These Funds Will Crush ETFs in ’22 (and Pay You 7%+ Dividends)
Michael Foster, Investment StrategistUpdated: January 3, 2022
If you invest in closed-end funds (CEFs), you’re already miles ahead of most folks. (And if you don’t, there’s never been a better time to try them—I’ll show you a tech-focused CEF whose payout triples the dividend on “regular” stocks in a moment.)
A Trillion-Dollar Monster
The main reason why most investors miss out on CEFs (which offer tantalizing yields of 7.3%, on average, as I write this), is that the CEF market is small, with only around 500 CEFs out there in total. Compare that to ETFs, which numbered around 7,600 last year.
In fact, last year, ETFs hit a big milestone: they attracted a trillion dollars in a single calendar year.… Read more