Buy This Tech Fund Before Dec. 31 (and get a 9.3% dividend)
Michael Foster, Investment StrategistUpdated: December 20, 2018
On January 1, 2018, I made my boldest prediction of the year: bitcoin was going to crash. Here’s what happened since:
Crytocurrencies Are Dying
There are lots of reasons why bitcoin has cost investors a lot of money: it’s inefficient; it’s not private; and glitches and hacking cause people to lose bitcoins. But the main reason is this: the dumb money followed the smart money—and ended up holding the bag.
I’ve seen this story play out many times, which is why I urge you to be contrarian and avoid the traps market manipulators set up, whether it was dot-com stocks in the late ’90s, housing in the mid-2000s or fantasy Internet money in the 2010s.… Read more