
This Little-Known Fund Turns a 0% Dividend Into an 8.5% Cash Stream

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 15, 2020

You can be forgiven for not looking to the big-name tech stocks for high dividends. Just look at this rogue’s gallery of pathetic payouts!

  • Facebook (FB): Dividend yield: 0%
  • (AMZN): Dividend yield: 0%
  • Apple (AAPL): Dividend yield: 0.9%
  • Netflix (NFLX): Dividend yield: 0%
  • Google, a.k.a. Alphabet (GOOGL): Dividend yield: 0%

Those are the so-called FAANG stocks—the darlings of the tech world. But they’re no place for retirees, or anyone else on the hunt for dividends. (Though there is one often-ignored way to get an 8.5% dividend from them; more on that in a second.)

Luckily for the folks who hold these stocks, which make up about 17% of the S&P 500, they’ve made up for their pathetic—or nonexistent—dividends in outsized price gains as the market has bounced back.… Read more

3 Good Yields in Energy We’ll Soon Buy as GREAT Yields

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 12, 2020

The broader market, as defined by the S&P 500, has rallied like crazy. But don’t worry, you haven’t “missed out” on anything. The rally has been carried by large, and largely non-dividend paying stocks!

Most income plays are just now getting up off the mat. We’ll discuss one of my favorites today.

Energy, for example, is in the middle of a “crash-and-rally” pattern. The ultimate cure for low energy prices is (or perhaps, was) low energy prices. Reason being, low prices force producers to slash output like crazy to save money, which in turn reduces supply which in turn boosts prices.… Read more

This Market “Time Machine” Gives You 7.6% Dividends, 39% Gains

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 11, 2020

What if I told you I’d found a way for you to buy Microsoft (MSFT), Apple (AAPL), Home Depot (HD), McDonald’s (MCD) and other big-name stocks for 14% off their current prices?

It would be like rewinding the clock on this rebound, wouldn’t it? With stocks now having mostly erased their year-to-date losses, buying at a 14% discount would, in essence, be like buying these very same stocks back in late April:

Your Stock-Market “Time Machine”

The way to do this is by purchasing a closed-end fund (CEF) that holds these stocks. Not only do CEFs regularly trade at big discounts to their “true” value, but they also pay dividends far higher than individual stocks do—I’m talking rich payouts of 7% and up.… Read more

The Bond Vigilantes Returning? What It Means for CEFs

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 10, 2020

What a time to be alive! The stock market is booming, and many of our favorite income investments are ticking higher every day.  Surely, they are reflecting the broader optimism that investors have about the US and the rest of the world.

Hold on a sec—my publisher is reminding me that the curfew in my town just lifted on Monday. Seven days of being home by 8pm, following two months of being told to shelter-in-place. As a friend of mine pointed out, we haven’t been double grounded like this since high school.

The news is usually a downer, but these days it’s tough to make it through the headlines without a handful of Xanax.… Read more

2 Monthly 7% Dividends With an “On Switch” for Gains

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 9, 2020

If you’re shopping for high-yield closed-end funds (CEFs), two numbers are critical:

  • The dividend: There are about 500 CEFs out there, and they boast huge payouts of 7% on average. Many also pay monthly.
  • The discount: Due to a quirk in the CEF structure, these funds often trade at discounts to the per-share value of their portfolios. Called the discount to net asset value (NAV), this indicator is the clearest indicator of imminent price gains I’ve ever seen in an investment.

A Proven Gain Predictor

Thanks to the discount to NAV—which is available on any fund screener—you literally have a CEF’s market price on a string!Read more

Apple’s Hidden 10.1% Dividend (paid monthly)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 8, 2020

These days, I’m hearing from a lot of investors interested in monthly dividend stocks.

It’s easy to see why: monthly dividends line up nicely with our bills, something that’s very helpful in a crisis like this one. And if you’re reinvesting your payouts, monthly payers give your returns an extra lift in the long run because you can put your dividend cash to work faster.

There’s only one problem with these stocks: they’re few and far between.

Monthly Payers a Fraction of the Market

Source: CEF Insider

As you can see above, if we limit ourselves to monthly payers, we’re literally shutting out almost all of the market.… Read more

3 Keys to 960% Returns, 6% Dividends From Blue Chip Stocks

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 5, 2020

Imagine investing a million dollars and getting back … a pathetic $19,000 in income every year.

You don’t have to imagine—because that’s exactly what you’d get if you bought the typical S&P 500 stock today, which yields a sad 1.9%. That’s not much and these days, you can lose that in one afternoon!

No wonder dividends get no respect!

But I’ve got good news: that 1.9% doesn’t matter a bit to us. In fact, it’s a distraction from the real opportunity I want to show you: a dead-simple, 3-step shot at a much bigger payout.

I’m talking about 6%+ in cash here.… Read more

My No. 1 “Buy Test” for 6%+ Paying CEFs

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: June 4, 2020

If you invest in closed-end funds (CEFs) or are thinking about it (and you should be!), I’ve got great news: there’s one simple indicator that tells you exactly when to buy (or sell) these high-yield income plays.

(If you’re a member of my CEF Insider service, you probably know what I’m going to say next.)

I’m talking about the discount to net asset value (NAV), which you can find on pretty well any fund screener. Today we’re going to see how one group of investors rode this simple metric to an amazing 662% in gains and dividends.

Your 1-Click CEF “Buy Alarm”

The discount to NAV is unique to CEFs.… Read more

The Key to Retiring on Dividends Regardless of a Pandemic or Social Unrest

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 3, 2020

“How fast should I deploy my cash into your dividend stocks?”

It’s a common question from the new income investors that are always finding their way to us (welcome!) We publish a plethora of dividend analysis on our website And, for premium subscribers, we also issue specific buy, hold and sell recommendations for select stocks and funds.

So, where should a new reader (or, better yet, premium subscriber!) start? Let’s walk through some steps you can take to make the best use of our information as you build your dividend-powered retirement portfolio.

First, Pick Your Stocks

Stock picking is step one, and as discussed, we have no shortage of dividend coverage around here.… Read more

A Proven “Crash-Resistant Strategy” for 7%+ Dividends, 77% Upside

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: June 2, 2020

I’m no mind reader, but I’m guessing you’d leap at an investment with the stability of a bond and the upside of a stock right now.

Sounds like something tailor-made for a crisis, right?

The good news is that it’s no pipe dream. These handy “crash-resistant” plays are out there and ripe for buying. We’re going to take a close look at how we can tap them for huge dividends now—yearly cash payouts all the way up to 9.7%!

It’s a retirement strategy every investor should take a look at. Unfortunately, too few even know these “shapeshifter” investments exist.

Lender Today, Shareholder Tomorrow

I’m talking about convertible bonds.… Read more