Author Archive: Michael Foster

Investment Strategist

Forget $1 Million: Here’s How to Retire on a Lot Less

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 9, 2019

You’ve no doubt heard the “wisdom” that you’ll need a million bucks to have any hope of retiring.

If you’re like most folks, you’ve probably wondered how you’ll manage to save such a huge stash. Maybe you’ve given up and resigned yourself to working till you’re 100.

I can’t blame you. Because with the rising cost of everything these days, finding an extra seven figures during your working life seems like a massive mountain to climb.

This is why I’m writing you today. I’m going to show you two things:

  1. A plan for saving a million bucks, if you want to, and …
  2. Why you don’t need anywhere near a million dollars in the first place (thanks to three 6.8%-yielding funds that let you clock out on hundreds of thousands of dollars less, without selling a single stock in retirement, to boot!)
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This 9.2% Dividend Is On Sale (11% Off!)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 6, 2019

I’ve uncovered two high-yield closed-end funds (CEFs) that are perfect for this “earnings down, stocks up” market.

I’m going to show you both of these bargain-priced, cash-spinning plays—one of which yields an incredible 9.2%, five times more than the typical S&P 500 stock—shortly.

First, we need to talk about where stocks stand now. Because you’re probably wondering how the market can keep ticking up when first-quarter earnings are actually down from a year ago.

You’re right to be concerned, because it makes zero sense—on the surface. But dig deeper and you’ll see that this is a good news story, and a perfect opportunity for contrarians like us to grab big gains (and dividends).… Read more

3 Steps to Big Dividends (and 18% Upside) in 2019

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: May 2, 2019

When it comes to stocks, it takes a strong stomach to bet against the crowd. But the truth is, you can pull in big profits doing just that.

Today I’m going to show you how to push straight through the hype and peer pressure—and cash in.

It’s easy to see how shunning the crowd pays off. Look back at December, the darkest point of last fall’s meltdown. That’s when I recommended ignoring the crash completely and focusing on the gains at hand. This went double if you bought stocks through 7%+-yielding closed-end funds (CEFs).

What happened next? A fast 18% profit:

Savvy Contrarians Hit Paydirt

Fast-forward to today, and we contrarians are in a tough spot: the market’s floating higher, and the party appears to be back on.… Read more

5 CEFs That Crush the Market and Yield Up to 8%

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 29, 2019

Something very weird is happening with high-yield closed-end funds (CEFs): many of them are ridiculously cheap, despite soaring double-digits this year.

(And when I say these are “high-yield” funds, I mean it: nearly all of the five funds I’ll show you shortly yield 7% and up!)

I know that sounds impossible: a big run-up and a bargain in one buy?

It’s true—and it’s the beauty of CEFs: unlike with mutual funds and ETFs, CEFs’ market prices can swing massively from the net asset value (NAV) of their portfolios. That’s because investors often ignore CEFs and fail to bid them up to what they’d be worth if they were liquidated tomorrow.… Read more

Shocker: These “Safe” 7% Dividends Will Lead the Market (Down)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 25, 2019

It’s easy to see why investors love utilities:

  1. Low volatility
  2. High yields

But there’s a problem: recent scares like the inverted yield curve mean some utilities, and utility funds, have gotten ahead of themselves and are more prone to a pullback than most folks think. (The three 7%+-yielding closed-end funds (CEFs) I’ll show you shortly top this “overpriced” list.)

The worst part is, many people think utilities are underbought, because the benchmark Utilities Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLU) is up 8.3% year-to-date, half the 16% gain of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY).

But that’s recency bias. Stretch the timeline to 12 months and things look very different:

Utilities Get Pricey

Interest-Rate Pause Should Boost Utilities.Read more

5% Dividends, Zero Dollars in Tax. Here’s How

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 22, 2019

Still spinning from Tax Day?

You’re not alone: plenty of folks who bagged wins last year are feeling shell-shocked, now that Uncle Sam has walked off with his cut.

Let’s face it: it’s too late to recoup any of that cash. But you can still take steps to weaken Uncle Sam’s grip on from your income stream, before you find yourself in the same boat next year.

And there’s an easy way to do it—it actually comes, in a strange way, from the government itself!

“Keep 100% of Your Gains Forever”

I’m talking about municipal bonds, or bonds issued by states, cities and counties to finance roads, bridges and just about any other project you can imagine.… Read more

Google’s “Hidden” 8.8% Dividend Revealed

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 18, 2019

If you’re watching tech stocks grind higher every day, you’ve probably been just a little tempted to jump in.

… or should you wait? After all, the high-flying tech space—particularly fan faves like Facebook (FB), Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN) and Google (GOOGL), a.k.a. Alphabet—has to pull back sometime, right?

The short answer is yes, there are plenty more gains ahead for tech—especially if you’re investing over the long haul—making now a great time to buy.

A 9% Dividend From Google (for real)

But we’re not going to “buy direct” and hope for more upside, like your S&P 500-focused friends are likely doing.… Read more

Here’s What the “Yield Curve” Really Means for Your Portfolio

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 15, 2019

There’s a three-word phrase that’s terrifying just about everyone these days. If you take it at face value, it could trick you into making a dangerous mistake with your retirement.

It springs from the following chart:

The Yield-Curve Panic

This chart tracks the spread between yields on the 10-year Treasury and the 2-year Treasury. In normal times, the shorter-term bond pays a smaller yield than the longer-term bond. But the difference between the two has gotten smaller and is now close to going negative.

That’s where our dangerous phrase comes from: this situation is known as an inverted yield curve.

The upshot?… Read more

3 Steps to Save You From a 23% Dividend Cut

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 11, 2019

In February, I wrote this about the PIMCO Global Stocks+ and Income Fund (PGP):

“If you have PGP in your portfolio, this is the time to ditch it.”

Then in early April, this happened:

Warning Becomes Reality

What was behind this nosedive? A whopping 23% dividend cut! Worse, PGP owners who didn’t heed my sell call are now sitting on 11% price losses from the day the cuts were announced.

How did I know this calamity was coming?

When it comes to high-yielding CEFs, there are three warning signs that tell you a big crash is just around the corner, and each one was blaring before PGP’s drop.… Read more

Forget Oil: This 7.6% Dividend Will Soar in 2019

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: April 8, 2019

Oil prices have been locked in a tight range for five years—and I know I don’t have to tell you that this has been a disaster for energy investors.

Oil Fails to Launch

With the benchmark Energy Select Sector SPDR (XLE) unable to hold its gains for long (let alone recover to pre-crash levels), even the most conservative energy investor has been clobbered.

Why is this happening?

After all, you’d think a growing global population and emerging-market growth would drive up the price of a limited resource like oil. But the tables have turned. I’ll get into why shortly.

These Dividend Payers Are Better Buys Than Oil

For now, though, I recommend that income-seekers go a different route and pick stocks (and closed-end funds [CEFs]) that benefit from cheaper oil and gas—like utilities.… Read more