
I Sold for a 4X Return (Coulda Been 4,000%)

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: September 15, 2021

I sold this stock for a 4X return. It was a big gaffe.

Fortunately, my amends—a renewed recommendation—helped careful contrarian readers to 22% profits in just over three weeks!

We’ll talk about their haul in a moment. First, let me come clean with my hiccup.

Twenty years ago, when I was young, naïve, and relatively broke, I piled my life savings into Dick’s Sporting Goods (DKS). My massive $500 stake netted me about 25 shares.

DKS had recently gone public. I was completely “dialed in” to the offering, having spent much of my youth combing the aisles of the nearby Dick’s Amherst, NY retail location.… Read more

How We’ll Tap This Ignored Trend for 92% Upside, Accelerating Dividend Growth

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: September 14, 2021

Today I’m going to give you a shot at the next Texas Instruments (TXN), which has delivered a dividend that’s surged 104% since members of my Hidden Yields service bought it in 2017.

Or the next Jefferies Financial Group (JEF), whose dividend has popped 67% higher in the last year alone. 

The key to breakneck payout growth like this is investing in megatrends that reshape society. Right now, we’re tracking six:

  • Technology, as it reshapes all our lives in the COVID era.
  • Healthcare, as more people pay attention to their health (and more employers entice scarce workers with enhanced medical benefits).
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These 152 Funds Yield 7%+ (and they’re cheap now)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: September 13, 2021

What if I told you there are 152 funds out there that yield 7%+? And many of these stout income plays are even safer than the typical S&P 500 stock! They hold the household-name stocks we all know, as well as high-quality corporate bonds, senior loans, real estate investment trusts (REITs)—just about any asset class you can think of.

I’m guessing you’d be interested, especially with the S&P 500 dribbling out a pathetic 1.3% yield these days, and 10-year Treasuries paying 1.35% (and handcuffing our cash for 10 years in return!).

So today we’re going to dive into these 152 income juggernauts and tease out three of the best ones (average yield: 7.4%) for you to consider now.… Read more

These 2 Casino REITs are Odds On Favorites For Investors

Khai Nguyen, Senior Investment Analyst
Updated: September 15, 2021

I typically make a trip out to Las Vegas every couple of years, although the pandemic of late has busted those plans.

I’m a big fan of blackjack; it just always seemed like the one game at the casino I could play where my skills gave me an opportunity to win.

I was sitting at a table at the Tropicana on the Vegas strip a few years back, holed up with four other gamblers, hoping for a slow crawl to a big win at the tables.

I was playing small, only $15 per hand, but I got on a roll that seemed like it couldn’t be stopped.… Read more

5 Dividends Growing Up to 20% Per Year

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: September 10, 2021

Dividend Aristocrats are popular. Too popular, if you ask me.

I’ll concede that the surest, safest way big stock market gains is dividend growth. Over time, stock prices are literally pulled higher by their payouts. Their dividends act as magnets that pull their shares higher and make their shareholders rich.

The Aristocrats have delivered plenty of wealth. Heck, to be admitted to the club they must have a track record of 25 annual dividend hikes in a row. At minimum.

Which is fantastic past performance. Problem is, the stock market looks ahead.

Many of these stocks are slowing down. Some—such as Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and Coca-Cola (KO)—have elevated payout ratios of anywhere between 60% to 90%.… Read more

2 Big Dividends (up to 7.7%): 1 Winner, 1 Loser

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: September 9, 2021

Let’s talk about a fund that seems to tick all the dividend-and-growth boxes we income investors demand.

Low fees? Yep. High yield? How does a 7.7% payout (nearly six times the S&P 500 average!) sound? Low volatility? You got it: this one sailed through the 2020 COVID crash, compared to the pummeling the broader market took.

One thing you should know upfront is that the fund we’re going to delve into today is an ETF, not a closed-end fund (CEF)—though we will talk about an intriguing CEF in a moment, too.

At my CEF Insider service, we don’t usually talk much about ETFs—except to skewer them for their typically low yields!… Read more

Click Here to Boost a 20% Return to a 109% Moonshot

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: September 8, 2021

Contrary to popular opinion, we shouldn’t believe everything we read online. Even simple tasks such as counting dividends are often mishandled by our internet overlords.

Mainstream financial websites such as Yahoo! Finance and Google Finance should know better. Check out the misinformation they are spreading about our beloved PIMCO Dynamic Credit & Mortgage Income Fund (PCI). 

We added PCI to our Contrarian Income Report portfolio five years ago. If you bought PCI then, you’ve enjoyed $12.19 in dividends off an initial entry price of just $18.42. That’s a 66% “cash return” on our investment already!

But the charts provided by Yahoo and Google lost track of these dividends.… Read more

Yes, You Can Retire on Dividends Alone. Here’s How.

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: September 7, 2021

Do yourself a favor and shut out all the “experts” who say it’s impossible to retire on dividends alone. They’re just plain wrong! Because even today, with stocks soaring (and dividend yields in the tank), you absolutely can build a portfolio yielding a solid 7%+.

We’re going to do it now, and we’re going to do it easily—with just three funds. These funds—part of a unique asset class called closed-end funds (CEFs)— pay 7.6% between them, and the biggest yielder of the bunch throws off a huge 8.7% payout!

And they’re just the start.

A 7.6% dividend yield is enough to pay you $38,000 a year on just $500K invested, and you wouldn’t have to draw a single penny of your principal to get that cash stream.… Read more

This Overlooked Fund Turned $100K Into $508,800 (and Pays 7.8%!)

Michael Foster, Investment Strategist
Updated: September 6, 2021

It pains me when I see regular folks take the flawed “advice” to simply plow their money into an index fund and call it a day.

The biggest problem with this “strategy” is there’s basically no income: the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) yields just 1.2% today, so you’d need a million-dollar portfolio just to generate a pathetic $12,000 a year in dividends!

Poverty-level income on a million bucks! That’s unacceptable. And it’s precisely why I’m going to share a much better option with you—yielding an mammoth 7.8%—in a moment.

I was thinking about the “lazy” ETF strategy recently when I was reading a blog post by fintech startup Acorns, which suggested going with an ETF like the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI), which invests in a whopping 3,935 US companies of all sizes, and combining it with the Vanguard Total International Stock Index (VGTSX) for international exposure.… Read more

Three 5G REITs To Supercharge Your Retirement Portfolio

Khai Nguyen, Senior Investment Analyst
Updated: September 4, 2021

The big data explosion is finally here.

We’ve gone from no phones, to flip phones, to iPhones that let you buy groceries, make a stock trade, or even watch a movie on Netflix.

We are all using our phones more often and consuming more and more data.

In fact, mobile data usage has increased by nearly 60% per year for the last fifteen years!

Source: AMT Investor Presentation

It is however the advent of new technologies that have helped improve our access to things that might have once been considered unimaginable.

Enter 5G, which is known as the ‘fifth-generation mobile network’, and the newest technological evolution which will greatly improve speeds (up to 100x), responsiveness, and the ability to connect more devices.… Read more