Author Archive: Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

Fade the Market Roller Coaster With These Cool 6.7%-7.5% Yields

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 28, 2022

“America’s retirement fund” is looking awfully shaky. Income investors should consider replacing the over-owned S&P 500 index fund with these underappreciated yields up to 7.5%.

The S&P 500 has face-planted right out of 2022’s starting gate, flirting with a correction (that’s a decline of 10% or more) less than a month into the year.

If you’re retired, or thinking about retirement, these drawbacks are costly. They can erase years of hard work in a few bad trading sessions.

This is why we contrarians, who focus on cash flow, lean on “preferred” stocks, instead. These are special classes of shares issued by the same blue-chip firms in the S&P 500.… Read more

The Perfect Income Strategy for a Train Wreck Market

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 26, 2022

Just three weeks ago, we discussed the likelihood that the stock market was going to be a mess this year.

It’s already a train wreck.

You’re probably wondering whether you should buy more shares of your favorite dividend. Well, if you’re sick of wondering, use this simple yet effective “market timing” technique.

Dollar cost averaging (DCA) probably helped you build your impressive retirement portfolio. And DCA is more than just an initial fortune builder. It can also build wealth and income streams during train wreck markets like these.

It was the regular weekly, monthly and/or yearly purchases throughout your earning years that helped you buy more shares of stock low (and buy fewer shares higher).… Read more

3 Monthly Dividends to “Front Run” Rising Rates

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 25, 2022

The crowd is about to pile into monthly dividend stocks, and we’re going to beat them to it with three of the best of them—and grab ourselves hefty yields up to 6.5%, too.

The three monthly payers we cover below will be very appealing to folks who are getting shaken down as the S&P 500—and especially the tech-heavy NASDAQ—crumble.

Dividends—even monthly ones—normally get a collective yawn from investors in bullish times. But they’ll be darlings this year as Jay Powell switches off his money printer to try to clean up an inflation mess of his own making.

Jay’s Money Printer Works a Little Too Well

Meantime, “regular” stocks and Treasuries still dribble out sorry payouts way south of 2%.… Read more

How to Earn Up to 12x More Yield Than the Market

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 21, 2022

“Buy and hope” investing has never been more hopeless.

With bond yields doing a “moonshot” to 1.8%, they are now looking down at the S&P 500’s sad 1.3% yield. Still, let’s admit—these aren’t enough for us to be able to retire on dividends alone.

Plus, we’re seeing serious volatility as the Federal Reserve hits the Pause button on its money printer. Basic income investors are losing these annual yields in one trading session!

Fortunately, there are serious dividends beneath the surface of the market. Today we’ll highlight five stocks that pay more than 7%. This is a big upgrade.

Back to the “spike” in bond yields.… Read more

My Four-Year-Old is Smarter Than This Bond ETF

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 19, 2022

“Daddy. Can you come play with me in the playroom?” my four-year-old asked.

“Sure. I’ll be right in,” I said. “Once I get done unloading the dishwasher. Would you like to help me unload?”

“No thanks,” my daughter replied. No surprise, but one day I hope to catch her off-guard.

She walked to the playroom. Barely. And reappeared.

“Daddy. You’re taking for ages.”

For ages is the equivalent of forever in our house. I think. Then again, given her level of exasperation, she could be telling me I’m taking longer than forever.

She’d make a good bond trader. With long rates rising every day, few income investors want to hold any bonds for any amount of time.… Read more

How to Buy the Right Dividends in 2022 (for 53%+ Upside)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 18, 2022

The last time the Federal Reserve tried to taper its money-printing ways, the S&P 500 dropped 20% in 11 weeks.

I’m not sure if the sequel is going to be any kinder to “America’s ticker,” the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY). It’s time to prepare.

The best time to sell speculative, profitless positions was last week. The second-best time is probably now, with Jay Powell set to stop his bond buying and start raising rates in the next couple of months.

I know many dividend investors are feeling smug, and rightly so. We made a bunch of money from Powell’s printing, and now our dividend darlings appear set to attract “basic” investors from the land of crypto and tech.… Read more

Here Comes the “Dividend Magnet”: 43 Dividend-Growth Plays

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 14, 2022

It’s no surprise to us calculated contrarians—2022 is already looking like a volatile train wreck. With the Federal Reserve shutting off its money printer, cash is flowing away from the most speculative part of the stock market for the first time since early 2020.

Declines are likely to produce winners and losers. While profitless stocks are probably toast, dividend growers are likely to turn into darlings.

This is shaping up to be the year of the “dividend magnet.” If you don’t know what this is, here’s a crash course on the safest, surest way to make money from stocks in the months ahead.… Read more

This 9.2% Dividend is Ready for Rising Rates and Fed Hikes

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 12, 2022

Well, that escalated quickly.

We contrarians have been ready for rising interest rates—and long-term rates have indeed begun the year with a moonshot.

The Federal Reserve has been a big buyer of US bonds since the spring of 2020. If it weren’t for this “whale” buying $80 billion in bonds per month, long rates would likely be higher already.

How much higher is anyone’s guess. But now that the Fed is “tapering” its monthly purchases from $80 billion all the way to zero, everyone is rushing to place bets. And income investors are speculating that a fair rate for the 10-year is higher than here.… Read more

A “Dividends Only” Retirement Plan (Just $500K Needed)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 11, 2022

I was waiting in line at the California DMV recently, idly flipping through my phone, when I ran across this headline:

There Are More 401(k) and IRA Millionaires Than Ever …

Fidelity Investments—apparently happy to share its customers’ financial info anonymously—says it has more than 750,000 seven-figure 401(k) and IRA accounts.

A chunk of money is great, especially when we can leave it untouched and let it grow. That was no doubt the “secret” of 99%+ of these retirement millionaires. They socked away money for decades and rode the market higher. (They didn’t chase the crypto du jour!)

Soon it will be time to convert the pile of cash into cash flow that can pay the bills.… Read more

Introducing the 2022 Dogs of the Dow: 10 High-Yield Blue Chips Paying up to 4.9%

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: January 7, 2022

Once upon a time, it was hard to find an income strategy much better than the idiot-proof “Dogs of the Dow.”

And hey, in this wild market in which the S&P can drop 2% in a couple of hours, this sounds pretty good. Let’s buy some blue chips and earn 3x more income than the broader market.

Which Dogs are paying the biggest dividends for 2022? As a group these battleship businesses are paying 3.8% versus just 1.2% for the broader market. We’ll review them in a moment. First, the Dogs of the Dow rules:

  • Rule 1: After the final trading day of the year, identify the 10 highest-yielding stocks in the Dow.
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