Author Archive: Brett Owens

Chief Investment Strategist

How to Collect $3,000+ in Dividends per Month, Every Month

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 20, 2017

Most investors with $500,000 in their portfolios think they don’t have enough money to retire on.

They do – they just need to do two things with their “buy and hope” portfolios to turn them into $3,279 monthly income streams (or much more):

  1. Sell everything – including the 2%, 3% and even 4% payers that simply don’t yield enough to matter. And,
  2. Buy my 8 favorite monthly dividend payers.

The result? $3,279.69 in monthly income every month (from an average 7.6% annual yield, paid every 30 days). With upside on your initial $500,000 to boot!

And this strategy isn’t capped at $500,000.… Read more

Asset Allocation 101 for Dividend Investors

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 18, 2017

Last week, we outlined a smart, sound retirement income strategy funded by dividends alone. Now, let’s talk growth.

We’re already well ahead of the flawed 4% fallacy – the notion that you can (or should) sell some capital every year for retirement income. With our “no withdrawal” technique, we’re already keeping our capital intact – and collecting 8% yields to boot!

Believe it or not, we can do even better with some savvy asset allocation. If you’re not yet as filthy rich as you hoped you’d be by now, don’t worry – we still have plenty of time to get you there.… Read more

These Funds Will Triple Your Income in 2018

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 16, 2017

I’m going to get straight to brass tacks. Let’s discuss 2 closed-end funds with up to 18% upside in the next 12 months, plus yields up to 5.8%. Both are leading a blockbuster trend almost everyone has missed.

I say “almost” because if you’re a canny contrarian (and if you’re reading this I’m betting you are), you probably know what I’m going to say.

I’m talking about the quiet rebound in actively managed funds (that is, funds with real humans in charge), including CEFs.

So far this year, more than half of active managers are beating their benchmarks. And when human stock pickers take the lead, they keep it, like they did from 2001 to 2011.… Read more

5 Big Yields That Will Ruin Your Retirement

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 13, 2017

Today, I’m going to warn you about five stocks with yields of 7% or more that should be avoided at all costs. They are my next “dividend disaster” candidates that are likely to either reduce their payouts, or lose 20% or more in price, or both.

Big current yields have nothing to do with safety. Consider these year-to-date performances from high-yielding companies that started 2017 with juicy yields, but at some point cut or suspended their dividends:

  • Windstream: Yielded 7.5%, lost 75%
  • Mattel: Yielded 5.5%, lost 45%
  • GNC: Yielded 7%, lost 26%

I warned you to sell Mattel late last year, before its dividend cut.… Read more

This Popular Retirement Advice Will Leave You 76.2% Broke

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 11, 2017

How much money do you need to retire on dividends alone?

This is a better question to ask than the typical “magic number” formula that most “first-level” thinking firms tout. Let’s review why their approach is fatally flawed, so that we can derive a more reliable method of our own based in actual reality (and funded by actual dividend payments.)

Fidelity Says What?

You should aim to have 10 times your final salary in savings.

But why? I suppose they are claiming that, if you earned $100,000 in your final year working, that you’ll want to earn this much in income every year for the rest of your life.… Read more

3 Clicks for 19% Income and 1,500% Gains

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 9, 2017

Today I’m going to show you how to get in on America’s hottest real estate with zero fees and commissions.

And you can buy from the convenience of your brokerage account. Simply by typing in a few stock tickers.

Think about this “zero fee” thing for a moment: with the average realtor whacking clients with 6% in fees and commissions, we’re talking thousands of dollars of savings here!

Instead of paying these commissions, you’ll be able to collect them as monthly or quarterly payouts (or dividends) to fund your retirement. Here’s what you need to do first.

Your Job: Collect the Income

The fat rent checks from the properties we’re going to invest in (more on them below) will soon have you yielding double digits on your original buy.… Read more

5 Municipal Bond Funds That Put 6.6%-9.6% in Your Pocket

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 7, 2017

Think it’s time to sell – or avoid – tax-advantaged municipal bonds ahead of the upcoming tax battle?

Think again. There are several compelling reasons why muni bonds are still buys for most income-focused investors.

First, the top federal tax bracket will still be a hefty 35%. Which means, if you’re a top earner, munis will still boost your yield by more than one-third.

No matter what tax plan is approved, municipal bonds will continue to be tax-free at the federal level. The GOP isn’t touching the federal income tax exemption for municipal bonds, which means win or lose, Uncle Sam won’t touch that income (which means tax-equivalent yields up to 9.6%, which we’ll discuss shortly, will still be in play).… Read more

5 Rate-Proof REITs Paying Up to 12%? 3 to Buy, 2 to Avoid

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 6, 2017

“First-level” investors – those who buy and sell on headlines – mistakenly believe that real estate investment trust (REIT) profits will suffer if rates rise.

Sure, in the short run, the “rates up, REITs down” theory puts on quite the show. When the 10-Year Treasury’s yield rises, REITs usually fall. And when its yield drops, REITs usually rally. This inverse relationship tends to hold up over multiple days, weeks and even months:

A Short-Run Seesaw Between REITs and T-Bill Yields

The theory backing up this price action says that, because REITs borrow money to grow their property empires, they need cheap cash.… Read more

The Best 8% Dividends for a Bear Market

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 4, 2017

You’re not the only one worried about high stock prices.

The lurking (and perhaps overdue) bear has other income investors worried, too. So let’s talk about the best buys for those of you worried about a stock market pullback of 10%, or 15%, or more.

We’ll start with some stalwarts from our Contrarian Income Report portfolio that weathered the last storm. Ironically (and probably fittingly) it happened off the bat – we launched our service, and the S&P 500 promptly dropped 10%!

No problem for us, though. In fact, subscribers who focused on their own holdings rather than the financial news may have missed the broader carnage altogether.… Read more

3 Crash-Survival Tips Every Investor Should Know

Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist
Updated: October 2, 2017

It’s a question I’m hearing from a lot of investors these days, and it just came up again a few days ago:

How should I prepare for the next market crash?

It’s not hard to see why folks are worried about their nest eggs, with the S&P 500 bubbling along at 24 times earnings and the Fed talking about faster rate hikes.

So today I’m going to dive into 3 simple strategies I use to protect and grow my own money, starting with…

“Crash Insurance” Tip No. 1: The Best Defense …

When I’m looking for stocks that hold their own in a crash or snap back for big gains when the dust settles, I zero in on three things: hefty discounts, share buybacks and quick dividend growth.… Read more