Dividend Bargain Hunt: The Huge 12.5% Payout Everyone Has Missed

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 18, 2021

With the market scraping all-time highs—and dividend yields scraping historic lows—you’re probably thinking there’s nowhere you can find big, safe dividends with at least some price upside right now.

Well, you’re far from alone. The good news is, there’s still one place where the undervalued dividend payers you crave are common.

Today I’m going to show you exactly where to find these buys, in a sector rife with bargain-priced high dividends yielding all the way up to 12.5%. That’s more than 10X what the average S&P 500 stock pays.

Step 1 of Our Dividend Bargain Hunt: Step Back … Way Back

This gives us a nice opportunity to hone our value-seeking skills, too, by doing one of my favorite things—drilling down into the latest earnings numbers, which is something too few investors do.… Read more

This 7.6% Yield is Paid Monthly, Trades at 96% of Fair Value

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: February 17, 2021

High-yield bonds have never paid less. Which is too bad, because let’s be honest—dividends are the reason we income investors wade in “junk bond” waters in the first place.

Fortunately, by being selective rather than lamestream, we can double our existing high-yield bond dividends. Nothing fancy, either. We sell the unselective ETFs and buy the ones with proven bond investors at the helm.

Before starting, let me make one huge point. It is true that almost all actively managed equity mutual funds aren’t worth the management fees investors pay. But some actively-managed bond funds most definitely are worth it.

The ETFs we would be selling are the two most popular high-yield bond ETFs.… Read more

3 Simple Steps to “Recurring” Dividends That Grow Every Year (Forever)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: February 16, 2021

Today we’re going to discuss the secret to double-digit annual returns every year, forever, with secure dividend stocks.

It’s simple but not easy. Here’s the hint. We must seek out hefty recurring payouts from stocks with dependable recurring revenue!

It’s one of the oldest business models there is, and it’s hands-down the best setup for us dividend investors: customers pay every week, month, year or whatever, giving a company predictable—and ideally growing—profits.

They then send those profits our way as predictable—and growing—payouts! Plus, many of these firms buy back their own shares too. Which, in turn, makes each share we own more valuable on a “per share” basis.… Read more

These Ignored 6.5% Dividends Will Be the Biggest Story of 2021

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 15, 2021

A wild year like 2020 is a great acid test for closed-end funds (CEFs)—and it can tell us a lot about which of these high-yield plays to pick (and avoid!) as we move deeper into 2021.

A Split Market

If 2020 did anything, it widened the gap between winning and losing sectors of the stock (and closed-end fund) market. It just goes to show how critical it is to pick funds in the right sectors, as well as those with savvy management that can shift with the times.

Technology, of course, boomed last year. At my CEF Insider service, we were well-positioned in tech with the BlackRock Science and Technology Fund (BST), which we added to our portfolio in August 2019.… Read more

8 Growing Dividend Payers (up to 8.2%) You Can Sit on for Decades

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: February 13, 2021

If we learned anything from 2020, it was the value of a few extra rolls of toilet paper. A close second? The reminder about the value of a reliable dividend.

This lesson has been taught over and over. The dot-com bubble. The Great Recession. The “COVID crash.” And sure enough, first-level investors don’t learn a thing—they chase one fat yield after another into the ground.

We next-level income investors know better. It’s important to consider the business engine under the hood. When we find cash flow machines like the eight dividend payers we’re about to discuss, we’re talking about decades of payments.… Read more

GameStop Is History, but It Will Fuel Our 7%+ Dividends (and Gains) in 2021

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 11, 2021

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to say farewell to this whole Reddit/GameStop (GME) situation.

But before we bid adieu to this weird market moment, we need to take just one more run around the horn, because it’s left three big benefits in its wake that no one is talking about right now.

These three hidden catalysts all point to stronger market gains in the weeks and months ahead—gains we can “convert” to 7%+ dividends when we pick up one of my favorite investments, stock-focused closed-end funds (CEFs), right now. Let’s dive in.

Reddit Gamblers’ Wins Will Go Into the Economy (and Boost Other Stocks)

The most immediate positive for the market comes from the big gains early investors in GameStop and other companies at the center of this battle enjoyed.… Read more

These “Great American Reset” Stocks Will Create Fortunes

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: February 10, 2021

Another hand went up. I pointed for the next question.

When you consider dividend investments, Brett, what is more important in your opinion:

  • The current yield and value of the stock itself, or
  • The “engine” that is driving the business and the profits?

“Great question,” I replied. “The business engine. Always consider where the cash flow is coming from, first.”

In other words, if the business is humming, the dividends will be there. And as the payout keeps chugging along, so will the stock price. A dividend will protect the stock from downside and, with growth, provide a sweet kicker of upside.… Read more

These “ETF Slayer” Funds Pay Huge 6%+ Dividends (With Big Upside)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: February 9, 2021

You and I both know there’s a problem with the sugar high the stock market’s been on. Does it mean we should dump some of our beloved dividend stocks and try to buy them back at lower prices?

We’ll talk income strategies and market timing in a minute. First, let’s talk about these concerning behaviors exhibited by America’s odd couple, Mr. and Mrs. Market.

First up, we know a correction is coming. When a group of folks on a Reddit message board can drive one stock—GameStop (GME)—up 1,700%+ in a month, you know the market has become a bit unhinged.… Read more

These Tax-Free 5%+ Dividends Are Hiding in Plain Sight

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: February 8, 2021

With stocks crowding all-time highs, we need to follow our contrarian instincts now more than ever.

That, of course, means going where everyone else isn’t.

And the best contrarian investment I can think of right now is municipal bonds, or bonds issued by state and local governments to pay for vital infrastructure.

Don’t click away! Because these “sleepy” bonds boast dividends so high that, simply by buying them, you could match, or even beat the stock market’s long-term historical return (around the 7% to 8% range) in dividends alone.

Better still, “munis” boast the highest stability on the market, so we’ll be “backstopped” by rock-steady prices while we collect our outsized dividends.… Read more

Wall Street Hates These 3 Dividend Payers (But Should You?)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: February 5, 2021

The markets sure turned against “the little guy” in a hurry.

We chatted about the massive run-up in GameStop (GME) on Wednesday. I had a buddy of mine, who just happens to be a loyal Reddit reader, catch “short squeeze” fever.

If these guys and gals had tried to go anywhere, they’d have been stopped by the temperature check. That’s how hot they were running as Wall Street big shots were being forced to “buy back” their previously shorted GME shares at astronomical prices.

But short squeezes are often short lived, and GME has already plummeted two-thirds below its peak. Why the carnage?… Read more