonds, our favorite plays for safe, tax-free dividends, are facing a surge in defaults.

That, of course, sounds like terrible news for “munis,” which are issued by local governments to fund infrastructure. Munis’ government backing is a big reason why their default rates are microscopic: typically around 0.01%.

So are our rich, tax-free dividends really about to be stolen away by a wave of defaults? No way! In fact, now is a great time for us contrarians to move into these stout dividend plays.

And when you buy your munis through another income favorite of mine, closed-end funds (CEFs), you get something truly special: 5% yields that, due to their tax-free-nature, work out to much more: if you make, say, $150,000 a year, your “true” payout on a 5% muni-CEF is a sky-high 6.9%.Read more

Dodge Dividend Cuts. Grab Huge 5.5%+ Payouts. Here’s How.

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 17, 2020

Maybe you’ve had to face one dividend cut in the crisis—maybe more than one. Maybe you’re like many folks, scanning the headlines daily to try to get a jump on the next cut before it slices your income steam.

I get it. It’s part of the anxiety we’re all feeling. And there is good reason to be wary: this pandemic has forced the biggest dividend “sacred cows” to slash payouts—names like Wells Fargo (WFC), Ford (F), Ventas (VTR) and Disney (DIS).

If you’d said any of these companies would cut their dividends back in January, you’d have been laughed out of the room!… Read more

This High-Yield REIT Could Be Amazon’s Next Landlord (yields 7.9%)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 13, 2020

We’ve just been handed a unique opportunity to grab 7.9%+ dividends—and price upside, too.

Now it does involve some risk, and you’ll have to be quick to reap the biggest gains (and dividends). But there’s one unsung fund that can help you cancel out that risk—and grab a huge payout, too. More on that at the end of this article.

A Contrarian High-Yield REIT Strategy for Huge Cash Payouts

First up, the opportunity we’re going to dive into today revolves around real estate investment trusts (REITs) that invest in shopping malls and other retail properties.

If you’ve been reading columns written by me and my colleague Brett Owens, you know we’ve been critical of retail REITs, which were being decimated by Amazon.comRead more

These 10 “Crisis-Proof” Funds Yield Up to 10% (with 17% upside)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 10, 2020

After watching the S&P 500 crash, then levitate, over the past seven months, I’ve come to one conclusion: high-yield closed-end funds (CEFs) are disrespected now—and that makes them a great contrarian buy.

Sure, some CEFs are cheap for a reason (I’m looking at you, energy funds). But there are plenty of undervalued winners, too. And plenty of CEFs have crushed the market this year, including 10 that have returned more than 8%. This top-10 list, which I’ll show you below, includes CEFs that have doubled, tripled—and even quadrupled the S&P 500’s 4% return.

What’s more, these funds all have one thing in common that sets them up for even bigger gains: strong management, proving once again that who manages your money is just as important as what you invest in—especially if you’re looking to boost your portfolio’s income stream with the 7% (or higher) dividends the typical CEF throws off.… Read more

8% Dividends, 10%+ Upside and a Tax-Cutting Strategy You Won’t Believe

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: August 6, 2020

A lot of closed-end fund (CEF) investors—particularly new ones—wonder how CEFs can sustain huge 8% dividends in a 2% (if we’re lucky!) world.

It’s actually pretty easy. Below we’ll look at three ways CEFs make these retirement-changing payouts happen. And, in response to a question I’m hearing a lot from CEF Insider subscribers these days, we’re going to zero in on one particularly sticky subject: return of capital (ROC).

Contrary to what many people think, ROC isn’t a fund simply handing your cash back to you—and charging a fee for doing so. It’s actually a dividend-investor’s dream! Let’s set up our deep dive into ROC with a snapshot of how easy it can be for CEFs to hand us those rich 8%+ dividends.… Read more