2 Big Dividend Blunders Everyone Makes (and how we’ll tap them for payouts up to 12.7%)
Michael Foster, Investment StrategistUpdated: October 1, 2020
There is a proven way to grab sturdy double-digit dividends in this income-starved market.
Today we’re going to follow it. The secret? Take a contrarian approach to a group of stocks most folks have (wrongly) soured on. Those stocks would be real estate investment trusts (REITs), which yield just over 4%, on average, putting the 1.7% paid by the typical S&P 500 stock to shame.
And if you make the simple move I’ll show you shortly, you could easily triple that 4% payout! You’ll give yourself a solid chance of beating the typical REIT investor’s returns, too.
I’ll give you names and tickers in a minute, but let’s talk first about an obvious trap most investors are falling into with REITs these days.… Read more